March 2023

President Message

Dear Members,

I hope everyone is enjoying the first signs of Spring! Not too much from an update

perspective as I sent you all some updates from CSM. The National APTA slate has been set by nominating committee for national positions. I encourage you to take a look. If you have any specific questions that you would like us to ask, please let us know. The Northeast Caucus will be combining efforts again this year to interview the candidates, we set the bar last year by doing it collaboratively to decrease the burden on candidates and on the delegations.

I would like to also recognize our collaborative efforts with our other states. MA and CT

Neurology SIGs are doing their first combined event. We have been working over the past few

years to elevate the SIGs by trying to share resources across state lines and create a smaller

network of individuals within our management group. We are excited to pilot it with the Neuro

SIG and hopefully collaborate with others shortly thereafter. Special thanks to the Neuro SIGs

leadership in making this happen.

Friday March 17th will be the grand return of Irish Coffee hosted by our Lobbying team.

Myself and Vic Vaughan will be there to drink some coffee and reconnect with some legislators.

If you have ongoing communications with our representatives, let them know that we will be

there and to come say hello. We continue to keep an eye on potential bills and have ongoing

conversations within our committee and board of directors on initiatives that would benefit from

our support. Please let us know if there are any efforts that would be meaningful for your

communities and our profession. You can keep an eye on the bills by going to the CT general

assembly website.

April will soon be upon us, which means our first of our two major non-dues fundraiser

events will be occurring. Owens Recovery Science will once again be here on April 22nd. For

more information and to register, check out our website. Please keep the date for the golf

tournament on your calendar, June 27th, and if you have any raffle prizes, competition ideas, or

sponsorships, please let us know! Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you there.

I do want to ask for some assistance from membership. We are looking to get some

feedback and engagement from our PTA colleagues, member or non-members. If you have a

PTA working for your group, or are a PTA yourself, please reach out to me. We would really like

your input.

Lastly, we are looking to update our bylaws per some of the changes that came out of

the house of delegates, but also, in recognition that it has been a few years since they have

been updated. We have a task force that is starting to meet, if you are interested, or have some

recommendations please let us know! There may also be some student sponsorship

opportunities for this summer’s leadership Congress. So if there are some students that you

would like to recognize and grow as leaders, please connect with someone on the board.

As always, I appreciate your attention, your feedback and value your membership within

our amazing community and association. If you need anything, reach out any time.


Stefanie Bourassa President, APTA CT


Pediatric Oncology: Prosthetic Interventions and Overcoming Limb Loss

April 19 (Date Change)

Personalized Blood Flow Restriction

April 22

New England Student Conclave

April 1

Student SIG: Full Circle Hot Yoga

March 25

Neurology SIG: CSM Highlights2023

April 12

APTA CT Golf Tournament: June 27


Behind the mask: The many faces of long covid and the PT's role in identifying them

April 12

Neuro SIG: Functional Neurologic Disorders

April 17


Behind the Mask: Long Haul COVID and it's implications for PT

March 28


LSVT BIG training and certification

March 24 and 25

Blood Flow Restriction

Save the Date: Sept 9

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Payment and Legislative Updates

Submitted by Karleen Cordeau, APTA CT Practice Chair

I had the pleasure of attending this year’s APTA CSM in San Diego. I attended the Practice, Payment and Legislative Chairs meeting. I met new representatives from other states and discussed 2022 accomplishments and was introduced to tasks for 2023. 

Some information I would like to share:

1.     Standards for productivity is a topic that will be discussed at this year’s APTA leadership congress on July 21st in Washington, DC.

2.     The guide of PT Practice has been broken up into 37 sections making it easier to search for tools/tests for our needs of evidence-based support. Take a look.

3.     Remote Therapeutic Monitoring was brought forth and I will be discussing it more with the Public Policy Committee

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Visit the CT General Assembly website for upcoming bills. The APTA CT Public Policy will provide updates or request action as they come available.

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Submitted by APTA CT Federal Affairs Liaison: Robert Weymers

2023-2024 APTA Public Policy Priorities

The Big Idea: APTA establishes its public policy priorities every two years in conjunction with the new Congress. This document provides a ‘big picture’ of the role of PT in the health care system and how PT can improve outcomes, reduce costs, and ultimately transform society. Additionally, this document provides background about PTs and PTAs, and how PT impacts their communities. 

Regulatory Update

The Big Idea: Federal regulators issue rules throughout the year and the public has a comment period where they can comment on the proposed rule before it becomes a final rule. These rules can impact scope of practice, payment, etc. and APTA members are encouraged to submit comments in tandem with comments sent by APTA as a whole. 

Congressional Update

The Big Idea: At the beginning of a new Congress, which is every two years, any bills that weren’t passed must be reintroduced.

Heads Up: March will hopefully be a busy month as we expect various bills to be reintroduced. This includes telehealth, pelvic health, National Health Services Corps combined with community health centers, and more. When these bills are reintroduced, advocates can expect action alert opportunities to connect with Congress. 

Please click on Read More for more details on the above

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Chapter / Member Higlights

APTA CT Pediatric SIG

Thank you to all how attended the March Social. It was great to see so many attend.

Geriatric SIG

Congratulations to the following SIG leaders who presented at CSM 2023

Karen Blood, co-chair of Geri SIG, presented an education session at CSM on "Entry-Level Competencies in Geriatric PT: Where Do We Go From Here?"

Suzanne Rodriguez, co-chair of Geri SIG, and Selia Steiker-Pearl, current geriatric resident at the Jewish Home, presented a journal club on The Effects of Power and Aging and Fall Prevention in Aging and Older Adults