June,  2015 

Your copy of the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association 'News & Views' has arrived!   You will find that you can easily go to any subject in the table of contents by just clicking on it or just browse through the articles as you wish.  Please have a look.

Next Meeting 06/01/2015

The next meeting is Monday June 1st, 6:15 P.M. at Asylum Hill Congregational Church, 814 Asylum Avenue.   

From The Chair
Healing is a physical as well as a spiritual manifestation of complete wellness.



From the House
As the 2015 legislative session wraps up at the State Capitol, I want to highlight a very important piece of legislation that is still being discussed and negotiated.  






Asylum Hill Then And Now 


Asylum Hill Then - 2003

Construction begins on the new Boys and Girls Club on Asylum Hill.


And Now - 2015
Today the Boys and Girls Club is a focal point for youth activities on Asylum Hill. 
Volunteer of the Month : Abdul Rahmaan Muhammad  
Free ice cream in the summer! Delivered right to the park or
playground where the kids are playing? Who would do this and why?

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Celebration of Art and Culture
This summer, The Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association presents a month long festival celebrating the creativity and diversity of the Asylum Hill community.  



Asylum Hill: Headquarters for ....
Hartford Blooms Garden Tours is a city-wide event with highlights from the Colt Building to Cedar Hill Cemetery.
Hartbeat Park Is Now Liam E. McGee Memorial Park
On May, 15, The Hartford renamed the company's HartBeat Park to the Liam E.
McGee Memorial Park in honor of the company's late CEO.

A Green Ribbon School In Asylum Hill
On June 4th, Principal Mike Maziarz of The Academy of Engineering and Green Technology of Hartford Public High School won't be at school.




Third Annual Electronic Waste Recycling Collection
AHNA is holding it's annual electronic waste drop-off event on June 20th.
Mobile Food Market Comes to Asylum Hill



Beginning June 25rd, The Hartford Food Systems Mobile Market will be visiting Asylum Hill. It will be at the Boys & Girls Club 170 Sigourney St from 4:30 - 6:00pm in the parking lot.





Healthy Fiesta
 Free Health, Wellness and Empowerment event.  Cosponsored by the John Stewart Foundation and Asylum Hill Boys and Girls Club of Hartford, Inc.
Big Tent Jubilee
On June 4th the Stowe Center will be celebrating their Big Tent Jubilee event.  The 2015 winner of the Stowe Prize, Ta-Nehisi Coates will host 'A Conversation on Race', also there will be an Inspiration to Action Networking Fair, both free events at Immanuel Congregational Church.
Grace Lutheran Church Installation Ceremony
On the beautiful Sunday afternoon of May 17th more than a hundred gathered at Grace Lutheran Church to install Pastor Rick Kremer as Grace's
permanent Pastor after serving nearly
a year as transitional pastor.






Marshall House Has New Director  
The Salvation Army's Marshall House on South Marshall St has a new Director of Operations, and we're pleased to welcome her to Asylum Hill.
New Executive Director For Jumoke Academy Charter Schools
At a special Board of Directors meeting held on Tuesday, April 28, 2015, the Jumoke Academy Board of Directors announced the conclusion of an almost 2 month long search process for a permanent Executive Director.


Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to take the MetroQuest Transit Oriented Development survey about regional transit stations and development.  Your opinions and choices are important to the process of design and development.

Hartford City Ballet Summer Dance Program  


Spring has finally come and Summer is around the corner! We have special Summer only dance program for Hip-Hop dancers presented by Hartford City Ballet to age group of 9 and up.

Come dance with Ms. Tessa.


Snow White And Show Case

Hartford City Ballet is offering a performance of Snow White and a Classical Showcase at the Wadsworth Atheneum Aetna Theater


Events Calendar


Please click on the following link to go to our online Events Calendar.

Committee Notes

Communications Committee met on May 18th and planned the articles and

columns for the June News & Views as well as the distribution of a survey to the AHNA board soliciting opinions regarding the website.  The next meeting will be June 15th at 3:00pm at CPBN 1049 Asylum Ave

Friends of Sigourney Square Park
Friends of Sigourney Square Park met on May 11th and discussed the clean-up
in the park scheduled for June 4th.  Trees and shrubs that need to be replaced
were discussed and Parks Gardener Elizabeth Morin will be invited to the next
meeting.  Also parts of the spray pool and exercise equipment need to be repaired.  The Park Ranger program was explained and Laura Crawford supervisor of the Park Rangers will be invited to the next meeting.  There will be a movie in the park again this year with the date yet to be decided.  Alvin Carter will hold the AH Family Days on August 22nd & 23rd
Next meeting will be June 8th in the Park at 12:00 noon


Quality of Life 
Quality of Life Committee met on May 20th they heard from EJ Catala from
Hartford Guides about the programs that they offer both to Asylum Hill and the City as a whole.  Frank Hagaman spoke about the Farmington Ave summit that is being planned to focus efforts on the historic properties on Farmington Ave and how they can spur economic development. Next meeting TBD
Welcoming Committee

The Welcoming Committee met on April 30th, They talked about the
Governance Committee for the Neighborhood Place and chose Georges Annan-
Kingsley, Lar Pwe Paw, Reena Shresthra and Rola Hamdan to represent the
Welcoming Committee. They spoke of planning a pot-luck dinner for the fall, and holding a car wash to raise funds. They announced that four market events
would be available to sell items that they have made.  Jyotsna Khattri  announced that they would be raising funds through a tag sale for the victims in Nepal, and it was agreed that there be a donation box  at the AHNA table for the earthquake victims. The New Voices video is now available on the HPL website at the You Tube link  Next meeting is May 28th 5:00 pm at
140 Woodland St

From The Editor
If you have any comments, suggestions or submissions please contact me via email at communications@asylumhill.org 
Paul O'Mara Communications Committee Chair
Contact Us
Send emails directly to AHNA at  info@asyluhill.org

To visit our website click on the following link.   AHNA Website

To visit our Facebook page go to 'Asylum Hill Living' group page.