AMI's Newsletter
June 2012

Our June newsletter features an article that I wrote explaining our mission at AMI and how we can assist businesses and university researchers with technology development.


Give me a call at 785-532-7044 or e-mail if you have any questions or projects you would like to discuss. You can also connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.


AMI...Engineering Success.


Taylor Jones

Chief Engineer

Feature Article

Technology Development 


Taylor Jones

Chief Engineer


AMI's mission is to advance technologies, people and companies through collaborative engineering and business partnerships, but what does that really mean? To me that means we have the expertise and knowledge to help our customers and partners at any point in time during technology development. So what is technology development?


A quick Google search will confirm that technology development has many definitions, and industries have their own definitions specific to their businesses.


My definition of technology development can be broken down into five phases:


Phase 1 - Assessment

During phase one you are assessing and sorting through ideas to better define the technology to be developed and creating an execution plan. You are assessing the technical feasibility and gathering information to assess the business case.


Phase 2 - Building a Business Case

Phase two is when you are building a business case for the technology to establish a sound financial and technical purpose for further investment in development.


Phase 3 - Development

In phase three you are taking the input from technology assessment and business case development to develop the technology. The development phase includes further definition and planning, conceptual and preliminary design, plus many more activities to manage risk and increase your probability for success.


Phase 4 - Testing and Validation

During phase four you are validating the technology prior to implementation. In this phase the technology is hardened and checked under real-life conditions, customer and/or market acceptance is verified, the implementation plan is validated and the financial attractiveness of the technology is reaffirmed.


Phase 5 - Implementation

In phase five you are launching into full-scale implementation and/or production of the technology, technology management is engaged and you are executing a technology life cycle plan (ascent, maturity and decline.)


Technology development is a challenging and risky business, but when you follow a sound technology development process you minimize your risks and increase your chances for success.


AMI has the knowledge, expertise and resources to be your technology development partner at any point and time during the process. We can provide point solutions like technology assessment, business research, engineering design and validation or holistically help you navigate the technology development journey.



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