August,  2015 

Your copy of the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association 'News & Views' has arrived!   You will find that you can easily go to any subject in the table of contents by just clicking on it or just browse through the articles as you wish.  Please have a look.

Next Meeting 08/03/2015

The next meeting is Monday August 3rd, 6:15 P.M. at Asylum Hill Congregational Church, 814 Asylum Avenue.   

Special AHNA August Meeting

As a special feature of the August AHNA general meeting the Board of Directors is especially seeking the input of the residents of Asylum Hill to guide the direction of AHNA over the next year.


From The Chair

Our good thoughts and ideas shared with each other are the powerful tools that build a healthy and strong community.




HouseFrom the House


Consumer protection is a major issue these days so I wanted to take an opportunity to highlight a few consumer protection laws that the legislature passed this session that might otherwise go unnoticed.





Exploring Asylum Hill: Clarissa Matthews


Over the years and in many articles and stories in the News & Views we have proudly featured the diversity of cultures that are present here in Asylum Hill.


Celebration of Art and Culture

During June and July Asylum Hill celebrated its artists, artisans and performers who live and work among us all.



South Marshall Street Block Party
Although a heavy down pour shortened the party, over 500 residents enjoyed great food, a bouncy house, a stilt walker, drumming and lots of games, crafts and activities on South Marshall.



Hartford Mobile Market
The Hartford Mobile Market, a produce market on wheels now makes a stop in Asylum Hill.




Farmington Ave. Streetscape


 For all those who have been inconvenienced by the seemingly unending construction work on Farmington Ave not to mention those who have waited more that a decade for the Streetscape to be a reality, the end is near.



28th Annual Sigourney Square Family Festival

The 28th annual Family Festival in Sigourney Square Park will begin again this year with the puppet and costume parade from Asylum Hill Congregational Church on Saturday August 22nd at 12:00 noon.


Asylum Hill Community Arts Project and Parade


The 2015 version of this annual event will take place Monday -Friday, August 17-21 5:00-8:00 pm. In past years there have been themes like Outer-space as well as Under Sea Adventures. This year the theme is "Food Glorious Food".






Movie Night in Sigourney Park

You're invited!

The Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association (AHNA) and Friends of Sigourney Square Park are sponsoring a free movie night!!

Spectrum In Motion


This summer's six week dance intensive has been going strong since the end of June, and will culminate on August 6th  and 7th with a performance each evening.


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Events Calendar


Please click on the following link to go to our online Events Calendar.

Committee Briefs

The Communications Committee met on July 20th and in addition to a discussion of proposed articles for the News & Views reviewed the effectiveness of the website and Facebook and strategies for maximizing their effectiveness.

Next meeting will be 8/24 , 3:00pm CHE, 140 Woodland St.


Friends of Sigourney Square Park

The Friends of Sigourney Square Park did not meet in July. Next meeting will be August 10th at 12:00 noon at 140 Woodland St



Quality of Life 

Quality of Life Committee met twice, both on 7/7 and 7/28. At the first meeting there was an update from Officer Chanaca and information about new welcome signs as well as the Movie in the Park before turning attention to the concerns of the Sigourney Mews residents. The second meeting was at that time planned to further discuss the proposed tax abatement for the Sigourney Mews Property.



Welcoming Committee

The Welcoming Committee met on July 30th.  Notes from that meeting were not available to be included in this month's News & Views



From The Editor
If you have any comments, suggestions or submissions please contact me via email at 
Paul O'Mara Communications Committee Chair
Contact Us
Send emails directly to AHNA at

To visit our website click on the following link.   AHNA Website

To visit our Facebook page go to 'Asylum Hill Living' group page.