Dear Jessica,

Happy Latinx Heritage Month! We're proud to celebrate the rich history and endless achievements of Latinx communities, not just this month, but all year round! This year's theme Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation, highlights the importance of bringing together diverse voices and perspectives in helping to build a stronger nation. All Our Kin wouldn’t be what it is without the voices and immeasurable contributions of our Latinx staff and family child care educators!

This Latinx Heritage Month, we look forward to shining a spotlight on our staff and educators, and the amazing work that they do every day to care for children and families. If you're interested in participating in our spotlight series, we invite you to fill out a quick questionnaire, or reach out to the Communications Team at

There are plenty.of ways you can celebrate! Check out this week’s newsletters for resources to enjoy in your home and programs.

With love,

The All Our Kin Team

Upcoming Workshops

Ed Coaching

Meet & Greet

Join our New York Educational Coaching Team for a ‘Meet & Greet’ on Saturday, September 24th at 9am via zoom. Ed coaches will be discussing their work and answering questions about how they can best support you! Door prizes will be available to all attendees.

Our first Bridgeworks meeting of the year will follow on September 28th!


Virtual Educator Panel:

Fostering a Love of Learning

Family child care educators play an essential role in helping children to develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime! Our October 17th FCC Educator Panel will explore the strategies and approaches educators use to foster curiosity, wonder, intuition, inquiry, excitement and creativity in children.

We are seeking panelists and moderators! Please email Colby to participate. Planning meetings are scheduled for the evenings of September 27 & October 13.


Coming up:

September 24: Educational Coaching Meet & Greet

September 28: Bridgeworks 


Get Involved

Raise Your Voice

Empire State Child Care Campaign 2022 Convening

The Empire State Campaign for Child Care is inviting educators to join the ESCCC 2022 Summer Convening, which will be an opportunity to hear about and give your input on what we will be fighting for this year in the New York State budget. There is much to celebrate as well, as we continue the push towards Universal Child Care in NY! Attendees can choose to attend one or both dates virtually or in-person within regions.


Leadership Opportunity

NAFCC Board Nominations 

The National Association for Family Child Care board nominations are now open! NAFCC is seeking educators who are committed to their mission of strengthening and supporting state and local family child care.


Get Registered

Election Day is Around the Corner!

Have your voice heard at the ballot box this November 8th. Not registered to vote?


Celebrate Latinx Heritage Month

A new brief from the National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families explores key findings from literature on Latinx families' strengths and highlights the ways in which these strengths can protect children from adversity.


The NEA celebrates Latinx Heritage with lesson plans, activities and videos that educators can use year-round for children of all ages!



Bronx:; 917-933-3282

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