February,  2018 

Your copy of the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association 'News & Views' has arrived!   You will find that you can easily go to any subject in the table of contents by just clicking on it or just browse through the articles as you wish. Please have a look. 


             Next Meeting 02/05

The next meeting is Monday February 5th, 6:15 P.M. at The 224 Eco-Space, 224 Farmington Ave .  

       January Minutes 


From The Chair

Thoughts from the Chair

This month the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association will be celebrating it's 20th Year of being the voice and advocate for Asylum Hill residents.

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HouseFrom the House

Greetings to my friends and neighbors in Asylum Hill!

By Rep. Matt Ritter
Resources to Support Small Businesses
We are working hard to make our state welcoming and supportive to all businesses, small and large.
From help with crafting a business plan and registering a business, financial assistance to get started, resources for minority and women-owned businesses, to finding commercial space, we have been hard at work to make sure Connecticut is open for business.
If you are a small business owner, or are thinking about starting your own business and need help with logistics, these programs are here for you. When you succeed, we all do.



HawksVolunteer (Opportunity) of the Month

      Reading Skills Improvement

This month we're offering an opportunity while publicizing a need. As we look at the progress that AHNA has made over the last 20 years, nothing can be more lasting and beneficial to the neighborhood and the community that the effort that is put into improving the lives of our children. Those children who first were tutored by the Asylum Hill Boys & Girls Club before the Sigourney Street clubhouse was built or by ConnectiKids or any of the other programs at that time are now the young parents of the children in our schools. These children still need the support of the community to gain the basic skills needed to learn and to be productive citizens of the future. No skill is more important than reading.  

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Asylum Hill Then And Now

        21 Ashley

As part of AHNA's 20 th Anniversary it seems right to feature some of the most iconic changes that have occurred over the past 20 years. This photo above shows the boarded up apartment building that was at 21 Ashley St in 1995. What isn't shown is the context, the beautiful Victorian homes nearby. 

Exploring Asylum Hill



Long a fixture on Asylum Ave, just West of Sigourney St, the HARC building may only really be noticed if you're driving westbound in the morning or afternoon when the countless vans and buses line up to drop off or pick up the 300 - plus participants in their day program.  What goes on inside is much more interesting, and important.


AHNA's 20
th Anniversary and the Events Worth Celebrating

On February 12 th about 200 members, current and former, and friends of AHNA will gather at the Tower Suite of The Hartford to celebrate the past 20 years. If you are one of those but have not registered, please go to: https://www.Eventbrite.com/e/ahnas-20th-anniversary-tickets-40109740313 and register for your free ticket. This is what we're Celebrating.
The Asylum Hill Problem Solving Committee met for the first time on January 10th 1995. It was an organizational meeting only and more than 50 people attended at Connecticut Mutual. They eventually agreed to meet monthly.
Later that year the City voted to adopt the new State NRZ statute (chapter118 sec7-600) for Hartford. Also the Committee, with the assistance of the Comprehensive Communities Partnership began the work of becoming a Neighborhood Revitalization Zone in which the zone was all of Asylum Hill. 

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Wheeler Clinic Is Open At 43 Woodland St.

For many years Wheeler Clinic has been present in Asylum Hill, both at 1000 Asylum Ave and most notably at West Middle School. There they support the students health; physical, mental and emotional, to free them to learn. Two years ago they began the process of moving their headquarters from Plainville where they began, to Hartford and Asylum Hill. 

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SERC: Hartford

January 20 th & 21 st was the culmination of a year of planning by three friends determined to take a stand and make a difference. Constanza Segovia, Tenaya Taylor and Laura Maltz Rozza joined their talents and forces to create a Social Emergency Response Center, a SERC for Hartford.
Based on one that took place in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston more than a year ago that Constanza attended, the three began planning one for Hartford. 

Painting by Georges


Georges Needs A Kidney Part VII

It was August when we published Part VI in this series, six months ago. A lot has happened in the time, but sadly not for Georges and his kidney. 

Arts and Music on the Hill
Events Calendar


Please click on the following link to go to our online Events Calendar.

From The Editor
If you have any comments, suggestions or submissions please contact me via email at communications@asylumhill.org 
Paul O'Mara Communications Committee Chair
Contact Us
Send emails directly to AHNA at  info@asyluhill.org

To visit our website click on the following link.   AHNA Website

To visit our Facebook page go to 'Asylum Hill Living' group page.