We have exciting news! The Neufeld Institute has created a website to support educators! Check out the message below from the IDEA Centre Team.

Hello! We are excited to welcome you to our new educators hub!

Educators everywhere have been asking for support. Many are wanting to bring the developmental paradigm to their learning communities, but are not sure where to find resources. And there's nothing like having a village to learn and grow with. We heard this, felt this and came together to create this! Thus, the IDEA Centre.

Together we are sharing resources, opportunities and ideas for putting insight and inspiration into practice. We want to support educators to move from "aha!" to "I can do this!"

Every month we will be featuring different books, articles, stories, recordings, classes, courses and professional development opportunities, so check back often to see what is new. 

This month, we are offering a free webinar (together as a team) on September 24th on Emotional Health and School as a way to kick things off and support parents and educators in this challenging time we find ourselves in. Our focus will be on what we might expect to see in children and youth, emotionally speaking, and how we might create the kind of conditions that will nurture emotional health in our students. We'd love you to join us! See below for more information and registration.

Also this month, Hannah Beach and Tamara Strijack are launching a professional development series based on their newly released book, Reclaiming our Students. This weekly series will provide insights and relationship-based strategies for how we can support students. We will explore the vital role of emotional safety, shed light on what is behind some of the challenging behaviours we see and look to practices that can help us restore and awaken caring feelings in our students. Whether you simply wish to understand more about one topic, explore a broader theme or dive in for the whole discovery journey, you are welcome! And if the scheduled time doesn’t work for you, the recordings will be available to you for a week following the live class. See below for more information and registration.

This Centre is for you, in whatever way you are supporting children to learn and grow. We look forward to meeting you and having you as part of our village!

Come visit us and find out why we are called the IDEA Centre!

our leadership team
by Tamara Strijack

Rejection. Neglect. Separation. Loss. Alarm. The source of these experiences can come from a variety of places, including the pandemic, the stresses of school, or problems at home. We don't always know what our students struggle with, or what they carry with them from their past, but we don't actually have to know to be able to make a difference.

Emotion as a driving force
The key to making a difference in the lives of our students lies in recognizing what is at the core of any adverse experience: emotion. We are emotional beings. We feel things — at least we are meant to feel and to be affected by our inner and outer world. But feelings can sometimes be too much, especially when it comes to facing something like rejection from a parent or the loss of a loved one. Our brain takes care of this for us. It moves in to protect us from something that would be too much to feel directly. It cuts things off at the pass, at least for the time being, so that we can function in our world without experiencing overwhelming pain. This is a good thing—as long as it is temporary.

At some point—at the end of the day or the week or the month—that guard needs to come down. We need somewhere where we feel safe enough to feel the pain, sadness, disappointment, frustration, and alarm. When we have a safe place to feel, things can move again. Life might still be hard, but we now have a way of moving through it. ...read the rest of Tamara's article here →
by Hannah Beach and Tamara Strijack
The Neufeld Institute's academic dean, Tamara Strijack, has joined forces with celebrated educator Hannah Beach to co-author a timely guide to creating the conditions for change in learning environments of all kinds. With a foreword written by Dr. Gordon Neufeld and based on his groundbreaking relational developmental approach, Reclaiming Our Students empowers readers with relationship-based strategies to restore their leadership role and build the emotional safety that will help kids get ready to learn - no matter what is happening in the world around them.
4:30 to 6:00 PM PACIFIC

Reclaiming Our Students
Professional Development Series
offered by Tamara Strijack & Hannah Beach

$20 per workshop OR
$180 full workshop package
4:30 TO 6:00 PM PACIFIC

Emotional Health and School

Tamara Strijack, Eva de Gosztonyi, Deborah MacNamara &
Hannah Beach
10:00 AM TO 11:00 AM PACIFIC

in a Wounding World
offered by Tamara Strijack

Register by Sept 29 and SAVE 10%
The IDEA Centre for Educators will issue occasional newsletters independent of the Neufeld Institute. If you would like to stay up-to-date with our latest offerings, please subscribe separately on our home page to indicate your interest.

You may unsubscribe at any time. Your information is safe with us and we will never sell or provide your information to anyone without your consent.
Neufeld Institute | 604-263-4278 | www.neufeldinstitute.org