Akron-Canton Section Sponsorship Opportunities
Our section is offering two sponsorship opportunities in 2016 for those companies interested in supporting the operations of the ASCE Akron-Canton Section. We have two donation levels available for you to choose:
- Newsletter Sponsorship - $100 donation - The Section will display your company's name with a hyperlink to the company's website in each monthly newsletter, for 12 months from donation receipt. Additionally, the Section will display your logo with a hyperlink your website on the Section's website here. Your donation would go directly to our Scholarship Fund.
- Newsletter & Business Meeting Sponsorship - $250 donation - This donation level consists of $100 donation for the Scholarship Fund and $150 for supporting our professional meetings. In addition to your company's name in our newsletter and on our website, your logo would be displayed on a PowerPoint slide at our monthly meetings, with a verbal mention as we begin the program. This would occur at a minimum of four meetings through the year. Your donation would help reduce the meeting cost to our members.
Please consider supporting our Akron-Canton Section with a Newsletter and/or Meeting Sponsorship for the 2016 calendar year. You can begin your Newsletter Sponsorship by mailing your company name, website address, and $100 check made out to "ASCE" to the address below. For Meeting Sponsorships, please email a digital copy of your company logo and mail a check for $250 made out to "ASCE" to the following address:
Amanda Foote 3189 Summit Road Copley, OH 44321 CAKasceSecretary@gmail.com