September 2023

ARPA Project Pulse Newsletter

As we start the autumn season, this issue of the ARPA Project Pulse will feature several projects in the category of Invest in Tools & Technology. With a total of 17 projects, this is the largest category by project count and contains many behind the scenes technical projects. The Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) system is complex with a number of technology systems and an enormous data infrastructure. These systems need continual maintenance and updates to adequately prepare for the future. The tools and technologies that HCPF uses not only impact our administrative functions, but each is integral to our providers’ ability to perform their contractual obligations and to provide care to our members. In addition, technological advancement is necessary to support our members and their families who rely on our systems to access services, seek resources, and gauge provider quality.

We hope that you learn something new about how technology is supporting the important work happening every day at HCPF!

~ The ARPA Team


Recruiting Digital Literacy Coaches and Member Learners

6.05 - Member Tech Literacy

Project Summary 

Like HCBS providers, many HCBS-enrolled members could benefit from greater use of electronic systems. Every day we are all expected to adopt new technologies that improve our lives and help us to access the things we need, including our healthcare. This includes accessing doctor's portals, utilizing email and text messaging reminder systems for appointment, or receiving services through expanding tele-health and tele-medicine options.

Under this project, HCPF has contracted with the Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE) to understand the technology literacy landscape for members served through Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and identify best practices for effective instruction in achieving desired outcomes including increased digital literacy and use among LTSS members. The outcome of this work is the development of a Digital Literacy Program aimed at improving the digital literacy skills of Colorado Medicaid recipients so they may better access online health information and services. This training program is designed for guided facilitation from trained Digital Literacy Coaches.

Examples of topics covered include:

  • Empowered Digital Health 
  • Understanding Security Risks
  • Using Email
  • Navigating to Digital Health Resources
  • Utilizing Website Portals
  • Troubleshooting Your iPad

All participants in this program (coaches and learners) will receive an Apple iPad to utilize for the entirety of the pilot. The device will be theirs to keep once the program has been completed. 

We are excited to announce that we are actively recruiting Digital Literacy Coaches and the members they work or live with to participate in this pilot.

Who is Eligible

Active HCBS Members and their Coaches (Providers, Advocates, Family, Friends) with broadband (high speed) internet access.

If you do not have broadband access and would like more information about how you may be able to obtain it, visit the Governor's Office of Information Technology's Broadband Office.

Description of the Role of the Digital Literacy Coach 

The roles and responsibilities of a Digital Literacy Coach include facilitating and guiding your training participants through the courses of the digital literacy curriculum successfully. It is essential for Digital Literacy Coaches to harness a person-centered mindset when coaching their participants. What we mean by person-centered mindset, is valuing the importance of providing a tailored learning experience based on your participants preferred learning styles, abilities, and prior knowledge.  

Digital Literacy Coach Requirements 

Time Commitment 

  • Coaches should be prepared to deliver two in-person 30-minute sessions (on average) per week. Some sessions may be 10 minutes longer or shorter. Coaches will determine days and times with their members (learners). 

  • Coaches will work with learners for about 8-10 weeks, starting no later than the week of Nov. 6, 2023. It’s possible that coaches and members (learners) will not get through all of the material, but it’s expected that the majority of courses will be completed by Dec. 22, 2023. 

  • Coaches should complete on-boarding training before starting sessions with their learners (total training time will be 3.5 hours). 

  • Coaches should be able to commit to a 15-minute weekly or bi-weekly remote check-in with the CIDE project team. This will be an opportunity for project team coaching and tech support. The project team will also be available by Zoom or email throughout the week. 

Required Skills 

Coaches should have a basic understanding of how to navigate electronic devices and the internet. Coaches should know how to browse the Internet, use Zoom, and send emails. Other tech expertise is not necessary. 

Member (Learner) Commitment 

  • Coaches will be responsible for coordinating with learners, including determining what days and times of the week work best for digital literacy coaching. 

  • Coaches must have access to learners already interested in participating in the program. 

  • Before they come to the first training session, coaches should have already talked to potential participants and described the main points of the curriculum to learners, including information like: 

  • Coaches and members (learners) will meet twice a week 

  • Courses may discuss topics such as: how to use an iPad; how to be safe online; how to send an email; how an iPad can be used to support access to healthcare  


  • We are asking that coaches be in-person with their participants. 

  • Coaches should have learners already that they have access to who are interested in participating (preference given to those who have more than one learner).  

  • Learners should be aware that they will get an iPad that they can then keep and that we are asking them to commit to twice-a-week sessions to learn about topics such as how to use an iPad, how to use email, how to be safe online, etc. Sometimes learning can be frustrating, sometimes learning can be fun.  

Digital Literacy Coach On-Boarding 

Session 1 (Week One): Roles and Expectations & High-Level Preview of Curriculum  

Time Commitment:  

The first training session will last one hour. Coaches will choose a session:

  • Wednesday, Oct. 18 from 9 to 10 a.m. MT
  • Wednesday, Oct. 18 from 1 to 2 p.m. MT
  • Thursday, Oct. 19 from 9 to 10 a.m. MT
  • Thursday, Oct. 19 from 1 to 2 p.m. MT


The purpose of this session is to ensure coaches have a clear, high-level understanding of the project. In this session, coaches will:

  • Understand the core objectives of the project.
  • Outline how the curriculum is structured and logistics for facilitating their coaching role.
  • Learn how to provide feedback effectively to curriculum developers.  
  • Opt-in to the program and “sign for” an iPad for themselves and their learners.

Session 2 (Week Two): How to Use the Digital Literacy Coach Guidebook 

Time Commitment:  

The second training session will last two and a half hours. Coaches will choose a session:

  • Wednesday, Oct. 25 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. MT
  • Wednesday, Oct. 25 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. MT
  • Thursday, Oct. 26 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. MT
  • Thursday, Oct. 26 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. MT


The purpose of this session is to introduce the coach facilitation guidebook and other learning materials. In this session, coaches will:

  • Sign into Moodle as coaches and navigate to learning resources and materials.
  • Learn how to use their iPad to access our Learning Management System (LMS) “Moodle.”
  • Watch a demonstration of Moodle including how to log in, pick a course, use interactive elements, access the glossary, earn badges, etc.
  • Locate and download the Digital Literacy Coach Guidebook.
  • Understand how to use the guidebook in conjunction with the Moodle learning materials.

Onboarding Considerations 

If a coach cannot make a training date, the CIDE team will attempt to schedule a make-up session.

How to apply to be a Digital Literacy Coach and Member Learner

If you are a member who would like to participate, please apply in coordination with your Coach. This could be a provider who you already work with, an advocate, or a family member.

If you are a coach who would like to apply, please ensure that you have at least one member (learner) who has agreed to participate. Their information and certification of approval to participate will be required.

Please complete the application form by Oct. 13. Eligibility determinations will be made based on the priorities below, when possible.

The pilot will prioritize:

  • Members from a diverse population of LTSS waiver recipients
  • Members and Coaches from across the state, including rural and frontier counties
  • Coaches who are able to work with multiple members in the pilot
Apply Today!

A New Resource for Primary Care Physicians Managing Chronic Pain Treatment

6.11 - Centers for Excellence in Pain Management

Many HCBS members deal with chronic pain and may be unsure how to access providers who are best equipped to help them manage their pain. Members and care coordination managers have provided feedback that there are Health First Colorado members unable to obtain adequate pain management services, despite their best efforts. HCPF recognizes there may be many reasons for this, including: 

  • Provider hesitancy due to scrutiny around opioid prescribing
  • HCBS patients may face additional obstacles relating to transportation and accessibility
  • The presence of mental health and substance use disorders can further complicate chronic pain treatment if not diagnosed and treated

Under this ARPA project, a program is being piloted to offer expanded pain consultation services and training to any primary care provider who would like support in managing treatment for HCBS members who live with chronic pain. The Pain Management Team includes a physician pain consultant and a pharmacist (PharmD) utilizing best practices in pain management to support the physical and behavioral health of these HCBS members.


Care coordination support for HCBS members is offered by HCPF to help resolve recurring issues. Examples include problems with prior authorizations, delays in care, expediting member referrals to pain specialists, and other issues that might be experienced by care coordination teams.

Continuing education (CE/CME accredited education) sessions are being offered free

of charge in partnership with the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy for

healthcare providers who would like to learn more about chronic pain treatment.


For more information or to submit a referral, contact Judy Shepard, Chronic Pain

Referral Coordinator in the HCPF Pharmacy Office, at

By The Numbers

6.06 - “Dollars to Digitize” Provider Digital Transformation and Electronic Health Record (EHR) Upgrades Grant Program

Second Round of Funding for HCBS & Behavioral Health Providers


Applications Received


Unique HCBS Organizations Represented in Applicants


Behavioral Health Organizations Represented in Applicants


Community Mental Health Centers Represented in Applicants

200,000 +

Members Served by Applicants Between April 2022 - April 2023

Awards for the second round of applications will be announced in November 2023!

Grant Incentives, Pilots, and Community Funding Opportunities

7.02 - Member Emergency Preparedness

Battery-based, Power Backup Systems

HCPF recognizes the importance of reliable and safe power backup in the event of an emergency power outage. As a result, this project is focusing on distributing battery-based, power backup systems to eligible Coloradans.

In order to apply for this program you must:

  • Be enrolled in Health First Colorado, Colorado's Medicaid program,
  • Utilize life-sustaining equipment that requires electricity to operate,
  • Complete an application where you will be asked about your life-sustaining device(s) that require electrical power to operate. This includes equipment prescribed by a doctor for mobility and/or home use. Devices used for therapy generally do not qualify.

Examples of life-sustaining equipment include, but are not limited to:

  • Chair Lift
  • Dialysis Machine
  • IV Infusion Pump
  • Medication Refrigeration
  • Oxygen Concentrator
  • Power Wheelchair
  • Ventilator

If a member lives in a licensed residential setting such as a group home, supported living program, or alternative care facility, they won't be eligible because these facilities are already required to have backup power supplies for residents. Each application will be reviewed by staff from the Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering and HCPF. Applications will be approved based on medical needs and the availability of Backup Power Supplies.

Application Due Date: Ongoing while devices are available

For more information about eligible devices and details about the program, visit the Surviving in Place website.

Apply Today!

7.02 - Member Emergency Preparedness


HCPF recognizes the importance of being prepared for an emergency or evacuation. With funding made available through ARPA and in collaboration with The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE), HCPF will be distributing pre-assembled, starter Emergency Go Kits to eligible Health First Colorado members. An Emergency Go Kit is a collection of essential items specific to your needs that you can quickly grab and take with you in an emergency or evacuation. 

You must be enrolled in Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) to qualify for this program. If you are interested in receiving an Emergency Go Kit, please complete the brief application. Once received, the application will be reviewed, information verified, and an eligibility determination is made. There is a limited supply and a final decision will be made on eligibility and the availability of the kit materials. All applicants will be notified of their determination within two months of receipt of the application. Send all questions to Julia Beems at 303-315-1284 or

Application Due Date: Ongoing as supplies are available

For more information, visit the Surviving in Place website.

Apply Today!

1.05 Training Fund Grants Open for Individual Direct Care Workers and HCBS Providers 

HCPF is offering short-term grant funding to incentivize and expand training opportunities for the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) workforce. The grants will fund higher-level skills that will promote greater retention within the HCBS workforce. The maximum award amount per application for direct care workers is $500 and for HCBS providers is $100,000.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Individual, age 18 or older, who is currently working in a direct care role within any of Colorado’s Home & Community-Based Service (HCBS) Waivers; or
  • Individual, age 18 or older, who desires training to enter direct care within Colorado’s HCBS Waiver workforce; or
  • Also included within this workforce, are Certified Nurse Aides and Home Health Aides within Long-Term Home Health; or
  • Currently enrolled Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver providers; and
  • Training vendor/provider that develops/delivers training/specialization for the HCBS workforce. 

Interested in learning more about how this grant could support higher-level skills for the HCBS workforce?

Visit the grant program information page to get more details and apply today!

Questions? Email us at 

6.05 - Member Tech Literacy

Under ARPA 6.05 - Member Tech Literacy, HCPF has contracted with the Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE) to understand the technology literacy landscape for members served through Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and identify best practices for effective instruction in achieving desired outcomes including increased digital literacy and use among LTSS members. The outcome of this work is the development of a Digital Literacy Program aimed at improving the digital literacy skills of Colorado Medicaid recipients so they may better access online health information and services. This training program is designed for guided facilitation from trained Digital Literacy Coaches.

To be eligible, learners must be active Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) Members receiving Home and Community Based Services and have broadband internet access. (If you do not have broadband access and would like more information about how you may be able to obtain it, visit the Governor's Office of Information Technology's Broadband Office for more information.)

All participants in this program (Coaches and Learners) will receive an Apple iPad to utilize for the entirely of the pilot. The device will be theirs to keep once the program has been completed.

The application is for Coaches and their Designated Learners (Heath First Colorado Members) to apply together. Members must agree to participate in the program to be approved. 

The pilot will prioritize:

  • Members from a diverse population of LTSS waiver recipients
  • Members and Coaches from across the state, including rural and frontier counties
  • Coaches who are able to work with multiple members in the pilot (up to 4 allowed on the application)

For more information about expectations and pilot details visit the HCPF ARPA Webpage for 6.05 - Member Tech Literacy

Application Due Date: Oct. 13, 2023. Approvals will occur on a rolling basis and you will be notified of your decision no later than Oct. 16, 2023. 

For questions, contact

Apply Today!

Upcoming ARPA Stakeholder Engagement

To see all the meetings listed below on a calendar or to find meeting materials and recordings from previous ARPA-related Stakeholder Engagement, visit the ARPA Stakeholder Engagement webpage anytime.

Community First Choice (CFC) Council

The Community First Choice (CFC) Council collaborates with and advises HCPF on the design and implementation of a CFC option in Colorado. The CFC Council consists primarily of individuals with disabilities, those 65 years or older, and their representatives to help ensure CFC is implemented in a way that best meets the needs of Coloradans with disabilities.

All interested stakeholders are welcome. CFC Council meetings will be held monthly on the first Wednesday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. MT 

If you need assistance accessing the meeting webinar link or call-in number, contact the CFC team. For more information, see the Community First Choice Stakeholder Opportunities webpage.

The meeting will be held:

Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023

10 to 11:30 a.m. MT

Join via Google Meet

Join via Phone:

1-260-230-1249, PIN: 719 313 221#

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Virtual Listening Session: Justice-Impacted Communities

HCPF is hosting a series of listening sessions for Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) members and family members who are impacted by the criminal justice system. HCPF staff want to hear feedback, suggestions, and member experiences to help identify gaps in services and needs of this community. HCPF staff will ask questions about your experience enrolling in Health First Colorado and using your benefits.

There also will be opportunities for people to give anonymous feedback.

The meetings will be held:

Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023


Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2023


Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023

9 to 10 a.m. MT

Register Here

- - - -

In-Person Listening Session: Justice-Impacted Communities

HCPF is hosting a series of listening sessions for Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) members and family members who are impacted by the criminal justice system. HCPF staff want to hear feedback, suggestions, and member experiences to help identify gaps in services and needs of this community. HCPF staff will ask questions about your experience enrolling in Health First Colorado and using your benefits.

There also will be opportunities for people to give anonymous feedback.

The meeting will be held:

Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023

9 to 10 a.m. MT

Penrose Aspen Room at Penrose Library

20 N Cascade Ave

Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Register Here

- - - -

Older Adults Stakeholder Meeting

The purpose of the Older Adult Stakeholder meeting is to inform older adult stakeholders about HCPF's work, to gather feedback, and to identify opportunities for collaboration. All interested stakeholders are welcome.

The Older Adults Stakeholder will be focusing its meetings on receiving input from older adult stakeholders on the following American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) initiatives. If you have interest in any of these initiatives, please join us:

ARPA Initiative 4.01: Residential Innovation - (Includes Innovative Models of Care Grant) HCPF has contracted with a vendor to conduct a models of care analysis, including stakeholder engagement, to develop recommendations about innovative services that could be considered to enhance community residential services for adults as they age.

ARPA Initiative 4.07: New Systems of Care Grant Program - HCPF has contracted with a vendor to develop a one-time grant program for community partners to implement innovative practices to better support adults in the communities they want to live in as they age.

ARPA Initiative 4.02: Promote Single Occupancy - HCPF has developed a one-time grant program to incentivize residential providers to promote individualized rooms in residential environments where people do not have to share bedrooms. HCPF is also contracting with a vendor to conduct an analysis of new and emerging best practices in promoting single occupancy rooms.

The meeting will be held:

Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023

10 to 11 a.m. MT

Join via Google Meet

Join via Phone:

1-443-606-2203, PIN: ‪505 443 051#

- - - -

Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request for persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids and services for individuals with disabilities and language services for individuals whose first language is not English may be provided upon request. Please notify John Barry at 303-866-3173 or or the 504/ADA Coordinator at at least one week prior to the meeting to make arrangements.

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