Milton Counseling is looking forward to a great 2024-2025 School Year! We anticipate the release of schedules to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal on Monday, July 29.
In an effort to adjust student schedules prior to the first day of school, we will host a Schedule Adjustment Day on Tuesday, July 30. Students and/or parents should report to the school during the designated time frames below IF there are any discrepancies (listed below) in the student schedule:
- Seniors (12th) report from 8:30-10:30 AM
- Juniors (11th) report from 10:30-12:30 PM
- Freshmen (9th) and Sophomores (10th) report from 1:30-3:30 PM
Please report during your designated time frame to minimize long wait times in the building. If you are unable to come to the school on July 30, the paper schedule adjustment request process will still occur from August 5-August 16. You can submit your request via paper form when school starts. Our goal is to make as many adjustments as possible prior to the first day of school to ensure a smooth start of classes for our students. We do not take schedule adjustment requests via walk-in, phone, or email.
As a reminder, the following items are VALID schedule adjustment requests:
- You need to drop down in rigor
- You have a hole in your schedule
- You previously passed the course
- You have a duplicate course on the schedule
- You have not taken and/or passed the necessary prerequisite course
- You need a course to graduate (Seniors only)
- You need a course for college admission (Seniors only)
- You wish to drop a course as part of the Senior Reduced Courseload (Seniors only, additional form required)
The following items are INVALID schedule adjustment requests:
- Lunch period changes
- Teacher changes
- Rearranging schedules
- Adding online courses via FVS/GAVS
- Removing online courses via FVS/GAVS
- Waiving into an Honors or AP course
Our final course verification was from April 8-12, 2024. This was the last window to request Honors, AP, and online courses. If your student missed the Dual Enrollment deadline for Fall 2024, the deadline to participate in Spring 2025 Dual Enrollment is November 1. We look forward to a fantastic new year!