Dear Jessica,
We recently shared examples of educators lifting up family child care in the media — and now, we want to highlight your stories, expertise and passions on our very own blog. As we continue to grow this space, we welcome submissions that cover a wide variety of early childhood topics and themes. If you’re interested in becoming a contributor to the All Our Kin blog, we’d love to hear from you!
Please check out these guidelines and reach out to the Communications Team at with any questions or ideas!
Tomorrow is Child Care Advocacy Day! Over 800 parents and providers will come together to tell the legislature and Gov. Hochul to invest BOLDLY in universal child care. We hope you join us on this day of action as we raise our voice for an equitable child care system in New York. Contact our New York Policy Director, Steven Morales at, if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!
As always, sending you our love, friendship and support.
In solidarity,
The All Our Kin Team