Dear Jessica,

The New York State budget has not yet passed, so we still have an opportunity to make sure it includes $1 billion for child care educators! Right now, the Governor, the Senate Majority Leader, and the Assembly Speaker are negotiating over what should be in the final budget. Don't let them leave out child care! 

To take action, please click this link from our friends at the Empire State Campaign for Child Care, to send a message to your state representatives today.


Mental Wellness Series

Circle of Security

Circle of Security (COS) kicks off May 11! Don't miss the chance to explore the healing power of relationships and tools to help you navigate emotional and relational challenges in childcare settings. We are excited to host two virtual COS offerings in both English and Spanish.

Participants will receive 16 hours of professional development by completing the full series.

To register, email Fendi Munoz-O'Shea at; or call (718) 450-8858

The Whole Book Approach

Supporting Children's Critical Engagement with Picture Books

Discover the difference between reading to children and reading with children. The Whole Book Approach was developed by former Carle educator Megan Dowd Lambert, author of Reading Picture Books With Children. Her work helps adults create an active, discussion-based reading experience for children that builds observation and critical-thinking skills.

Presented by our friends at the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art.

Participants will receive 1.5 hours of professional development by completing the full workshop.


Part 3

Learning Through Play Series

Infants and toddlers often need a soft and quiet space where they can retreat from the busy areas of classrooms. That's where quiet corners or library areas come into play!

Join us for part 3 of our "Learning Through Play" series, where we’ll explore the importance of creating safe spaces within your program that encourage children to read and express themselves.




New NYC Child Care Resource Portal

Last week, New York City launched a new online portal called "MyCity," designed for New Yorkers to interact with and access resources from city agencies, including childcare vouchers. Parents can use MyCity to check eligibility and apply for child care subsidies. We encourage you to share this information with parents in your programs and in your community!

At All Our Kin, one of our goals is to push the City to make child care systems easier to use, and we hope this resource helps!


Educator Spotlight

Congratulations to Rebecca Gonzalez, owner of Time to Learn Daycare and former All Our Kin Board Member, for being appointed by Governor Hochul to the New York State Child Care Availability Task Force!

This is a huge honor and recognition of Rebecca's strong advocacy — and also a big step toward All Our Kin's goal of making sure family child care educators are represented in the state's decision making.

If you'd like to learn more about the Task Force, click below.


All Our Kin's Educator Policy Council works with the AOK policy team to help shape our policy and advocacy strategy. The Council, which consists of representatives from each All Our Kin office, meets four to five times a year.

We are proud to share that All Our Kin Bronx family child care educator, Elizabeth Olivo, will be joining the Council beginning next week! We invite our educator representatives from the Bronx to join. 

If you are interested in being part of or learning more about the Educator Policy Council, please email Steven at


New York:; 917-933-3282

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