Legislative Update on Behalf of ASCCA's Lobbyist
Jack Molodanof
As of this writing, September 26, the Governor has 353 bills left on his desk, and has until September 30 to either sign or veto the remaining bills. The following key automotive repair bills are still pending...
ASCCA Instrumental in Defeating Assembly Bill 1174
On September 22, Governor Brown vetoed Assembly Bill 1174 (Bonilla), which would have required the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) to post on its website all complaints against an automotive repair dealer (ARD), without any due process. The bill also provided BAR citation and fine authority (up to $5,000 per violation) for shops making simple paperwork mistakes.
The bill created strong opposition and push back from the automotive industry as it would have been disastrous for all shops across California. Aware of the affect this bill would have on the automotive industry, ASCCA's governmental affairs team did intense lobbying that led to the Assembly Member agreeing to delete the objectionable sections from the bill. By the time AB 1174 reached the Governor's desk, it was so watered-down that he vetoed it, claiming it was "unnecessary and duplicative of existing practice at the Bureau."
ASCCA's Past President, Mary Kemnitz played a significant role in getting Assembly Member Bonilla to take out the objectionable sections by repeatedly meeting with Bonilla and her staff in the district and the Capitol. "Defeating this bill shows that taking our message directly to the Legislature is extremely significant and continued advocacy during the legislative process is key to ensuring our voices be heard." said Mary. "This also shows the importance of being a part of the ASCCA and the willingness of every member to come together to defeat harmful legislation."
Assembly Bill 2167 Signed into Law
On September 23, the Governor signed Assembly Bill 2167 (Achadjian) into law. This common sense reform will provide relief by allowing businesses to accept alternative forms of a tow truck driver's identification, such as a government authorized unique identifier, or a motor club driver's identification number when taking possession of a towed vehicle. It also clarifies that businesses taking possession of a towed vehicle must obtain specific information regarding the vehicle and the tow by the next business day, rather than the next day.
Last year, Assembly Bill 1222 (Bloom) created new requirements for towing operators to address the problem of "bandit tows." Also included were strict requirements for businesses that accept vehicles from tow operators that included obtaining detailed information with no exception. This created a lot of confusion for repair shops, primarily because shops are already required to record and store this information, regardless of whether or not the tow was consensual.
To address these concerns, a coalition of New Car Dealer's Association, tow truck association, ASCCA, Cal AutoBody Association, Cal-ABC, and AAA worked on developing AB 2167 to provide a "safe harbor" for shops that attempt in good faith to obtain information from tow operators but are unable to do so.
Legislative Bill Report - September 26, 2016
The State Legislative Bill Report details various bills that ASCCA is tracking. If you have any questions please contact ASCCA at
Advisory: Draining of Used Oil Filters
During recent inspections, the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) discovered a significant number of undrained or improperly drained used oil filters that were sent to metal recycling facilities by generators of those filters.
An Exclusive ESI Training Course and All Proceeds Go to ASCCA!
We have an exciting offer for ASCCA Members!
ASCCA and ESi have partnered together to offer an exclusive class where the entire registration fee will go directly to supporting the ASCCA!
Service Advisor Sales Training in Northern California
Sponsored by Kukui
Saturday, October 15th | 9:00 - 5:00pm
Click here
for more info
Click here
to register
ASCCA's November Team Weekend - November 12-13
Come and join the ASCCA at the November Team Weekend in Sacramento.
November 12-13, 2016
Embassy Suites Sacramento
Central Pacific and River City Ballrooms
100 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, CA 95814
Featured Remarkable Results Radio Podcast - Kevin Donohoe
Kevin Donohoe, a multi-shop owner says, "Our clients are the true heroes of this story! And our purpose is to serve them".
Kevin Donohoe's automotive story began in 1966 (at the age of six) when he discovered the thrill of working on cars and equipment with his neighbor Mr. C. He taught Kevin to appreciate how engines work, the value of asking questions and the thrill of discovery. By the time Kevin was ten he was fixing the neighbors' lawn mower engines, sharpening mower blades and repairing go carts and mini bikes. He realized at a young age he found his passion!
ASCCA's September Member of the Month - John Villa
The ASCCA Membership Committee is proud to announce that it has selected John Villa of Villa Automotive as the ASCCA Member of the Month for September 2016. Each month, an ASCCA member is recognized for going above and beyond to support ASCCA's Core Purpose: To elevate and unite automotive professionals and give them voice.
Countertop Display Contest Update - SoCal Still In the Lead
SoCal maintained their lead over NorCal.
As of September 19, the score is 90 from SoCal vs 83 from NorCal.
There are still bonus point opportunities for i
ncluding last year's display and
featuring the ASCCA Code of Ethics in the photo.
Send more entries today to Ryan at rking@amgroup.us.
To the left we have an entry from Made in Japan in Campbell.
CAT Fall 2016 Conference - October 14 - 15
The CAT Fall 2016 Conference will be held on October 14-15.
Fullerton College
321 E. Chapman Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92832
Contact: David Diaz (714) 732-5453
ASCCA recently announced its newest corporate sponsorship with Shop-Ware Inc., an innovative company that delivers cutting-edge shop management software. The shop management software promotes business wellness and maximizes productivity by casting traditional best practices in paperless, cloud-based applications. Founder Carolyn Coquillette, an ASCCA member and owner of Luscious Garage in San Francisco, is assisted by Chip Keen, former owner of Hansville Repair and founder/developer of Garage Operator.
Check out their shop management software that meets cutting-edge web technology by visiting
www.shop-ware.com. As a member benefit, all ASCCA members would receive their PRO plan at the SMS price for the first 6 months, saving you $900! Don't let this special offer pass you by.
Save up to 55% off hotels - Exclusively for ASCCA
Now that it's Fall, there's no better time to get the
best deals on hotels, available just for members of ASCCA. We've partnered with HotelStorm to offer our members
exclusive savings on hotels, continuing all season long. Whether you're planning to book Thanksgiving accommodations or traveling out-of-state to watch the leaves change with loved ones, you'll always get the best rates. Use password
Auto1234 to unlock savings.
New ASCCA Member Benefit - HR 360
HR 360 is free to any member who wishes to use it. The program is offered via CoreMark, our ASCCA endorsed health benefits provider.
In order to access this free benefit, ASCCA members need to contact Mat Nabity directly:
Click here to view the flyer with more information.
Each One Reach One: ASCCA 2016 Membership Drive with Contest and Raffle!
As a member of ASCCA, you understand the importance of strength in numbers. It's what helps ASCCA achieve its core purpose of elevating and uniting automotive professionals, and giving them voice
Each year, thousands of new bills are introduced in Sacramento, many of which will impact small business owners. Thanks in large part to members like you, we've helped forge important relationships with state policymakers, regulators, and other industry professionals. Leveraging these relationships, ASCCA has been able to weigh in on important legislative discussions in Sacramento that would directly affect your business and your bottom line. But we still need your help!
Click here to read the complete Each One Reach One flyer.
Visit the
ASCCA Member Resources page for more information including talking points on recent ASCCA achievements
which can be used as a leave-behind for new member recruitment.
Office Depot Deals Available Exclusively to ASCCA Members
ASCCA has worked with Office Depot to secure pricing so good that it rivals Fortune 500 pricing on each and every item that you purchase. If you haven't already, contact
Bill Lewis
, the ASCCA's Business Account Manager:
Upcoming ASCCA Chapter Events
September 28: Chapters 21, 99 and 1940 Meetings
Member Discount Alert! ASCCA Partners with Educational Seminars Institute (ESi) Again in 2016 for Discounted Courses
Seminar courses are normally $149.95. ASCCA members pay only $95 per attendee -- a savings of almost $55 per class! Service writer courses are normally $1,500. ASCCA members pay only $950 per attendee!
Click here to take advantage of this offer
iATN Discounts Available to ASCCA Members
The International Automotive Technicians Network (iATN) is the world's first and largest online network of automotive service industry professionals. Since 1995, iATN has been providing outstanding service industry resources to members worldwide. ASCCA members can enjoy a $9-per-month discount off of the regular price of iATN Business+ premium membership, at $45-per-month. This membership provides your shop with up to 5 premium access accounts.
Link to iATN's website
Are you taking full advantage of your membership in the ASCCA? Check out our Member Resources page to see the many benefits of being a member.
Thank You ASCCA Sponsors!
Contact Us
(800) 810-4272
Automotive Service Councils of CA
One Capitol Mall, Suite 800
Sacramento, CA 95814
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