Sex Addict or 2nd Advent?

And that servant who knew his master's will but did not get ready or act according to his will, will receive a severe beating. But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating. Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more. Luke 12:47-53

American young people by the hundreds of thousands shed their blood during World War II. Through them God paid such a high price. We can never calculate the value of that blood, and yet America gave it up to enemy hands. America as a nation has failed in the sight of God. She harvested God's gift and then gave it to Satan. Can that be forgiven? Satan, who is receiving all God's beautiful harvest, is not going to be content at that point. His people are coming into the heart of the United Nations to choke the United States to death. SMM, Today in the Light of Dispensational History, Feb 23, 1977

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started his sermon by encouraging us to pray for the young couples who have chosen to give their young adult lives to God. Even on the “marriage day” of Shindeuk and Angelica, we have to talk not just about flowers, but also about good and evil. A whole generation has been captured by things that undermine marriage including hedonism, feminism, etc.

The protestant movement was a reaction to corruption in the Catholic church, but the “anti-hierarchy” approach continued in the West and has become dominant. People think that all hierarchies need to be opposed. That is why the West is dying. Even in marriage, God made a hierarchy. There should be God at the top, then the man as the leader in the home, then the wife and children. Without a tradition of respect in the family, the next generation will lose the sense of having to preserve something valuable, the wishes of your parents.

During the American founding and into the 1800s, the husband would call his wife “my lady” and she would call him “my lord.” The West wants to oppose any hierarchy, but God has created some hierarchies that are important. Of course, the husband has to submit to God, not just do anything he wants.

Sanctuary Service 6/16/2024

What is behind the high rates of divorce in the West? Korea is following this post-modern tradition and declining. Traditional Korean culture has the Confucian tradition of “In” benevolence/compassion/virtue and “Ye” meaning etiquette. For instance, men in Asia don’t violate hug other women they’re not related to.

Those things are not the center of God, which is love, but they are important. The center of Christian culture is relationship with God and Christ, which Eastern cultures do not have. It’s not just about “salvation,” it’s about a real relationship.

Korean Christian parents and also Unificationist parents raised their children in a type of “Confucianist Christianity,” emphasizing norms of etiquette. Both East and West have strengths, but the West emphasizes the individual to the extreme. It is exporting the gay culture and the breakdown of marriage. It has to get back to real relationship with Christ.

Sex Addict or 2nd Advent?

God commands wives to respect their husbands. How many pastors say that in their sermons? Husbands must raise their wives lovingly. Male nature is to “just get it done,” but the woman is in the emotional realm, so she needs to feel loved!

Women cannot just remain in an immature emotional state, but must seek to mature as the daughter of God. As the scripture says, life and death remain in the power of the tongue, so she must learn to speak with respect.  

A man responds better when there is no crying or shouting, more like a negotiation, with a focus on one issue at a time. If it’s clearly expressed, without too much drama, most husbands will respond positively. Of course, there are extreme cases of husbands who have a drug or a porn problem, which have to be addressed.

It’s important to speak with respect to each other. Some are playfully calling each other “my lord” and “my lady.” The West lost that kind of tradition, but can recover or reinvent it.

Men, who are in general stronger, will always be responsible to use force properly as the head of the family. In Islamic communities, which are embedded throughout the West, women have fewer rights. After the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, women lost many of their rights. Needless to say, most Christian men don't want to do that. 

There is a bill to require women to also register for a potential draft, a logical result of the egalitarian, feminist paradigm. Ridiculous. The Marxist oppressor/victim paradigm creates hostility between groups so they want to fight against each other. Leftists have successfully sought to make race or sexuality your prime identity, which inevitably leads to conflict, depravity, base urges, and mental illness. A divide and conquer strategy.

But we are not just our base instincts. We are the children of God, called to do His will.

“Miraculous” King Bullethead

Marx fantasied about himself as a poet. As a narcissist, he didn’t want to bathe so he was plagued by painful genital boils. When he died and the police came to his home. It was a pigsty. He created a genocidal theory that led to the murder of more than 100 million black and brown poor people in Asia and other parts of the world.

In his poems, he praised the devil. One of his favorite phrases was statement by the character of Mephistopheles in Faust that “everything deserves to perish.” Hyung Jin Nim recommended Jordan Peterson’s interview with Paul Kengor, author of The Devil and Karl Marx. He embraced the satanic spirit. His followers are cultural satanists.

When Communists seize power, they will use force to silence and dominate Christians, even making it a crime to quote scripture. Marxism portrays the “proletariat” as the savior, but Marx himself was a rich, spoiled child. He constantly demanded to be supported by others. The core of Communism is envy and greed, which the Bible repeatedly warns against.

Rev. Artur Pawlowski- THE BIG LIE!

Women initiate most of the divorces. They don’t view marriage as a holy covenant. Many say they are bored. Are you crazy? That is why you’re going to split your children? We live in a self-centered culture. Unless there is some extreme reason such as physical abuse, drug or porn addiction, work it out!

In committed Christian families, couples have less family wreckage and less divorce.   A man can work hard for his family and face hardship and opposition in the outside world, if he feels he is respected at home.  

The welfare system incentivizes women to divorce or never get married. Teaches people to break promises and to lie. Start by telling the truth in your life. The U.S. military is being infiltrated with woke ideology. Who is going to fight for generals in skirts? Marxists seek to undermine strong men. One way to get rid of Alpha males is through needless wars.

Victor Avila- Migrant CRISIS at the Border

We have to challenge the “Anti-Hierarchy Cult of the West.” One good example is a group called “Dads on Duty” who are Black adult men who hang out at local schools. In many instances, the fights in the school “magically” disappeared!

The upcoming election will be a life-and-death struggle to end the Marxist takeover of America. They will cheat, but more Blacks and Hispanics are supporting Trump. We have to pray and act together with patriots and people of faith who are waking up!


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Gregory Stenstrom- Mail In Ballot Fraud Exposed

Richard Gage - 9/11 Truth

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John Stubbins- American Anarchy

True Father Prepared Hyung Jin Nim as his Successor

by Jim Stephens

This article will present the evidence that I can clearly see which shows that True Father trained and prepared Hyung Jin Nim as his heir and successor.

Just as Jesus knew that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed, True Father could foresee that Hyun Jin (Preston) and then later Hak Ja Han were going to betray him.

True Father knew all his life by the Principle of Creation that he had to establish God’s lineage on the earth in order to build the Kingdom of God.

He spoke extensively about “love, life, and lineage.” Therefore he knew that he had to have a lineage and thus a successor to carry on after he passed to the Spirit World.

After the many failures of a long line of John the Baptist figures, True Father must have realized that God’s Kingdom was not going to be established during his physical lifetime.

(read rest of Jim Stephen's essay)

Woke Hanism Contradicts DP!

by Peter Daly

FFWPU lecturer Robert Kittel gave a presentation explaining Hak Ja Han’s new ‘Only Begotten Daughter' theology. He said that in the Divine Principle, the Tree of Life means Perfect Adam, and so the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil means Perfect Eve. He said that when he joined the church in 1975 he was taught wrongly that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil means immature Eve before the Fall.

His claim is wrong according to the Divine Principle because, throughout all the time when Father was alive, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was always understood to be immature Eve before the Fall, ‘Good and Evil’ indicating the two possible ways she could have gone.

In any case, the Tree of Life only meant Adam in perfection and we know he never reached perfection, so clearly the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil standing next to the Tree of Life meant immature Eve. If it was perfect Eve, as Robert Kittel states, then how could a perfect woman fall?

(Read rest of article.)

"Let My People Go" by Dr. David Clements Eye-opening documentary about the 2020 Selection!


Dear Father Music Video

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

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