January 2023

ARPA Project Pulse Newsletter

Welcome to the first issue of the ARPA Project Pulse for 2023! All of the Project Leads, the ARPA Team, and Department leadership are excited to continue working with stakeholders as we progress in our implementation of the 60+ transformative projects that ARPA is funding.

This newsletter will continue to serve as a resource for information and updates about key projects each month while focusing on one of our eight project categories:

This month's issue will begin by focusing on new updates to the category of Strengthen the Workforce & Enhanced Rural Sustainability.

We hope you find new information, updates to projects you've been following, or a meeting or stakeholder opportunity that you're interested in being a part of.

If you have any feedback for the ARPA team about this newsletter, please don't hesitate to share your thoughts by replying to this email.

We look forward to another busy year together!

~ The ARPA Team

Call To Action

Training Fund Grants

Through Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, the Department is offering short-term grant funding to incentivize and expand training opportunities for the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) workforce with the goal of increasing recruitment and retention. Maximum award amount per application request is $100,000. 

Eligible applicants include:

  • Currently enrolled HCBS waiver providers; or
  • Training vendor/provider that develops/delivers training/specialization for the HCBS workforce.

The first grant cycle closed and eight (8) awards were offered. The second grant cycle will wrap up Jan. 31, 2023, with more awardees to be announced soon. Grant awardees from the first grant cycle will be executing a number of exciting new training programs, including but not limited to: training homemakers to become personal care workers, establishing a direct care worker mentorship program, educating staff on Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias, training on Crucial Conversations, home care training for members experiencing mental health disorders, and collaborative safety. 

If you are interested in learning more about how this grant could support higher-level skills for the HCBS workforce, information about the grant and the application link are here.

There are up to four (4) more grant cycles left this year! Feel free to reach out to hcpf_dcworkforce@state.co.us with any questions and to learn when the next Training Grant informational webinar will be hosted.

Project Feature:

Data Infrastructure Project Survey

Staff Stability Survey

This project is a collaborative effort between ADvancing States, Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), and the states who participated in the pilot in the fall of 2022 to capture state and national-level data regarding the stability and quality of the workforce supporting older adults and people with physical disabilities. The pilot survey collected information from providers on the demographics of their direct care workforce, number of people being served, turnover rates, length of employment, vacancy rates, hourly wages, benefits, and recruitment & retention strategies. Once the data is aggregated and utilized for a national report, Colorado will also participate in the updated survey to be administered later in 2023. Information about the next Staff Stability survey, including how to participate and results is here.

Direct Care Worker Surveys

Surveying of direct care workers will provide the Department with baseline data to better understand their current satisfaction with different aspects of their work in Colorado. Working with an independent contractor, Vital Research, the Department has created a survey asking about direct care workers’ satisfaction with compensation, benefits, career advancement, training, and overall satisfaction at work. Two administrations of the survey will provide data and information to HCPF to help determine what actions can be taken to improve the current crisis and decisions that may strengthen the direct care workforce in the long term. The first administration is currently live and is due to close on Jan. 31, 2023, and the second administration will occur in August of 2023. Information about the Direct Care Worker survey, including how to participate and how results will be shared is here.

Stakeholder Spotlight: Government Performance Solutions, Inc (GPS)

Names: Kate Newberg, Erin Ulric, Greg Bellomo

Titles: Principal Consultants, Managing Partner

Project: Workforce Compensation Research (APRA 1.09)

Tell us a little about GPS and what you do.

Government Performance Solutions, Inc. (GPS), is a Colorado firm dedicated to public sector excellence. We are in our 10th year of operation and have a team of seven seasoned professionals. We work with state, local, and nonprofit organizations to facilitate strategic, inclusive collaboration so Colorado’s diverse communities benefit from practical, equitable solutions to society’s most significant challenges. 

Kate, Erin, and Greg each bring more than 15 years experience helping Colorado’s public and nonprofit organizations engage, partner, and deliver services through:

  • Strategic planning
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Operational excellence
  • Organizational effectiveness
  • Collective impact 

The GPS team uses person-centered interactions to maximize accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion by integrating the diverse lived experiences of members, employees, and other stakeholders. 

Tell us how your day-to-day work relates to the ARPA project you are involved with.

GPS clients include other state and local agencies whose workforces face similar issues, such as early childhood, public health, and education. This broader view provides us with an opportunity to share success stories and work with other agencies to leverage proven strategies. We understand both the earnest desire to increase worker pay and the constraints agencies operate under when it comes to available funding and access. 

Please share with us how this project was identified as a need?

As part of its initiatives to strengthen the workforce and enhance rural sustainability, HCPF identified the ARPA project Initiative 1.09 Workforce Compensation Research. The Department engaged GPS to research innovative opportunities for increasing compensation and benefits for the direct care and case management workforces beyond just wage increases. The research included not only other states, but also sectors experiencing similar workforce pressures. GPS engaged stakeholders throughout the project as a means of gathering suggestions and confirming which ideas resonated most with workers. The Department understands that the needs of these workforces must be met so Coloradans continue to receive high-quality care today and in the coming years. 

How are you engaging with the continuum of HCBS stakeholders to inform this project?

We are engaging stakeholders throughout the project using a variety of methods including interviews, virtual group discussion, virtual note boards to allow stakeholders to provide feedback when they have time, and survey data from both the direct care workforce and the case management workforce.

Meaningful practical solutions depend upon having balanced perspectives across various stakeholder groups. GPS is using a variety of methods to engage stakeholders such as:

  • Direct Care Workers and Case Managers—Engaged via a Department survey and during Direct Care Workforce (DCW) Collaborative meetings. Workers were asked to provide feedback during the meeting, as well as after the meeting on a virtual note board. Workers shared which ideas they deemed to be most impactful, concerns with the ideas, as well as sharing new ideas.

  • Organizations—Engaged leaders at organizations who are also working with the direct care and case management workforces via tailored interviews.

  • Advocates, Workers’ Rights Groups, and Providers—Engaged via DCW Collaborative meetings and asked to share a virtual note board with colleagues and other stakeholders to provide feedback. 

What innovative opportunities for increasing compensation for the HCBS workforce are you most intrigued by?

Our research confirmed that most (if not all) states are experiencing similar struggles with recruiting, supporting, and retaining both direct care and case management workforces. So, we conducted research on comparable workforces and discovered three areas that are both exciting and potentially feasible, as options the Department may support, which include:

  • Tiered compensation with clearly defined competencies associated with each tier; equitable access to training; and clearly-defined reimbursement rates to support the tiered compensation

  • Peer mentoring for workers to support one another with skill development and career navigation resulting in lower turnover

  • Other benefits such as workforce housing, supplemental payments to support performance and retention bonuses, and other indirect financial support (e.g., health insurance, paid time off, etc.)

We also heard from direct care workers that non-financial assistance, such as flexible work schedules, recognition, and safe work practices, is another way to support and value them and their profession.

What are you most excited about as it relates to this project?

The Department staff are committed to exploring options within the Department’s authority and scope to better support both direct care and case management workforces. Pursuing these practical, impactful solutions will improve the lives of direct care workers, case management workers, and ultimately of the Coloradans they care for.

To learn more about GPS, please visit www.governmentperformance.us or contact Greg Bellomo at greg@governmentperformance.us

Open hands receiving a coin

Grant Opportunities

View the complete list of ARPA Grant Opportunities 

Open Grants Requesting Applications:

Upcoming Grants Requesting Applications:

Upcoming ARPA Stakeholder Engagement

To see all the meetings listed below on a calendar or to find meeting materials and recordings from previous ARPA-related Stakeholder Engagement, visit the ARPA Stakeholder Engagement webpage anytime.

Community First Choice (CFC) Council

February 2023 Meeting


The CFC Council collaborates with the Department on the design and implementation of a CFC option in Colorado. The CFC Council needs input from Coloradans with Disabilities, Coloradans over 65 years or older, and advocates to help ensure CFC is implemented in a way that best meets Colorado’s needs. Everyone is welcome!

CFC Council meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., through May 2023. These meetings are open to the public.

The next meeting will be held:

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023

10 a.m. - 12 p.m. MT

February Meeting Focus: Budget Team & Stakeholder Engagement Survey

Join via Google Meet

Join via Phone:

1-260-230-1249, PIN: 719 313 221#

Meeting information will be posted on the Community First Choice Stakeholder Opportunities webpage.

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ARPA 2.02 Statewide Mobile Crisis Response: General Technical Assistance

This is an opportunity for any interested stakeholders to ask questions and receive support for the Mobile Crisis Medicaid benefit implementation. This meeting will include full program updates and is recommended if you can only attend one meeting a month. All interested stakeholders are welcome.

These meetings will occur on the first Thursday of the month, from 11 a.m.- 12 p.m. MT, through at least July 2023.

The meeting will be held:

Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023

11 a.m. - 12 p.m. MT

Join via Google Meet

Join by Phone:

1-361-248-9976, PIN: ‪239 867 541#

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 ARPA 6.05 Member Tech Literacy - Stakeholder Opportunities

Feedback Sessions & Surveys


The Department is excited to announce several opportunities for stakeholders to provide valuable insight into how members utilize technology and digital tools in their interaction with their benefits and in their daily lives. 


In partnership with the Center for Inclusive Design & Engineering (CIDE), a part of the University of Colorado Denver (UC Denver), the Department invites providers, members, families, and advocates to sign up for a 90-minute feedback session or to complete a survey to better understand potential gaps in the digital literacy of Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) members and how these gaps may impact access to health care information and services.


Information gathered from these sessions and from the survey will be used to inform the development of a new digital literacy curriculum for Medicaid LTSS members with the goal of enhancing digital equity.

Member/Family/Advocate Feedback Session 

One feedback session will be hosted to hear directly from members, families, and their advocates about any trouble members have using the internet to get health care services and information. 


  • Each session will be virtual and should last about 90 minutes. 
  • Robust participation and interaction will be expected of all those attending.
  • Attendance will be capped at the first 12 individuals to register for the event to ensure an appropriate group size for the session.


The Member/Family/Advocate Feedback Session will be held:


Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023

11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. MT

This Session Is Full

Join A Waiting List


For Questions and Accommodation Requests

Please contact Jim Sandstrum at jim.sandstrum@ucdenver.edu if you have any questions or need accommodations to participate.


Member/Family/Advocate Survey

If you are a provider, member, family member, or advocate who would like to share your experiences but cannot attend or do not want to attend a live feedback session, please complete one of our surveys to share your thoughts. The surveys will remain open past the dates of the feedback sessions to ensure a robust response. Please feel free to share these surveys with other providers in your network who work with Medicaid members, friends who are members, or other advocacy organizations. 

Member/Family/Advocate Survey Link

Provider Feedback Sessions

Two feedback sessions will be hosted to learn from Medicaid providers from across the state. 


Medicaid service providers' understanding of the digital capabilities of the Medicaid members they serve is invaluable. The proposed feedback session will explore the provider experience of working with adult members attempting to use health care services and information.


  • Each session will be virtual and should last about 90 minutes. 
  • Providers only need to attend one of the two sessions offered. 
  • Robust participation and interaction will be expected of all those attending.
  • Attendance will be capped at the first 12 individuals to register for the event to ensure an appropriate group size for the session.

The Provider Feedback Sessions will be held:


Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023

11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. MT

Register Here




Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023

2 - 3:30 p.m. MT

Register Here


Meeting information will be sent directly to participants following successful registration. Reminder: Registration will be closed after the first 12 registrations for each meeting.

For Questions and Accommodation Requests

Please contact Jim Sandstrum at jim.sandstrum@ucdenver.edu if you have any questions or need accommodations to participate.

Provider Survey

If you are a provider who would like to share your experiences but cannot attend or do not want to attend a live feedback session, please complete this survey to share your thoughts. The survey will remain open past the dates of the feedback sessions to ensure a robust response. Please feel free to share this survey with other providers in your network who work with Medicaid members.

Provider Survey Link

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ARPA 2.02 Statewide Mobile Crisis Response: Administrative Service Organization (ASO) and Regional Accountable Entity (RAE) Technical Assistance

This is an opportunity for ASOs & RAEs to ask questions and receive technical assistance related to implementing the Mobile Crisis Medicaid Benefit. All interested stakeholders are welcome to attend.

These meetings will occur on the second Thursday of the month, from 11 a.m.- 12 p.m. MT, through at least July 2023.

The meeting will be held:

Thursday, Feb. 9, 2022

11 a.m. - 12 p.m. MT

Join via Google Meet

Join via Phone:

Join via Phone: 240-560-3613,PIN: ‪440 764 383#

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ARPA 2.02 Statewide Mobile Crisis Response: Member & Community Technical Assistance

This is a meeting for Health First Colorado members and the community to ask questions and receive technical assistance related to implementing the Mobile Crisis Medicaid benefit. All interested stakeholders are welcome to attend.

These meetings will occur on the third Thursday of the month, from 11 a.m.- 12 p.m. MT, through at least July 2023.

The meeting will be held:

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023

11 a.m. - 12 p.m. MT

Join via Google Meet

Join via Phone: 920-476-8490,PIN: ‪166 459 822#

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HCBS Provider Training Fund Grant Application Process Webinar

This is an informational webinar, intended for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Providers, relating to the ARPA 1.05 Provider Training Grant. This training will provide a walk-through of the training grant application and budget workbook. The webinar will be recorded and posted on the Department website. Additional webinars will be scheduled for future grant cycles. HCBS providers will be interested in this webinar.

Visit the ARPA 1.05 Grant portion of the ARPA webpage for information on the Request for Applications or other information on the grant program.

The meeting will be held:

Tuesday Feb. 21, 2023

12:30 - 1:30 p.m. MT

Join via Zoom

Meeting ID: 993 1700 7314 , Passcode:396389

Join via Phone:

(Toll-free) 877-853-5257

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ARPA 2.02 Statewide Mobile Crisis Response: Providers and Potential Providers Technical Assistance

This is a meeting for providers and potential providers to ask questions and receive Technical Assistance related to implementing the Mobile Crisis Medicaid benefit. All interested stakeholders are welcome to attend.

These meetings will occur on the fourth Thursday of the month from 10 - 11 a.m. MT, through at least July 2023.

The meeting will be held:

Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023

10 - 11 a.m. MT

Join via Google Meet

Join via Phone: 929-277-6449, PIN: ‪192 128 446#

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Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request for persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids and services for individuals with disabilities and language services for individuals whose first language is not English may be provided upon request. Please notify John Barry at 303-866-3173 or John.R.Barry@state.co.us or the 504/ADA Coordinator at hcpf504ada@state.co.us at least one week prior to the meeting to make arrangements.

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