
Legislative News


Recently the CSLB convened a zoom call to update the construction industry on its activities and a few legislative proposals. 

  1. Only 22% of licensees’ advertisements comply with CSLB legal requirements regarding the identify of the licensee and his/her license number.
  2. CSLB is on the Board of NASCLA … a national organization of more than 40 State license boards.
  3. CSLB is looking at developing a site for all other State licensees to see what our licenses are and what opportunities for reciprocity exist.
  4. Possible upcoming legislation: licensing construction managers, attorney fee awards for pool installation issues, qualifier bonds, and possible changes to licensure due to technical advancements/changes.

ASAC Urges Governor to Sign AB 2173


See below for letter.   We will send more as things develop.  

asac logo.png

ASAC | 916.905.1657 | |