A new-age AI based Predictive Analytics
Uncover hidden actionable insights
e mStream is an analytics solution that uses data from social media, emails, blogs, your Ross ERP, website, emails, excel, and a whole host of sources. Using all this data emStream provides incredible insights about your customer sentiments and behavior, customer churn, product brands, buying patterns/attributes, and any dimension of your choice. Understand your customer to drive customer lifetime value.
Listen to every conversation from your customer!
Customers talk to you through different external and internal channels. Use emStream to aggregate conversations from these channels to mine this data to get actionable insights.
See how AI based Predictive Analytics can help 'C' level executives to:

  • Predict revenue growth, brand success, customer churn, and more with inbuilt machine learning algorithms

  • Analyze positive and negative customer sentiments and behaviors leveraging inbuilt natural language processing for insight of your customer value strategy

  • Segregate and analyze trend for potential growth opportunities by region, segments or any dimension of your choice

  • Use the power of Big Data to improve every aspect of your business from accounting to manufacturing operations

Request a FREE Proof-of-Concept!
To help you embark on the AI journey we invite you to let us build you a real-life use-case featuring your industry specific use-cases available for your choosing. Please simply reply for more information on our free proof-of-concept offer!
Lavaleer Solutions, Inc (LSI) is an expert Ross ERP Services and Solutions Provider. We are a proud partner of eMudra ( www.emudhra.com ) to bring amazing software to the Ross ERP customer community. In addition to emSigner for digital signatures and workflow we are now very excited to bring emStream for Predictive Analysis to customers.