Two young boys with pencils and laptops are smiling and a logo for The Learning Accelerator is in the top corner

Dear colleagues, 

What do we want to be true about AI in the lives of kids and teachers and as a means for realizing vastly better K-12 experiences and systems? 

Debates over how, when, why, and whether AI can play a role in schools and classrooms are robust. Will efforts yield big, equitable changes for kids? Or will massive investments merely be “pretty neat” — distracting for most and modestly helpful for some? 

At The Learning Accelerator, we believe that answering these questions will require serious inquiry on the ground, directly with educators and students, concretely and openly exploring how emerging tools can help make hard work more doable as well as help tackle previously impossible aims. We have to ground all of this in what we already know about learning, with clarity of purpose and willingness to share the failures along with success.

I’m thrilled to announce a new partnership with our colleagues at Leading Educators to pilot The School Teams AI Collaborative. We’re bringing together subject or grade-level school-based teams (paired with their instructional lead) to explore instructional improvement and innovation with AI, codifying best practices and surfacing lessons learned to drive better understanding across the nation. 

Yours in partnership and curiosity,

Beth Rabbitt, Chief Executive Officer (she/her)

The School Teams AI Collaborative

A graphic with the Leading Educators logo on the top left and The Learning Accelerator logo on the top right. The graphic is titled "The School Teams AI Collaborative" and says "Apply by June 28." At the center of the graphic is an image of a teacher working with a student using best practices of AI in the classroom to yield better student outcomes.

The pilot year of The School Teams AI Collaborative is focused on equipping school-based teams to be at the forefront of developing AI-enabled instructional best practices that expand possibilities for teaching and learning amid society’s next era of digital transformation.

  • Working side by side, teachers and school leaders will identify the support needed to foster a learning environment where educators can confidently explore new ideas, learn from successes and failures, and refine practices quickly. 
  • Together, pilot participants will shape an educator community and a resource hub for sharing emerging trends, best practices, and insights with educators nationwide. 
  • They will also have access to ongoing support, guidance, and feedback from experts in the field and other cohort members.

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