Monthly news & updates
May 2022| Issue 8

"Sharing Solutions"
AMTPA Annual Conference
SEPTEMBER 22 – 23, 2022
River Cree Resort, Edmonton

On-line Registration will be open soon!
Membership Benefits

  • Reduced rates for municipalities that register more than one employee
  • Free bi-monthly webinars
  • Financial System User Groups
  • Lower Conference Registration Fees
  • Members only access on
  • Mentorship Program coming soon

Is there more that we can offer? We would encourage any ideas be forwarded to and we will see what can be done!

Section 336 of the MGA indicates that the mailing of Tax Notices must be certified. How you do you meet this regulation? 

Even though the mailing of tax notices must be certified, there is no guidance on how we are to comply. Many municipalities put an advertisement in their local paper and/or on the website with the details of when they were mailed, others complete a detailed document that the CAO signs, while others create a fancy notification.
There is no right or wrong way to ensure compliance with this piece of legislation. You just want to ensure you have something in writing and signed with a copy put with your Tax Year documentation for audit purposes.

If you have another share with regard to this question, please be sure to answer in the Question Forum on our website.
Annual General Meeting Notification
The AMTPA Annual General Meeting will be held at 8am on Friday, September 23. You must be a member to vote.

We have various vacancies that we would encourage you to look at. If you would like any details about a certain position, please contact our President.

Vice-President (2 years)
Director of Communications (2 years)
Director (1 year)
Auditor #1 (2 years)
Auditor #2 (1 year)
You may nominate yourself or a colleague that you feel will benefit our Association. Nominations are open until
September 22, 2022.
Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else's help.
Heather French Henry