Newsletter #53
November 2016

Special Training for Israeli Nurses 
Nurses are vital to patient care, a fact of which APF is keenly aware. This is why we regularly sponsor a course for Israeli nurses from different hospitals in different specialties at the Teaching Center for Trauma, Emergency and Mass Casualty Situations at the Rambam Healthcare campus in Haifa

The image of a two-fold career in neuroradiology and pediatrics 
Dr. Shai Shrot and his family
Sc ans don't lie.
So says Dr. Shai Shrot, an APF 2016-2017 Clinical Fellow in Pediatric Radiology at Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore.
"I'm a very practical person," says the 38-year-old resident of Ra'anana (near Tel Aviv).  "I find radiology very interesting in the sense that there are no lies: You see what there is on the film, on the scan; it's very 'demonstrative.' In imaging, it's boom! This is what it says."
APF Birthright trip for Healthcare Students Taps Special Vein
of Israeli Travel
For more information, contact Beth with Allergists for Israel: