July 13-16, San Jose, CA
Transit board members and board administrators come together for peer exchange and professional development on board governance and policy development.
July 29-30, Fort Worth, TX
This conference brings together state DOTs, public transit agencies, and partnering organizations for two days of general sessions and breakout meetings.
Aug. 4-7, Philadelphia, PA
APTAtech examines advancements in fare collection and revenue management, emerging and innovative technologies, cybersecurity, and mobility.
Aug. 18-21, Washington, DC
A focus on sustainable development, facilities planning, clean bus technologies, route design and service planning, and more, including technical tours.
Registration Discount Ends June 28.
Aug. 21-23, Washington, DC
An exchange of ideas and best practices for successful strategies in recruiting, reskilling, and retaining the public transit workforce.
Registration Discount Ends July 5.
Sept. 29-Oct. 2, Anaheim, CA
The flagship public transportation event. Explore transformative technology, community building, safety and security, workforce development, worldwide mega projects, and more.