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AHNA News & Views
November 2016
Next Meeting 11/07/2016
The next meeting is Monday November 7th, 6:15 P.M. at Asylum Hill Congregational Church, 814 Asylum Avenue.
From The Chair
Our communities could be better if we could hear your voice. There are leaders who are passionate about solving issues in your community, who are wise and are full of compassion for your wellbeing as well as others, leaders who are not afraid to advocate and make changes for a better quality of life for you, your family and your community. These leaders will never become the voice for you and I if we don't vote for them. Your voice is very important and so is your vote.
From the House |
Dear Neighbors:
The legislature recently approved a deal to keep manufacturing giant Sikorsky Aircraft in Connecticut until at least 2032. This is great news for Connecticut's economy and job growth in the state.
In addition to expanding Sikorsky's workforce to 8,000 employees, the deal will pump billions of dollars into Connecticut's economy over the next 16 years. In exchange, the state will provide up to $220 million in financial incentives over the course of the deal.
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Asylum Hill Volunteer of the Month |
Volunteer of the Month - Rev. Dr. Shelley Best
When you work in the "non-profit" world, especially as a minister, the line between paid professional and "volunteer" can get really fuzzy. And when you're there long enough, your efforts can gain a life of their own.
Exploring Asylum Hill
Exploring Asylum Hill: S. Marshall St. Pop-up
Several times each year a group of individuals from the organization called the S. Marshall Interfaith Coalition get together on a Saturday afternoon and set up a few tables for a few hours in front of the Marshall House playground just to meet and talk to the residents and to get to know them. This usually involves bringing something to offer to those living here and at this time of year, cider and donuts were the main draw, and the Village for Families & Children also came with a table to register people to vote. Pumpkins, houseplants and children's books rounded out the items given out.
Rev. Gary Miller, a Remembrance
I don't remember when I first met Gary Miller, but it must have been shortly after he arrived at Asylum Hill Congregational Church in 1998. They had already opened their doors to the neighborhood NRZ and members of the church were working with residents to create our first strategic plan and build up this new organization. We didn't keep very good records in those days, but I recall that whenever we needed any help, a place to meet or anything else, AHCC was the place to go.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Launches
On Success" Program
to Support Smaller Nonprofit Organizations
The Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association will join 11 other small nonprofit organizations to participate in the Hartford Foundation's Building on Success Program, a new two-year program designed to combine capacity building support and small grants to small nonprofits. Building on Success combines quarterly group learning sessions, individual organizational consultation, and grant support over a two-year period. Each organization that fully participates in the program will be awarded a total of $10,000, over two years.
The Comet Diner
Please click on 'Read More' to see Frank Hagaman's latest blog entry about The Comet.
Town Hall Meeting with Mayor Bronin
On Saturday morning Mayor Bronin held another of his monthly town hall meetings to speak directly to the citizens of Hartford and to hear their concerns and answer their questions. This one was at 2550 Main St, home of Hartford Communities That Care among other organizations. The main topic was the Promise Zone.
Read More |
Open Planning Studio #11
Tuesday, November 15th, 2016
from 12 to 8 pm at the Parkville Community & Senior Center
, 11 New Park Avenue, and
Wednesday, November 16th, 2016 from 4 to 8 pm at the Asylum Hill Congregational Church
, 814 Asylum Avenue.
Drop in at your convenience to explore our topic-related work stations, where you can learn about and provide feedback on the latest project work.
I84 Project Link
Historic Building Rebates
In hopes of sparking revitalization and stabilization in Connecticut's urban neighborhoods and preserving the historic character of communities, the State's Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) offers a homeowner rebate/tax credit for the rehabilitation of owner-occupied historic residential buildings containing 1-4 units.
Girls On The Run
Girls on the Run of Greater Hartford is currently looking for new sites to host programming for the spring 2017 season. Girls on the Run is a physical activity-based, positive youth development program that teaches key life skills to girls in 3rd through 5th grade through dynamic discussions and fun games that creatively integrate running. Participants develop and improve competence, feel confidence in who they are, develop strength of character, respond to others and oneself with care, create positive connections with peers and adults and make a meaningful contribution to community and society.
Thriller Halloween Dance & Party at HCB
It's become an annual event now. It's not really Halloween without the Hartford City Ballet's annual
Halloween party complete with the opportunity to learn Michael Jackson's famous Thriller music video dance. You Tube is full of examples of this famous dance from 1983, but none are more creative or kid friendly that HCB's version taught in their ballet studio and danced by neighborhood kids and accomplished ballet dancers side by side.
Among today's most innovative and successful painters, Kehinde Wiley is known throughout the world for his vivid portraits of African American men and women that use the conventions of traditional European portraiture. His work raises questions about race, gender, and the politics of representation.
Mr. Wiley joins us for a multimedia talk exploring the scope and meaning of his work to date, with a focus on the museum's recent acquisition, Portrait of Toks Adewetan (The King of Glory) (2016).
The talk begins 6pm, preceded by artwork viewing and a public reception at 5pm.
Free and open to the public!
An Evening with Kehinde Wiley is sponsored by the Tremaine Foundation and RBC Wealth Management with additional support from the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation Fund.
Photograph by Tony Powell.
Visit our calendar for a complete listing of upcoming programs and events.
Hartford News AHNA Supplement
As part of our communications efforts we publish our newsletter 'AHNA News and Views' as a supplement in the Hartford News monthly. To cover the printing costs we need to secure ads generating $500.00 dollars each month. This provides us with four pages with color. If you, an organization you work for or belong to would like to help support this effort please see the order form below. Please contact the editor at if you know of anyone or business you think we might reach out to for support. Thank you. Ad Order Form
Events Calendar
Please click on the following link to go to our online Events Calendar.
Paul O'Mara Communications Committee Chair