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JULY 11 to JULY 14



July 11th evening 6:30 to 8:30


Please join us as we celebrate our very own Lead Floral Designer Marissa at her very first ART SHOW.

You may have noticed her gorgeous FREE-HAND paintings at our NEW Studio! Painted directly on our walls !

Sooooooooo Beautiful !

& we have managed to convince her to create her beautiful botanicals on canvas. So we can offer them to you for purchase !

Marissa’s 4 Day Art Show - starts with a

Grand Opening Launch Party

On the Thursday Evening (July 11th) - you will need a ticket

- but good news ! The tickets are FREE !


The Show continues daily - Friday July 12 to Sunday July 14

With no need for a ticket - just drop by between 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

& now here is a little bit about our artist:


Marissa Schofield is a multidisciplinary artist based in Cambridge.

She graduated with a BFA in sculpture and installation

from OCAD University.

Marissa, heavily influenced by her eight years of

experience in floristry

and her love of gardening, incorporates her expertise

into her artistic practice

by creating intricate floral installations.

The ephemeral nature of her art, mirroring

the transience of her garden,

plays a vital role in her creative process.

Marissa's artwork, which ranges from paintings to murals,

embodies her deep passion for nature and its inherent beauty.

Through her pieces, she explores the delicate balance

between organic forms

and human intervention, often incorporating elements

of flora and fauna into her work.

Her installations evoke a sense of harmony with the natural world,

while her paintings and murals capture the vibrant colours

and textures found in gardens and landscapes.

Marissa's art invites viewers to reconnect with nature,

appreciate its beauty, and reflect on their relationship with the environment.

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