January 2021
Happy New Year!
ARTS brief is designed to intrigue you while sharing useful information, events, happenings, and current news related to arts growth in our region. If you love what you see here, please forward this to your friends and encourage them to join our email list and subscribe.
2021 beckons. Stay strong!
Are you our next Poet Laureate?
The Clark County Arts Commission is seeking applicants for Clark County Poet Laureate. The position is for two years beginning April 15, 2021. This is a volunteer position. However, the Arts Commission is working to acquire financial support such as a stipend, grant or honorarium. Duties of the Poet Laureate include promoting poetry as an art form, expanding access to the literary arts, and encouraging poetry as a regional voice that contributes to a sense of place. Application deadline is midnight Friday, Jan. 22, 2021. Learn more.
Artstra to match funds to support Poet Laureate
We welcome the current call for applications for Clark County Poet Laureate with enthusiasm, a promise of financial support, and we ask the community to join. Artstra will match up to $1,500 to fund an honorarium for the Clark County Poet Laureate 2021-2023.  

Although the position is volunteer, expenses incurred in service to community are considerable. If you appreciate the unique voice and commitment to awareness of poetry as an art form that a poet laureate nurtures, please consider donating to Artstra for Clark County Poet Laureate 2021-2023. 

We ask much of our Clark County Poet Laureate. It is, in a sense, a job with high expectations, following the precedent of Clark County’s two previous Poets Laureate, Christopher Luna and Gwendolyn Morgan, who have and continue to contribute significantly to the growth of the literary community.
Christopher Luna, Clark County’s Inaugural Poet Laureate 2013-2017
Gwendolyn Morgan, Clark County Poet Laureate 2018-2020
Arts Center Community Survey: Results are in!
The City of Vancouver and Historic Trust, with support from Artstra, are working on a concept to repurpose the Vancouver police headquarters building (located at 605 E. Evergreen Blvd.) into the Arts Headquarters, a community arts center that could potentially offer studio space, classrooms, a gallery, and maker spaces.

We surveyed 388 people, including artists, makers, and interested community members in order to better inform the design and function of a potential arts center. Many thanks to all who participated!

Here are a few key results:
What types of art center programming would you like to see?
What would be your top priority?
How likely are you to use a community arts center?
Survey participants were asked to rank on a scale of 1 to 5 how likely they would be to use a community arts center as envisioned, with “1” meaning not at all likely and “5” meaning most likely. The average among 379 responses was 4.5.
What types of classes or activities would you be interested in?
What artistic disciplines are you involved in?
(Studio Space Survey participants)
Studio outside of home
Survey Space Survey participants were asked if they have separate studio space outside of their home. Of the 181 participants, 158 (87.2%) did not. 23 people (12.7%) said they had studio space outside of their home.
Interest in studio space in a community arts center
Of the 162 survey participants who said they had no separate studio space outside their home, 72 or 44% answered yes when asked if they would be interested in renting studio space in a community arts center if it were available.
First Friday Pick
Firehouse and Friends
Art at the Cave
Curated with the help of Firehouse Glass, January's exhibit at the Cave features a variety of glass works by local artists Evan Burnette, Josh Hancock, Andrew Lueck and Greg Lueck (pictured). Firehouse is located on Main and 6th Street in downtown Vancouver and offers studio rental, lessons and a gallery.

108 E. Evergreen Blvd., Vancouver
Artist resources during the COVID-19 pandemic
Our all-volunteer organization works toward building greater arts awareness, rewarding creative excellence, and expanding arts accessibility. We are working to facilitate long-term arts development for Southwest Washington. We envision a stronger arts infrastructure that includes an art center and a community-focused performing arts facility. 

Your support will help to make this vision a reality. Artstra's current programs include our annual Clark County Open Studios Tour and Poetry Moves, a collaborative effort that features the words of local poets on C-Tran buses. Both of these programs have already demonstrated the power of art in our lives to connect us, transform us, and fuel the economy.
Five ways to support the cause
If you love what Artstra is doing for our community, please consider the different ways that you can contribute.

1- Donate
Use PayPal to make a tax-deductible donation to Artstra. 
2- Declutter
Give useable items to Nifty and Thrifty at 6607 E. Mill Plain Blvd. And when those items sell, the money is split 50/50 with participating nonprofits. Just let them know your items are donated to benefit Artstra. 
3- Shop 
Link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Artstra using our code #84120. Just by using your rewards card number, and at no cost to you, every time you shop you'll help Artstra earn a quarterly donation from Fred Meyer.
4- Shop online 
Use this link to login to Amazon, and they will donate a portion of the proceeds from your purchase back to Artstra.
5- Volunteer 
Artstra is an all-volunteer organization. If you have specialized skills, especially in fundraising, outreach and marketing, we'd love to talk with you.
ARTS brief team
Cam Suttles, editor, designer 
Jackie Genis, contributing writer
Editorial Policy and submission guidelines
ARTS brief is intended to be useful to readers by offering a curated selection of stories and announcements related to the growth of arts in our region. Submitted items should be newsworthy. This means that arts-related items for content consideration must perform well in at least two of the following five areas: timing, significance, proximity, prominence, and human interest. Please submit materials to artsbrief@artstra.orgno later than the 25th of each month. Note that submission does not guarantee publication. We evaluate each submission to determine how it fits our goals for ARTS brief and whether the item under consideration aligns with the mission and vision of Artstra. We do not accept materials that primarily have a commercial objective.
About Artstra
Artstra is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization advocating for the arts in Clark County and southwest Washington. We envision a vibrant arts economy in our region, north of the Columbia River, with public/private investments and facilities that sustain artists and enrich community. Our mission is to elevate the arts, build greater arts awareness, reward creative excellence, and expand arts accessibility.