October,  2018 

Your copy of the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association 'News & Views' has arrived!   You will find that you can easily go to any subject in the table of contents by just clicking on it or just browse through the articles as you wish. Please have a look. 


             Next Meeting 10/01/2018

The next meeting is Monday October 1st, 6:15 P.M. at  The 224 Eco-Space, 224 Farmington Ave .  


       September Minutes 


From The Executive Director

Thoughts from the Director


I'm very honored to be named as the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association's (AHNA) first executive director. The Board and I have formed a strong team that will continue to grow and sustain AHNA's work to revitalize the Asylum Hill neighborhood.

We plan to significantly increase outreach to community residents, merchants, non-profits and corporations in Asylum Hill. 

From The Chair

Thoughts from the Chair

Joy is a gift for you! As we transition from a summer filled with splendid vacations, good times, extremely hot days to a cool autumn filled with good upcoming life experiences, the manifestation of expectations that we've been waiting for and good times with family and friends; let's choose to spend our time living in a life of joy. Joy is not mere happiness that comes and goes. It is manifested in our hearts when there is peace in our lives. 

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From the House

Greetings to my friends and neighbors in Asylum Hill!

New Laws for October

By: State Rep. Matt Ritter

Over 70 new laws go into effect on October 1. Most are technical in nature, but some are significant and deserve special attention.  You can research all of the legislation through the Connecticut State Library or by using the research tools on the legislature's website at cga.ct.gov .
An Act Concerning Bump Stocks And Other Means Of Enhancing The Rate Of Fire Of A Firearm - This was one the capstones of the 2018 legislative session.




Asylum Hill Then and Now - 256 South Marshall Street

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Exploring Asylum Hill


Exploring Asylum Hill - 
 A New Community Garden

The Fall harvest season is officially upon us, and what better time to explore Asylum Hill's Community Gardens.  Our neighborhood is blessed with three Community Gardens and can claim to be the site of the oldest Knox owned Community Garden in the City. 

     Volunteer of the Month

Town & County Volunteers at West Middle Community School

The chilly Saturday morning last week brought out nine volunteers from the Town & County Club on Woodland Street to add their efforts to make Asylum Hill a little bit better. They started months ago planning for a one-day event that could make use of their skills and interests and result in a visible result. They noticed that the beautifully restored Asylum Avenue façade of West Middle School still looked almost as it did the day the contractors left, while the landscaping did not. As Joanna Gerber, one of the nine who volunteered said "weeds don't sleep".


Pollinator Festival At Trinity Episcopal

Saturday saw the culmination of months of planning and collaboration among AHNA Board member Carol Padberg, Trinity Academy and Trinity Episcopal Church along with Knox Inc. to produce the First Annual Pollinator Festival in Asylum Hill.
You may already be aware that pollinators are mostly flying insects along with select birds that for millions of years have been feeding on the nectar of most of the flowering plants and in the process distributing their pollen from one plant to another that allows countless fruits and vegetables to grow and reproduce.


Bicycle Rodeo At Boys and Girls Club

Friday the 14 th saw bikes and riders of every size gather at the Asylum Hill Boys & Girls Club for a Bike Rodeo. The program called "Heads Up for Safety" is intended to reduce the number of bicycle related head injuries by 88% among young children just by wearing a helmet.

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Youth Challenge Walk-a-thon

For nearly 50 years, Youth Challenge has been a presence in the community offering help to those who suffer with addiction. From the very beginning the programs that they offer are based on faith in God, and for very many they have been successful.

Arts and Music on the Hill
Events and Opportunities
Events Calendar


Please click on the following link to go to our online Events Calendar.

From The Editor
If you have any comments, suggestions or submissions please contact me via email at communications@asylumhill.org 
Paul O'Mara Communications Committee Chair
Contact Us
Send emails directly to AHNA at  info@asyluhill.org

To visit our website click on the following link.   AHNA Website

To visit our Facebook page go to 'Asylum Hill Living' group page.