September 2024 Newsletter

Thank you for your interest in the ARDA and our mission of bringing you free, high-quality data on religion. Each month, we highlight the newest data sets and resources available through the ARDA.

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Newest Data Set Additions:

Explore the most recent data sets on the ARDA:

Ahead of the Trend:

Check out the latest Ahead of the Trend columns by Dr. Ryan Burge and keep an eye out for the new Ahead of the Trend newsletter.

Who Hasn’t Heard About Christian Nationalism?

There’s not a more discussed concept in American religion and politics right now than Christian Nationalism, especially on social media. A 2022 survey from the Public Religion Research Institute and Brookings sought to determine how widely this term was actually recognized by the public.

Should Pornography Be Completely Banned?

The General Social Survey has been asking about the legality of pornography in nearly every survey they have conducted since 1973. The question is set up this way: Which of these statements comes closest to your feelings about pornography laws?

Feature of the Month:

Guiding Papers

The ARDA Guiding Paper Series allows prominent scholars to provide guidance on the study of religion and new research agendas. These papers provide new insights on religion and sociology from rethinking common assumptions to providing modern context to decades-old concepts.

This Months Historical Events:

In September, there are many anniversaries of significant events in religious history. These include the beginning of Charles Finney's Rochester Revival, the publication of Pope Pius X's encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis (1907), Billy Graham's Los Angeles Crusade (1949), and the 9/11 terrorist attacks (2001).

In addition to reading about these single events, you can delve into substantially more religious history by viewing any of our nine interactive timelines. These include specific timelines dedicated to religious groups, women, race/ethnicity, and more.

Social Media Conversations:

Join the conversation about religious data on social media by following us on X/Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Threads.

In August, we featured our U.S. Religion Census learning module (X), a throwback to a 2021 Ahead of the Trend article on welcoming refugees (LinkedIn), our online Maps resource (Threads), and the Community Profile Builder (Facebook).

Updated MARC Files:

The ARDA has over 1,100 MARC files that can be downloaded free of charge on our website. We've recently updated these files for our 10 newest Learning Modules.

You can explore the entire library of MARC data here.

Submitting Data to the ARDA:

Do you have a data source that you would like to store in our archive? The process is safe, easy, and convenient. We even have resources to reimburse you for your time. Get the process started by clicking on the link below. If you know of a data source that you'd like us to pursue, please let us know at Download the submission form here.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

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