Dear Jessica,
We’re just three short weeks away from midterm elections! With the urgent state of child care, voting has never been more important as we elect officials who not only support, but who see investing in child care and early-childhood education as top priority.
For CT voters, the last day to register online is November 1st. We encourage you to take the time to create a plan for election day and the days leading up to it. Visit our Family Child Care Voter Resource Center for a list of resources to guide you on questions to ask candidates, important dates to follow and ways to communicate with parents about voting.
We want you to know that we're here to support you and help keep you informed during this election season. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Policy Team.
Our vote is the most powerful weapon we have to make our voices heard — let's make it count!
Standing with you in solidarity,
The All Our Kin Team