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AHNA News & Views
July 2018
Next Meeting 07/02/2018
The next meeting is Monday July 2nd, 6:15 P.M. at
The 224 Eco-Space, 224 Farmington Ave
Please Note: Hartford Mayor, Luke Bronin will be in attendance to address the meeting.
From The Chair
Thoughts from the Chair
The Sweet spot
is the
point or area on a bat, club, or racket at which it makes the most effective contact with the object. It is also an optimum point or combination of factors or qualities. This month, I'd like to focus on the definition of sweet spot that best describes the optimum point.
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From the House |
Greetings to my friends and neighbors in Asylum Hill!
By: State Rep. Matt Ritter
Bump Stock Ban
After Sandy Hook, our state passed some of the nation's toughest gun laws and I am proud that we continue to be a national leader when it comes to combating the epidemic of gun violence. In the wake of the Las Vegas and Parkland shootings and unfortunately too many others like it, it became clear that policy was lagging behind firearm technology.
Asylum Hill Then and Now - 991 Asylum Avenue
Exploring Asylum Hill
198-222 S. Marshall Street |
Exploring Asylum Hill -
Fresh Start's New Home
Fresh Start Pallet Products is a nonprofit business started in 2015 in the back yard at Grace Lutheran Church. The idea was to help people who wanted to work and earn a living but who were outside of consideration by mainstream employers. They were mostly men who wouldn't be considered for a job because they didn't have a work history, or had too great a gap in their history. Their reasons varied, but for all of them, the result was the same. A steady stream of rejection because they didn't fit the mold of what employers were looking for, and a steady erosion of self-esteem and self-confidence.
Volunteer of the Month
Eddie Hagenbach
If you're reading the print edition of this, chances are it was refolded from the Hartford News banner page to the AHNA News & Views banner page by Eddie Hagenbach. Each month, the Hartford News delivers bundles of their paper with our News and Views on the inside, and to be sure people see them, pick them up and read them, they have to be refolded. On that Friday evening I always bring a bundle to the Friday Night Gathering at Grace Lutheran Church, and Eddie is always there, waiting for the papers to arrive.
Part-time Executive Director Needed for AHNA
The Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association (AHNA) empowers and connects residents and stakeholders to improve the quality of life in Asylum Hill. One of Hartford's oldest and most effective neighborhood associations, AHNA is looking for a part-time executive director to help it implement its strategic plan and achieve even greater effectiveness and sustainability.
My Hart My Vote Campaign
Leadership Greater Hartford has begun a campaign for voter engagement in Asylum Hill. You are encouraged to connect using the following social media links below.
Please follow our accounts and join the conversation using the #myhartmyvote!
Town and County Club Spring Forum
On Thursday afternoon, June14, the Town & County Club hosted its fifth annual Spring Forum. In the past they have dealt with topics such as immigration and historic preservation. This year the topic was
Investing in the People of Hartford: Building a Safer City Every Day.
To bring life to this subject they engaged Enid Ray, the new executive director of Our Piece of the Pie; Brian Foley, recently retired deputy chief of the Hartford Police Department; and Deborah Rogala, program operations director at Community Partners in Action. The moderator was Jay Williams, new president for Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.
Moving From Charity To Justice
On Sunday, June 10
th, Immanuel Congregational Church, along with the Connecticut Conference of the United Church of Christ, Asylum Hill Congregational Church, First Church of Christ Hartford and Faith Congregational church hosted a panel discussion subtitled
Society's Criminal Justice Challenge.
The discussion was moderated by Rev. Gordon Bates, and the panel consisted of Mike Lawlor, Under Secretary for Criminal Justice Policy and Planning, State of CT; Iran Nazario, Founder/President/CEO of Peace Center of Connecticut; Deborah Rogala, Program Operations Director, Community Partners in Action (CPA) and Victoria Steele, an advocate for women who have been incarcerated.
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Brian Baker a Remembrance
By Bernie Michel
Why it took so long for us to meet, I'll never know, but it was through a Farmington Sai Center service project that I met Brian Baker earlier this year. They chose the Plimpton House as a worthy project site and asked me to meet with the person in charge to help organize it, and that's when I first met Brian.
Arts and Music on the Hill
Events and Opportunities
I-84 Hartford Project
Local Streets Follow Up Meeting
The I-84 Hartford Project team will host a follow up meeting to the Fall 2017 local streets connectivity working sessions. The meeting is planned for
Monday, July 16, 2018 from 5-7pm at the Chrysalis Center, 255 Homestead Avenue, in Hartford.
The meeting will present the work completed since the Fall 2017 meetings. It will showcase the findings and unresolved items on the potential reconstruction and impacts to the streets, mobility, and neighborhoods that surround the I-84 Hartford Project.
We invite you to attend this meeting to track and provide feedback on the study progress.
I-84 Website
Events Calendar
Please click on the following link to go to our online Events Calendar.
Paul O'Mara Communications Committee Chair