Student Update
February / 2018
Submissions are open for the 40th Annual Fall Research Conference in Washington, DC
APPAM's 40th Fall Research Conference will focus on improving programs and policies by generating and engaging with evidence throughout the policy analysis and management process. Review the policy areas here.

The 2018 theme, Evidence for Action: Encouraging Innovation and Improvement, places an emphasis on the iterative and collaborative nature of building evidence. We aim to engage researchers, policy makers, and program leaders in thoughtful discussions about how best to collect data, capture innovation, measure impacts, and identify actionable and timely recommendations. All submissions are due by April 11 th.
Poster presentation tips:
Rajeev Darolia shared some tips for research posters based on his experience as a poster judge at the 2017 Fall Research Conference. These tips can also be helpful for poster submissions. Check out the Twitter thread.
Regional Student Conferences:
Registration Open for the CA Regional Student Conference
The California Regional Student Conference on March 9 th – 10 th, 2018, at Claremont Graduate University will highlight student research across a wide variety of policy areas.

Participating students will present their research on panels of peers and through a poster session – be sure to explore the preliminary program. There will also be several opportunities to network and make connections with a diverse group of academics, researchers, practitioners and students. Registration closes on March 2 nd.

APPAM's 2017 Annual Report is Now Available
Since APPAM debuted its Annual Report in 2014, we strive to bring you the most important information, packaged in a way that is easy to understand and condensed enough that it can be read quickly and easily.

Our goals for this report include ensuring the membership is fully informed of the Association’s work, providing the membership with a better understanding of the progress APPAM is making towards its strategic goals and providing a report card on the condition of APPAM’s health and strength. We will continue to be as transparent and forthcoming as possible as we work to make APPAM stronger and better, each and every year. Thank you for being an APPAM Member.

JPAM Featured Article:
The Effects of Federal Adoption Incentive Awards for Older Children on Adoptions from U.S. Foster Care
When children in foster care cannot be reunified with their parents, adoption is considered a better option for permanent placement over long-term foster care. The federal Adoption Incentives program was established in 1997 to provide annual performance bonuses to states for increases in adoptions from U.S. foster care. This JPAM article uses changes to the Adoption Incentives program in 2003 and 2008 to analyze states’ responses to the federal performance bonuses.

Excerpt from the interview:
"The existing research on financial incentives and adoption focuses on the effect of monthly adoption assistance subsides made directly to adoptive families... Given that adopted children have better outcomes than their peers in long-term foster care, as well as the substantial long-term cost savings to adoption compared to foster care, it is important to understand the challenges states face in achieving adoption and which barriers policy can help to address."

Maggie Brehm, Oberlin College and Conservatory

JPAM in the news:

  • Kanika Arora, University of Iowa, and Douglas A. Wolf, Syracuse University, had their JPAM article about the impact of California's Paid Family Leave policy on nursing home use quoted at Skilled Nursing News, an independent news website for nursing professionals. Read the author interview for this JPAM Featured Article.
APPAM Members in the News
Brown University master's student Alex Barba was profiled for her holistic approach to climate policy. Her experience includes managing energy practice groups at a DC law firm, communications editor at The Climate Reality Project, and traveling to the largets international conference on climate change with Brown's Climate Development Lab.

"You can't talk about climate policy solutions without talking about transportation policy, social inequality, health policy, and, of course, politics. I hope that whatever I do next, I am able to work across different agencies on all of these issues together."
Donald Kenkel, Cornell University PAM, was quoted in this article from The Cornell Daily Sun about research on E-Cigarettes:

"While the JUUL is a ‘safer’ alternative to cigarettes, the NASEM study also showed there is insufficient evidence that e-cigarettes like these are successful in helping people quit conventional smoking completely.

Prof. Donald Kenkel, policy analysis and management, has emphasized the complexity of the health implications of e-cigarettes."
Have news to share?
We want to feature your work! Email coverage and information to .
Mark Your Calendars for These Important Dates
February 23: Registration opens for the DC Regional Student Conference
March 2: Registration closes for the California Regional Student Conference
APPAM Membership Directory

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