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Amona Residents Tortured by Government Decisions, Agreements, and Violations

(This is what the world is complaining about?)

The community of Amona in the Shomron has not been much in the news these past few weeks, but the quiet is ending, and ending fast:

1. Arabs in the Shomron have petitioned the Israeli Supreme Court to cancel the agreement agreed to by the government and residents of Amona to relocate the residents to property adjacent to Amona.  Arabs petition High Court against Amona zoning

To the great dismay of many, the court agreed and  issued an injunction this past Monday temporarily freezing the construction of new homes for the residents of Amona, and forbidding the State from carrying out any work on the plots set aside for the construction. Supreme Court freezes Amona outline

2. Naturally, the residents of Amona protested this ruling:
The leaders of the town of Amona in Samaria penned a letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Education Minister Nafatli Bennett Sunday, protesting the fact that the government did not abide by the agreement with the residents to provide alternate housing on the same hill in return for their pledge to be evacuated peacefully.

The residents wrote that they will initiate a new campaign against the impending demolition of their homes, which according to the agreement reached last month and which was approved by the Supreme Court must take place by February 8. They wrote that the only solution which would prevent the destruction of their homes would be to enact the Regulation Law to retroactively legalize the construction.
Amona residents: Government violated agreement

Amona's Chief Rabbi also protested the ruling and issued warnings if the Amona residents are not relocated as per the agreement:

Last night, r esidents of Amona held an emergency meeting during which they announced the renewal of their public battle to prevent their eviction from their homes, after the agreement with the government to prevent the eviction hit a snag.

Amona Council Head Avichai Boaron stated, "We have no choice but to renew our fight to prevent the destruction of Amona."

3. In light of the government's failure to provide alternative housing for the Amona residents, Education Minister Naftali Bennett called for the government to finally approve the Regulation Law before the expected expulsion of the residents in two weeks.

So, this is where we currently stand. Will the government abide by its agreement to relocate the residents of Amona to an adjacent area, or will they renege, and G-d forbid be responsible for potentially violent protests as was seen in Amona in February, 2006? Time is running short.

In Jerusalem: Protest the UN's Illegal Occupation of Government House in Jerusalem

The Israel Land Fund in association with U'faratzta Tours & Events enjoins you to join Arieh King, City Councilman & founder & director of the Israel Land Fund, in a protest against the UN's illegal occupation of the strategically located Government House in southern Jerusalem.
The event will take place Thursday January 26 as the highlight of a unique journey throughout various communities not generally too accessible.
Speak out against an injustice that has been taking place for the past 50 years!
For details and registration:

AFSI is a co-sponsor of 
The 4th Sovereignty Conference:
"Sovereignty with Responsibility"
Sponsored by
Women In Green and the Forum for Sovereignty

For those who will be in Jerusalem on Sunday, February 12, this conference is a must!
Full Jewish Sovereignty over all of Judea and Samaria is the answer, and this conference is another step in that direction.

Hosted by Women In Green and the Forum For Sovereignty, the speakers are a Whose Who of today's leaders for full sovereignty.

There is no charge, but seating is limited and registration is required.

Lectures are in Hebrew with simultaneous translation into English!

Please see the flyer below for additional information.

AFSI Calendar of Events
(Additional events can be found at

Tuesday, January 31, 5:00 PM
An Edwin Black event - "An Alternative to the United Nations: The Covenant of Democratic Nations"
AFSI's Chairman, Mark Langfan, and AFSI Board Member Ken Abramowitz are scheduled speakers.

Monday, February 6, 7:00 PM (Doors open 6:30 PM)
Is Israel a Military Superpower?A Conversation with Yaakov Katz, Editor of The Jerusalem Post
At The Tikvah Center, 165 E 56th Street, NY

Tuesday, February 7, 8:00 PM
The Jewish Center and AIPAC invite the community to What is Next for the America/Israel Relationship: A Conversation with the Times of Israel/Editor in Chief, David Horovitz.
At  The Jewish Center 131 West 86th St. NYC 
This event is free and open to the public. Register at

Wednesday, February 8, 7:00 PM
The Museum of Jewish Heritage : Tuvia Tenenbom Book Launch - The Lies They Tell
Free - Advance Reservation Recommended
Click  HERE to reserve.

Sunday, February 12, 6:00 PM IN JERUSALEM
The 4th Sovereignty Conference: 
"Sovereignty with Responsibility"
Sponsored by 
Women In Green and the Forum for Sovereignty; co-sponsored by AFSI and others
At the Crowne Plaze Hotel, Jerusalem.
See our announcement at the top of this email for details!

Monday, February 13, 7:00 - 10:00 PM
Honest Reporting and The Philos Project invite you to attend the New York premiere screening of the award-winning documentary film  Eyeless in Gaza.
Doors open 6:30 PM.
At The King's College, 56 Broadway, New York, New York 10004

Monday, February 13, 7:00 PM
Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon sponsored by Columbia Students for Israel
At Columbia U, 116th St. & Broadway, Manhattan
Click  HERE for details.

Monday, February 13, 7:30 PM
Forty Years Since Entebbe: A Conversation with Dr. Iddo Netanyahu
At Mount Sinai Jewish Center in Washington Heights, Manhattan 
Click  HERE for info and registration.

Tel: 212-828-2424; 800-235-3658; Fax: 212-828-4538;;
Mark Langfan: Chairman
 Helen Freedman: Executive Director
Judy Kadish: Co-Executive Director
Jonathan Grauman: Research Analyst

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