September,  2016 

Your copy of the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association 'News & Views' has arrived!   You will find that you can easily go to any subject in the table of contents by just clicking on it or just browse through the articles as you wish. Please have a look. 


Next Meeting 09/12/2016

The next meeting is Monday September 12th, 6:15 P.M. at Asylum Hill Congregational Church, 814 Asylum Avenue.

From The Chair
Did you know that during the month of August many fun and resourceful community activities/events took place in Asylum Hill?

HouseFrom the House
Dear Neighbors:
I want to take an opportunity to share some information with you about legislation that was adopted during the 2016 session that will help our military
veterans as they return home and look for future employment.  I hope this
column is useful to any one you know who has served or is currently serving in
our military.


AHThenAsylum Hill Volunteer of the Month
Volunteer of the Month - Louisa Barton-Duguay

How Louisa ended up moving from Moncton NB Canada where she was a working sculptor to Hartford CT where she was prohibited from getting a job, is much longer than we have space to tell. The short version that she prefers is that it was the grace of God that made her  move here in 2010. Since then she has gone from being a working artist who was involved in social justice and environmental volunteer work, to a full time volunteer who finds time to create a little art when the situation warrants it.

ThenAsylum Hill Then and Now




The photo above was taken in April of 2014 when work was temporarily halted. The students had been moved to MLK and were making the best of a difficult situation that would last a year longer than planned. Below is a photo from opening day, August 30th when the students finally returned. It marks the beginning of a new era for Asylum Hill and especially for the West Middle Community School families. It really is "the Community's School"



Exploring Asylum Hill - Veeder Place Update

Veeder Place is the name of the building at Sargeant and Garden Sts. It was the Veeder- Root factory for many years, but after being empty for nearly a decade after Veeder-Root moved to Simsbury, it was resurrected as Veeder Place in the mid 90's.



The Comet - What Will It Take?
Early in 2015 the Hartford Preservation Alliance (HPA) and the Hartford Business Improvement District (BID) joined together to address the question posed by a desire to improve the Farmington Avenue corridor between Sigourney and Woodland Streets. What is necessary to bring about a change along the corridor and contribute to community economic development for Asylum Hill?

Urban League of Greater Hartford Job Fair
While the "dog days" of August are usually slow for most of us, the Urban League has been very busy. On August 12th they hosted the CT Tailored for Success: Summer Jobs Readiness Series. Partnering with volunteers from organizations as diverse as the Hartford Yard Goats and Gentlemen's Warehouse they offered a five-hour workshop for people looking for employment.



I84 Open Planning Studo
Fellowship Hall * Immanuel Congregational Church10 Woodland Street, Hartford, CT
Drop in at any time. Visit for project and event details.
              Your City. Your Highway. Your Solutions.

Fresh Express Farmers Market
The Hartford, Aetna and Billings Forge are excited to share the attached flyer highlighting the 2016 Asylum Hill Fresh Express program, which launches Thursday, June 2nd and runs weekly through October 27th.  Additional details on shuttle stops and times are included in the flyer.







Hartford News AHNA Supplement

As part of our communications efforts we publish our newsletter 'AHNA News and Views' as a supplement in the Hartford News monthly.  To cover the printing costs we need to secure ads generating $500.00 dollars each month.  This provides us with four pages with color.  If you, an organization you work for or belong to would like to help support this effort please see the order form below.  Please contact the editor at  if you know of anyone or business you think we might reach out to for support.  Thank you.


Ad Order Form

Events Calendar


Please click on the following link to go to our online Events Calendar.

From The Editor
If you have any comments, suggestions or submissions please contact me via email at 
Paul O'Mara Communications Committee Chair
Contact Us
Send emails directly to AHNA at

To visit our website click on the following link.   AHNA Website

To visit our Facebook page go to 'Asylum Hill Living' group page.