January 16, 2024


Building a Tech Ecosystem: Ada’s New Wave of Community-Driven Meetups

By: Sunnie Dawn Baker


Technology work can be isolating, but it doesn’t have to be. While much of the work is done in solitary, spending hours at a computer building code, developing websites, or finding solutions to problems, it can also be helpful to be a part of a community. Our area lacked this until recently. The Ada Jobs Foundation, through the Conduit Initiative, is supporting and encouraging tech entrepreneurs in the area, making tech meetups a crucial aspect of this work. While the focus is on connecting these tech workers with one another, building this tech ecosystem and encouraging people to talk to each other as part of a community could eventually yield a new business, especially since some of the attendees are already tech entrepreneurs.

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Bridging Gaps in Economic Development with Select Oklahoma

Last week, Daniel Castaneda led the Monthly Mentorship Moment for Select Oklahoma. Daniel touched on the importance of creating avenues for entry into the economic development sector for new professionals. Serving on the Board of Directors, Daniel aims to enhance outreach initiatives proactively and intentionally, fostering connections between diverse disciplines at the collegiate level and professionals in the field.

Zaza Recap

On January 11th, Peggy Saunkeah and Daniel Castaneda attended the reception at Hotel Zaza hosted by Select Oklahoma for site selectors and real estate professionals in the Dallas area. The Ada Jobs Foundation sponsored the event along with dozens of other Oklahoma communities and economic development organizations.


Why it Matters: This event is a key opportunity to meet and strengthen relationships with professionals involved in economic development projects that come to Oklahoma. According to the American Growth Project, the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area is the 5th fastest growing economy in the United States and currently ranks as the 5th largest metro area in the U.S. The Ada Jobs Foundation uses this event as an opportunity to support our state economic development efforts and share Ada’s economic story and opportunities with a broader audience.

Spring Kickoff for YCL

The Conduit Coders have begun their initial season practice! Best wishes to the team for another successful season.


Ada Jobs Foundation



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