FALL NEWSLETTER; October 2020, Vol. 11, No. 3

In This Issue:

Guest Editor Welcome - Maya Heck, MD
Incoming President's Message and Invitation - Jasleen Chhatwal, MBBS, MD
Job Posting - Psychiatrist: Cope Community Services (Advertisement)
2020 Annual Meeting - In Case You Missed It (Recordings Available)
Forensic Asylum Evaluation Training (Free/Space Limited to First 100)
Thanking Exhibitors and $50 Drawing - A Click Away
Annual Sponsor Ad: American Professional Agency, Inc.
Annual Sponsor Ad: Professional Risk Management Services (PRMS)
Annual Sponsor Ad: Janssen Neuroscience
2020 Exhibitors: Sierra Tucson, Banner Behavioral Health, Cottonwood Tucson
Member Survey on Risk Management Education--Tell Us Your Priority Needs
2020 Awards: Celebrating Excellence in Psychiatry
Yukari Kawamoto, MD Memorial Poster Session Results
Integrative Psychiatry Fellowship - Invitation to Apply
Peers Published: Dr. Jordan Karp, Dr. Wallace Mendelsohn
Dismantling Racism and Health Disparities Events
Virtual Doctor's Lounge - Free Peer Support for Physicians
Advocacy Updates: No on 207, Protecting Veterans, Phase 3 Provider Relief, and More
Arizona Events: Grand Rounds, Billing for Telehealth in 2020 & Beyond; Handling COVID Stress During This Holiday Season; AFSP Out of the Darkness Walk; Frames of Mind Film Event; Symposium on Alzheimer's Disease, Lewy Body, and Related Dementias
Managing Election Stress--Be Sure TO VOTE
2019-2020 Executive Officers; Presidential Service Award to Dr. Don Fowls
2020-2021 Executive Officers
Guest Editor: Making a Difference
Maya Heck, MD
Newsletter Guest Editor
Vice President, Arizona Psychiatric Society

Since our last newsletter, the world continues to change in unprecedented ways. The impacts of COVID persist in our daily lives with no end in sight, affecting our practice as psychiatrists as well as in our roles as caregivers, parents, and advocates. As a country and as individuals, we have endured increasing levels of stress as we navigate the other pandemic, that of systemic racism. With the upcoming presidential election holding unknown change and possible unrest, I feel confident that our Society will continue to be a steadfast support in the community and carry out our mission to promote inclusion, diversity, and health equity. I am proud of how our Society has responded to the difficult and ever changing times — our recent Annual Meeting in October was no exception. Adapting to the virtual platform, we welcomed a fantastic cast of speakers that included Dr. Joe Parks from the National Council of Behavioral Health in DC, Dr. Lloyd Sederer, formerly of New York State as the Chief Medical Officer of Behavioral Health, Dr. Shawn Sidhu from UCSD, and Dr. Rahn Bailey from Charles Drew School of Medicine in Los Angeles. Amongst the 150 registrants of this year’s meeting, we received positive feedback regarding educational content and production value. Despite the many hurdles that we will continue to face in the upcoming months, I hope we can continue to draw from the strength of our Society and continue to focus on key issues of parity and prescribing rights. Although our impact may seem subtle at times, keep in mind that even the smallest deeds of kindness can make all the difference.

(Photo inset above, Dr. Heck completing a rim-to-rim run at the Grand Canyon, an exhilarating challenge.)
From President Chhatwal: Let Us Continue to Share Our Calling
A Message from Incoming President Jasleen Chhatwal, MBBS, MD (Trranscribed from video above originally shared at the 2020 Annual Meeting):

2020 has been a memorable year given its many challenges. As we have three months left in this year, there are many other challenges that appear to be on the horizon for us and our patients. Who knows what 2021 will hold. We hope for there to be reduction in chaos and hopelessness related to the pandemic, and yet there is no way to know the future. What we know, however, is that we are going to work as hard as we can for both our members and our patients. There have been many wins for us as an organization, not the least of which is the passage of the Mental Health Omnibus earlier this year. We will have to do everything we can to make sure that that legislation becomes an enforceable reality.

Thank you for being involved, for contributing, and for trusting us to advocate for you and our profession. As your incoming President, I hope to continue to move forward the agenda that you developed in our recent strategic planning meeting, and, as your President, I want to make a humble request for you to reach out with your ideas, your creativity, your passion, and your support. Because when we reach out through the Arizona Psychiatric Society, or in our communities, we can make our resilience and commitment stronger. Let us continue to share our calling, our challenges, and our successes together. I look forward to hearing from you.
CLICK HERE for more details about the Job Description and Qualifications, or CLICK HERE to apply.
2020 Annual Meeting Scientific Session: Recordings Available and Slides Posted ICYMI
We thank our meeting faculty for the great education offered to our members and community at the 2020 Annual Meeting. If you missed it, you can enjoy these presentations by watching the videos posted at the virtual meeting site (also accessible through https://azpsych.org/2020annualmeeting/). Program and Exhibitor links will be open through December 3, 2020 for you to download slides and additional resources (including the National Council Wit Toolkit) and to interact with our exhibitors. Our topics and faculty included:

Psychosocial Adversity in Child Immigrant Populations, Shawn Sidhu, MD DFAPA;

Gun Violence and Mental Health, Rahn Kennedy Bailey, MD DFAPA;

Psychiatry and the Media, Lloyd I. Sederer, MD;

Psychiatry in the Community: Improving Access to Care and Payments
Joe Parks, MD; and

Legislative Update – Arizona; Report on Arizona Parity Law: Panelists - Don J. Fowls, MD; Joseph F. Abate, Esq.; Marsi Thrash; Tim Clement.

Visit https://azpsych.org/2020annualmeeting/ for more information.
Virtual Medical & Psychological Forensic Asylum Evaluation Training
Saturday, November 21, 2020, 8 am to 2 pm (Free Registration; Limited to first 100 Individuals)

Thanking our Exhibitors: The Chance for a $50 Gift Card is Just a Click Away
As the Society moved the meeting format to virtual, the unwavering support of our exhibitors made all the difference in continuing to make the Annual Meeting free to our members. Help us thank and acknowledge them for that support by stopping by each of our exhibitors virtual booths between now and December 3, 2020. Click on each of the exhibitor booths (those clicks are being counted) and go to each exhibitor's products and services tab. At the bottom of that page, is an exhibitor challenge word. Collect all six words and submit the same to be entered into a drawing for your choice of a $50 gift card or donation to a mental health charity of your choice. Enter the challenge word for each exhibitor on the submission form or simply e-mail Teri directly with your challenge words collected from the 2020 Annual Meeting anytime between now and December 3, 2020. The final drawings will be held November 2, November 16, and a final drawing on December 4, 2020. You only need to submit once; your entry will carry forward to the final drawing.

Thanks to our exhibitors for supporting the Annual Meeting and the ongoing programs and outreach of the Society! Thank you for taking a moment to acknowledge them for that support. Congratulations to Drs. Lee Ann Kelley and Traci Wherry, the first two drawing winners.
Gold Exhibitor 2020
Silver Exhibitor 2020
Silver Exhibitor 2020

Thank you to our Exhibitors! Visit the Virtual Exhibit Hall to learn more about their products and services, job opportunities, and to participate in our Exhibitor Challenge.
Member Survey: Tell Us Your Risk Management Education Priorities
The Society is planning risk management educational events to support your practice, the completion of which may also make you eligible for discounts on your risk management insurance renewals. Help us identify the topics that are of most interest to you by completing the survey form at the link below:
2020 Annual Meeting Awards: Coming Together to Celebrate and Promote Psychiatry
Saira Kalia, MD, Howard E. Wulsin Excellence in Education Award 2020
John C. Racy, MD, DLFAPA, Career Achievement in Psychiatry Award 2020
The 2020 Howard E. Wulsin Excellence in Teaching Award for outstanding contributions to psychiatric education was awarded to Saira Kalia, MD, and presented, on behalf of the Society, by Nicholas Ahrendt, MD. The recipient of this award is nominated by the residents. From the letter of nomination, we share some of their statements regarding their nomination of Dr. Kalia:

[Dr. Kalia has been nominated] because she shows a clear dedication to the residency program. She has implemented many changes based on resident feedback as well as working diligently to expand the services we can provide and exposure to training opportunities. She’s also actively working to expand our connection with the community. She’s actively supportive of resident needs and checks in on us to make sure we have what we need. Few staff are as committed to the program and helping it grow.

She is always honest and goes to great length to find a solution for any questions or problems we might have. I really enjoy her teaching style. Her lessons are always very impactful and memorable.

Dr. Kalia is a model of professionalism and leadership, yet remains warm and accessible to residents. Her lectures are clinically relevant, accessible, and timely. When we give feedback for program improvement, she always makes us feel heard. Her feedback for improvement is specific, actionable, and always in service to improving us as clinicians. Even without considering the numerous improvements she has made to our educational experience, this program would not be where it is without her.]

The 2020 Career Achievement in Psychiatry Award was awarded to John C. Racy, MD, DLFAPA, as presented, on behalf of the Society, by Drs. Saira Kalia and Jasleen Chhatwal.

Dr. John Racy is Professor of Psychiatry and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson. Dr. Racy attended medical school at the American University at Beirut and completed his residency at the University of Rochester. His professional interests are in medical student education, couples therapy, and family therapy. Dr. Racy has published in transcultural psychiatry, especially of the Middle East. He has been the Director of Medical Student Education for 33 years and has won numerous awards and honors for excellence in medical student education.

From Dr. Racy's letter of nomination for the Career Achievement in Psychiatry Award, we share these insights to the nomination:

Dr. Racy has been a steady and uplifting presence at UA-COM since the 1970s. Every psychiatrist who has trained at Tucson since that time has been touched by Dr. Racy’s intelligence, empathy and support. His career trajectory demonstrates excellence in each realm of academia. He is the recipient of approximately twenty teaching awards including the 2007 Howard E. Wulsin Excellence in Teaching award. Clinically, Dr. Racy has worked with patients in a variety of settings from the emergency room to the child psychiatry clinic, from Beirut to Arizona. At the same time, he has provided a great clinical service to all learners at UA-COM in his role as co-director of group and peer counseling for medical students since 1996. His research and publication portfolio further demonstrate a width of experience with psychotherapy, integrated and cultural psychiatry.

. . . Being around him makes you want to be a better person, a better student, and a better physician. . . Dr. Racy has been a professor in psychiatry since 1978; and has held every significant position at the UA department of psychiatry. His years of consistency and patience in providing supervision, mentorship and support have enriched the Arizona psychiatric community with numerous compassionate, thoughtful physicians. UA-COM, Tucson and Arizona have been honored to have him practicing, teaching and living in our midst for over 4 decades. At a time that physicians are having the highest rates of burnout, Dr. Racy serves as an inspiration for each of us towards developing careers that blossom for decades, blessing others with fragrant joy. 

It was a pleasure to hear more about how their work served as inspiration to those who nominated each and to hear from each of Dr. Kalia and Dr. Racy on the impact of education and psychiatry on their lives and careers. CLICK HERE to view video of the 2020 Awards Session.

Congratulations also to the 2020 Resident Recognition Award recipients (photo inset above): Stephen (Larry) Mecham, DO, Creighton University Arizona Health Education Alliance, Valleywise Health Center (Phoenix); Nicholas Ahrendt, MD, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson Campus; and Nathan Jones, MD, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Banner – University Medical Center Phoenix.

We also took time to recognize the following career achievements of our members.

Newest Fellows
Felicitas Koster, DO, FAPA
Vincent Placido, DO, FAPA
Saif Jaffery, MD, FAPA

Life Members as of January 2020
Judith Carol Engelman, MD, LFAPA
M. Page Burkholder, MD, LFAPA
Irene R. De Groot, MD, LFAPA
Anyalynn Newson, MD, LFAPA
Robin T. Reesal, MD, LFAPA

50-Year Member as of January 2020
Herbert M. Grossman, MD

In Memorial
Finally, at the Awards Session, we observed a moment of silence for the following members deceased in this year (if you know of a member that should be acknowledged that is not on this listing, please contact Teri) (added to the listing below since the date of the 2020 Annual Meeting is Dr. Eugene Almer, passed recently on October 16, 2020). We respectfully honor here the following members who passed away in the time since our last Annual Meeting. The impacts they made as psychiatrists, colleagues, and friends will live on:

Martin B. Kassell, MD, DLFAPA
Yukari Kawamoto, MD
Howard E. Wulsin, MD, DLFAPA
Eugene R. Almer, MD, LAPA
Yukari Kawamoto, MD Memorial Poster Session: Poster Judging Results and Videos
Thanks to our poster presenters for their work in adapting to virtual and preparing PowerPoint video presentations. The posters were greatly enjoyed by all. Following are the judging results for the Resident-Fellow Member submissions of the Yukari Kawamoto, MD Memorial Poster Presentation Session at the 2020 APS Annual Meeting. To view the live session, broadcasting the video poster presentations and capturing the live Q&A sessions, CLICK HERE. The physician peer submissions were for peer feedback and not juried and are also shared for your enjoyment.

FIRST PLACE: Marie Roy-Babbitt, MD
Resident-Fellow: Creighton University School of Medicine Valleywise Health Center (Phoenix)
Secondary Authors: Gilbert Ramos, MA, CCRC; Jennifer Weller, PhD; Tanya Feinberg, MD; Kathleen Mathieson, PhD
Title of Poster: Assessment of Maternal Acute Stress Disorder Symptoms Following NICU Hospitalization

SECOND PLACE: Nicholas Ahrendt, MD
Resident-Fellow: University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson
Secondary Authors: Allison Peet, DO
Title of Poster: Baby Steps to Attachment Theory
THIRD PLACE: Gurmehr Kaur, MD
Resident-Fellow: University of Arizona College of Medicine, Banner University Medical Center, Phoenix
Secondary Authors: Neet Shah, MD
Title of Poster: New-Onset Psychiatric disturbance related to COVID-19 infection and management

First Author: Shabnam Sood, MD
Category: Psychiatric Physician Peer Poster
Secondary Authors: none

First Author: Shabnam Sood, MD; Dhruv Khosla (alternate presenter)
Category: Psychiatric Physician Peer Poster
Secondary Authors: Emil Osipov, MD; Dhruv Khosla; Gilbert Ramos, MA; Jennifer Smith; Bikash Bhattarai, PhD
Title of Poster: Differences in Outcomes of Involuntary Commitment Among Various Emergency Psychiatric Crisis Centers
Integrative Psychiatry Fellowships: Invitation to Apply (Deadline is 12-15-2020)
Peers Published: Jordan Karp, MD, Wallace Mendelson, MD
Experiences of American Older Adults with Pre-existing Depression During the Beginnings of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicity, Mixed-Methods Study; Megan E. Hamm, Ph.D., Patrick J. Brown, Ph.D., Jordan F. Karp, M.D., Charles F. Reynolds, M.D., Steven P. Roose, M.D., Eric J. Lenze, M.D., American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jagp.2020.06.013

The Curious History of Medicines in Psychiatry, Wallace B. Mendelson, MD. In this book, Dr. Mendelson describes the discoveries and evolution of medicines used in psychiatry. Emphasis is placed on the influence of world events, the personalities of the people involved, and the frequent role of chance observations in these discoveries.

Molecules, Madness, and Malaria, Wallace B. Mendelson, MD. The role of dye-derived synthetic drugs in medicine continues to this day, as indigo and related dyes are being developed for treating infections and cancer. This book describes the little-known history of the intertwined efforts to find treatments for psychiatric illness and infectious disease.
In the University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson Psych Matters Blog for World Illness Awareness Day, Jordan Karp, MD, the University of Arizona’s new Department Chair of Psychiatry, discusses the importance of mental health awareness, especially during the time of COVID-19 and the pandemic’s impacts on mental health.
Mental Health Disparities: Anti-Racism Updates
The New York County Psychiatric Society is opening their fourth installment of its Dismantling Racism series to all APA members. CLICK HERE for more information or to register for Dismantling Racism in Our Health System: The Time is Now, featuring speaker Kamini Doobay, MD, MS, to be held online on Thursday, November 12, 2020, at 7:00 pm EST.

Town Hall - APA Addresses Structural Racism, Part 3: The Trauma of Structural Racism and its Transmission Across Generations is scheduled for Monday, November 16, 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. EST. In this Town Hall, APA leadership and an esteemed panel host a virtual Town Hall to discuss how in clinical settings structural racism manifests itself in relation to communities of color, particularly in children, adolescents, adults, older adults, and other populations ( i.e., LGBTQIA+). CLICK HERE to register for the Town Hall, or CLICK HERE to access additional resources and updates from the The APA Presidential Task Force to Address Structural Racism Throughout Psychiatry.

Psychiatric Services From Pages to Practice, makes available Podcasts to APA members. Among the highlights, check out the podcast featuring Ayana Jordan, MD,PhD, on Mental Health Disparities by Race and Ethnicity.

FREE COVID-19 Clinician CME from the Arizona Medical Association in collaboration with Rockpointe Education, "Eliminating Racial Disparities: What Can You Do?" CLICK HERE for more information and to register for this activity.
The Virtual Doctors’ Lounge is made available to ALL licensed Arizona physicians and brought to you by the Arizona Medical Association and developed by Corporate Counseling Associates, Inc. This program actively supports physician wellness. Grant funding for this valuable program provided by ADHS and AHCCCS. 
Virtual Doctor's Lounge
Through the ArMA Virtual Doctors’ Lounge, you can meet with a physician peer—someone who “gets it”—who understands the daily strain of being a physician, the emotional stress, and financial hardships of working through the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Drop by the lounge to connect with trained physician peer coaches in an evidence-based peer support program. Visit www.MDlounge.org, email questions to mdlounge@ccainc.com or call (646) 809-0957. CLICK HERE for a flyer to share with peers.
Advocacy Updates: State Advocacy, Protecting Veterans, Advancing Integrated Care, Phase 3 Provider Relief, and More
Arizona Psychiatric Society opposes Proposition 207: Given the known evidence of psychiatric harms associated with early-onset, high-dose or daily marijuana use, especially in adolescents and young adults, the Arizona Psychiatric Society opposes the current proposed referendum to legalize recreational marijuana. The Society is listed as a partner opposing 207at no207az.com.  

APA State Advocacy Conference and Getting Involved Locally: If you attended the State Advocacy Conference and would like to be more involved in the advocacy efforts in our state, including protecting telehealth access, mental health parity, collaborative care, and more, please contact Dr. Fowls, Legislative Chair, or Teri.

APA Advocacy Update for October 2020 covers a wide range of outreach updates from the Federal Government Relations and State Government Relations Teams including the topics of:

Protecting Veterans Against Dangerous Pilot Program: Thank you to the members who participated in the Engage campaign, sending over 3,600 letters to Capitol Hill, in September, APA successfully pushed back against a federal proposal to establish an experimental pilot program to allow clinical psychologists to prescribe and manage medications in the Veterans Administration health system. Ultimately, the U.S. House of Representatives Veterans Affairs Committee heard APA’s concerns and removed the provision from a legislative package to help prevent veteran suicides. Instead, the Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act of 2019 (S. 785), which President Trump signed into law on October 17th, contains several important provisions that will help prevent the deaths of the 20 Veterans who die each day by suicide.

Advancing Integrated Care: APA, along with the major primary care organizations, is participating in an AMA-led coalition to advance the integration of mental health care into primary care. The AMA Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) Collaborative is producing webinars and a compendium of resources to provide a pathway for practices to implement integrated care. Learn more about the BHI collaborative here

$20 Billion for Phase 3 General Distribution of Provider Relief Funds: Application Deadline Nov. 6 
HHS recently announced new funds for an expanded group of behavioral health providers, including psychiatrists who have either billed a health insurance company or who do not accept insurance and have billed patients. These funds are intended to address the rising need for treatment of mental health and substance use issues exacerbated by the COVID 19 pandemic. The deadline for application is November 6, 2020. HHS is urging all eligible providers to apply early. More information can be found here: Instructions for Phase 3 Distribution. Application can be made here: Provider Relief Fund Application and Attestation Portal. HHS will host a webcast on Nov 2, 2020 at 3 p.m. ET for potential applicants to review the application process and have their questions answered.

CMS Reminds States of Mandatory Medicaid MAT Coverage: The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) recently sent a reminder to States that under the SUPPORT Act of 2018, Medicaid programs are required to provide coverage of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) services and drugs under a new mandatory benefit.

Final Rule on Interoperability and Information Blocking Released: The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) released its long-awaited Final Rule around Interoperability and Information Blocking. This rule impacts the methods in which patient information is shared between patients, providers, software developers, and Health Information Exchanges/Networks. APA has developed a resource for members with questions about how this new Rule will impact their practice, available here. APA intends to develop additional resources for members in the near future.

Administration Releases Rule on Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act 
The Administration released its final rule on the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008, which was created to regulate online prescribing and regulate the prescription of controlled substances through telepsychiatry. In the final rule, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) states it will issue regulations for the "Special Registration for Telemedicine" process (one of several exceptions to Ryan Haight). APA has been advocating for the special registration to exempt the requirement that patients must receive an in-person evaluation prior to being prescribed a controlled substance. The requirement has been waived as part of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), but would be reinstated following the end of the PHE if the DEA does not release the special registration exemptions changing the requirement.

Want to receive these updates directly? CLICK HERE to subscribe for Advocacy Alerts and Updates from the APA.
Events: Grand Rounds, Billing for Telehealth in 2020 & Beyond, AFSP Out of Darkness Event, Handling Holiday Stress, Frames of Mind Film Event; Symposium on Alzheimer's Disease, Lewy Body, and Related Dementias
The University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix Grand Rounds for the Department of Psychiatry November sessions will be at 12:00 to 1:00 pm on November 6 (Using Smart EHR Tools for Early Detection of Delirium in Hospitalized Patients - Kyle Hendrie, D.O.) and November 20 (Cultural Psychiatry - Scott Grogan, M.D.). December Grand Rounds Resume December 4, 2020. For more information, CLICK HERE for the flyer. To sign-up to receive the MS Teams Meeting link, please e-mail Lorin Akers, MS/HRM, Psychiatry Clerkship Coordinator.
The Arizona "Out of the Darkness" event supporting the Arizona Chapter of the American Suicide Prevention Foundation will be held virtually on November 14, 2020. REGISTER today to join the effort to raise awareness and funds that allow the AFSP to invest in new research, create educational programs, advocate for public policy, and support survivors of suicide loss. Thanks to its supporters, AFSP has been able to set a bold goal to reduce the annual suicide rate 20% by 2025.
Improving Access to Quality Medical Care

The practice and delivery of healthcare is changing with an emphasis on improving quality,
safety, efficiency, & access to care. Telemedicine can help you achieve these goals! The Arizona
Telemedicine Program, Southwest Telehealth Resource Center, Arizona Medical Association,
Maricopa County Medical Society and Arizona Medical Group Management Association invite
you to a free webinar on the implementation and practice of telemedicine.

“Billing for Telehealth in 2020 & Beyond”
Monday, November 16, 2020 ~ 12:00 pm MST/2:00 pm EST

CLICK HERE to register or CLICK HERE for a flyer to share.
Handling COVID Stress During This Holiday Season: Transforming White Elephants, a lunch series sponsored by Arizona Medical Group Management Association, December 17, 2020, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM, presented by Jasleen Chhatwal, MBBS, MD. CLICK HERE to register.
Currently available virtually, the Western Canada District Branch invites fellow Area 7 APA members to join them for the next "Frames of Mind" film event, "FOSTER."

Streaming Free from October 29 to November 4, with Live Q&A November 4th (Wednesday) 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm PST. Register in advance to receive a free screening code and an invite to the live Zoom Q&A with FOSTER writer-director Mark Jonathan Harris, producer Deborah Oppenheimer, and film subject Jessica Chandler, who will be joined by B.C. advocate Katherine McParland and Vancouver filmmaker Bruce Spangler.

CLICK HERE to view the full invitation.
CLICK HERE to register an account regarding the inaugural Evaluation and Management of Alzheimer’s Disease, Lewy Body and Related Dementias Symposium online on November 14, 2020. This full-day session will include evidence-based diagnostic and treatment recommendations for these leading causes of disability in the older-adult population. Creating an account is free; the registration fee for the Symposium is $15. Create a free account to access this website, including agenda, speaker bios and access to the live virtual presentation on Saturday, Nov. 14. Presentations will be provided by a team of experts in neurology, neuropsychology, social work and psychiatry. The interactive event includes a Q&A panel discussion, tailored to the audience.
From the APA Blog: Managing Election Stress and Be Sure to Vote
Promoting the public to "Address Your Feelings During This Election Cycle and Seek Medical Care if Needed," in a recent Psychiatry Blog posting, Regina James, MD, Chief of the APA Division of Diversity and Health Equity and Deputy Medical Director, also shares Mental Health Well-Being Resources, including Employee Mental Health Well-Being During & Beyond COVID-19 from the American Psychiatric Association Center for Workplace Mental Health.

Promote Mental Health Well-Being, but also, be sure TO VOTE. There are numerous early voting centers and other designated locations where voters have the option of dropping off their signed & sealed mail-in ballots in person, or even on Election Day. All ballots must be received by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 3 in order to be counted in Arizona. Head to arizona.vote for more details about Election Day voting and for any other information about this year's elections.
Thank you to our 2019-2020 Executive Officers; Presidential Service Award to Dr. Don Fowls
Thank you to the 2019-2020 executive officers for their leadership and their resilience in serving an extended term through the pandemic, many of whom are continuing in service in 2020-2021 and whose contributions through membership, advocacy, and service will also continue to make a difference in our community: Drs. Don J. Fowls, Jasleen Chhatwal, Gagandeep Singh, Elena Volfson, Maya Heck, Nicholas Ahrendt, Alexandria Erickson, Nathan Jones, Jason Curry, and Payam Sadr. Dr. Sadr concludes a generous service of five and a half years as an Arizona Assembly Representative to the APA. Thank you all!
Don J. Fowls, MD
Presidential Service Award
In recognition of dedicated service and excellence in leadership, the Society thanks Dr. Don Fowls for his contributions as President of the Arizona Psychiatric Society in 2019-2020, for his leadership on the Mental Health Omnibus and other legislative matters, for his stewardship through an extended term and the challenges of COVID-19, and for his commitment to continuing to contribute to the mission of the Society.
Thank You to the 2020-2021 Executive Officers
The following officers were elected at the 2020 Annual Business Meeting on October 2, 2020, and we thank them for their leadership and contributions!

President: Jasleen Chhatwal, MBBS, MD
President-Elect: Jasleen Chhatwal, MBBS, MD*
Vice President: Maya Heck, MD
Treasurer: Stephen (Larry) Mecham, MD
Secretary: Yazhini Srivasthal, MD

Co Resident-Fellow Member Representatives: Nathan Jones, MD (UACOM – Phoenix), Alexandria (Lexi) Erickson, DO (Creighton University School of Medicine Maricopa Medical Center (Phoenix), and Ramsha Rao, MD (UACOM - Tucson)

APA Assembly Representatives: Gurjot Marwah, MD (Term through 2022), and Jason Curry, DO (Term through 2021), and Gretchen Alexander, MD (Term through 2021)**

*To maintain a continuity of leadership through COVID-19 and to 2022, Jasleen Chhatwal, MD has accepted the invitation to serve through close of the Arizona Psychiatric Society Annual Meeting in 2022.  Terms of office for the other executive officer Arizona positions begin at the close of the Arizona Psychiatric Society Annual Meeting (as the 2020 APA Annual Meeting did not occur) and end at the close of the 2021 Annual APA Meeting (May 2021).

**The elected Arizona APA Assembly Representatives positions are served in staggered two-year terms. The term of Jason Curry, DO (elected in 2019) will continue through the close of the 2021 APA Annual Meeting (May 2021). The term of Gurjot Marwah, MD (newly nominated) will continue through the close of the 2022 APA Annual Meeting (May 2022).

The membership of the Arizona Psychiatric Society as of December 31, 2019 resulted in the allocation of a third Arizona APA Assembly Representative, for a one-year term beginning May 2020 through the close of the 2021 APA Annual Meeting. Gretchen Alexander, MD accepted the invitation to serve for this one-year term.

Thank you to these members for their leadership contributions--we invite you to make a difference by joining a committee or helping with advocacy or outreach. Please contact Teri for more information on the many opportunities to engage!