AGHE's 43rd Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference
March 2017
The Future is Here: Educating a New Generation of Professionals
in Aging Worldwide
Dr. Kathryn Hyer, Dr. Nina Silverstein, Dr. Martha Pelaez, The Honorable Josefina Carbonell, and Dr. Kelly Fitzgerald (L to R)
2: Colleen Bennett (UMBC) receives the Student Leadership Award from AGHE Student Chair, Lisa Juckett
3: Lisa Kendall (Ithaca College) receives the Part-Time/Adjunct Faculty Honor from AGHE Awards Chair, Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci
4: Dr. Jennifer Mendez and Dr. Nina Silverstein
5: AGHE Fellows Subcommittee Chair, Dr. Judith Howe presents a Fellow certificate to Dr. Kara Dassel (University of Utah)
6: Owen Long and Dr. Diane Martin receive McDaniel College's Program of Merit (POM) certificate by POM Chair, Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci
7: Dr. Janet Frank (L) and Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci (R) present the Clark Tibbitts Award to Dr. Jo Ann Damron-Rodriguez (UCLA)
8: Journal of Gerontology & Geriatrics Education editors, Dr. Kelly Niles-Yokum (L) and Dr. Judith Howe (Center) present the David A. Peterson Award to Dr. Tina Kruger
9: Dr. John Bartle (University of Nebraska Omaha) and colleagues Dr. Julie Masters, and Dr. Lyn Holley
2017 James McKenney Student Travel Awardees Reflect on their Experiences
James McKenney was a Mainer, born in Maine, resided there for most of his life and died in his home in February 2015. With no formal advanced education, Jim was recognized for building the first super insulated home, a self-taught project in engineering. Jim highly valued education. When his friend, Marilyn R. Gugliucci, PhD, was serving as AGHE president in 2008-2010, Jim established a planned giving gift for AGHE - 20% of his estate would be donated upon his death for advancing student education on aging. The James McKenney Student Travel Award provides AGHE Annual Meeting registration and travel funds for 10 students globally; with funds distributed over the next 8 years. Below, the inaugural class of James McKenney Awardees reflect on their experiences at the 2017 AGHE Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference:
Edward Taub
Portland Community College
I was especially interested in the work of the K-12 committee. Although I was unable to attend their workshop on Saturday, I spent time at their table after the Pecha Kucha presentation. It was eye opening to learn about the committee's work to educate students about aging. I was especially taken with the committee's work re: children's books. One of the committee members co-authored a children's book, It's Only Aging. He gave me a copy which I recently read to my 6 and 4 year old granddaughters (they loved it, especially the banana bread recipe). I joined the committee. Also, I learned a lot from the other students, both at the Student Committee meeting, in the student lounge and just hanging out. Thanks for an exceptional experience."
Colby Takeda
UC Berkeley
"Without a doubt, the people of AGHE-from the seasoned professionals to the emerging student leaders-are some of the kindest, most welcoming people around. Throughout the Annual Meeting, they graciously shared their work in gerontology, connected me with other members, and offered valuable advice, all of which contributed to a wonderful first experience with this organization. As an administrator of a senior living facility, I particularly appreciated how relevant the sessions were to my work with older adults and to my personal interest in helping young audiences understand the thrills and challenges of the aging process. Thank you, AGHE!"
Angela Nancy Mendoza
Colorado State University
"Being an awardee of the James McKenney Student Travel Award was an honor and provided an invigorating experience. It is difficult to pin point the most significant learning experience from attending the meeting, because it was the collectiveness of the experiences that was significant. The ability to meet, socialize, learn, and network with others who share the same interests initiated thought provoking ideas and promising connections. It was these connections that I found to be the most empowering part of the Annual Meeting. Through these connections, I will have more opportunities for collaborating, learning and mentoring. I am thankful and honored to be an awardee of the James McKenney Student Travel Award and look forward to the next AGHE Annual Meeting."
Jeffrey Lentz
"Learning about the accreditation process for gerontology programs and the certification process of gerontologist were two of the most important learning outcomes of the AGHE conference. One of my goals as a future leader in gerontology is to create an accredited gerontology master's program at the University of North Georgia. I attended the accreditation for gerontology education council symposium on Friday. I learned about the gerontology program competencies for undergraduate and graduate education.
This is important for the accreditation process for the program I want to create. This document provides detailed information to construct a new program. These competencies are important for students to have
to gain a full understanding of the field of gerontology. A second goal is to allow the
student the ability to become a certified practitioner of gerontology. Adding a professional credential for students to earn at the end of the program allow for more desirability among employers."
Stephane Labossiere
"I am grateful to have been selected for the AGHE inaugural class of the James McKenney Student Travel Awards. The overall conference was valuable for my career as an early professional with interest in health disparities within the aging population. The mentoring program and the student committee were memorable. I had the opportunity to network with colleagues and faculty members; I proposed a new name for the student committee group, Early Scholars Aging Leaders (ESAL); and I have received advice on community based participatory research for my professional goals. I look forward to participating again with AGHE in the future."
Jaime Hughes
"AGHE 2017 reminded me of the value of innovation and integration within our field. As aging professionals, we are faced with an immense need to assemble educators, practitioners, and policymakers from medicine, social and behavioral sciences, and community organizations to identify innovative avenues for providing care to an expanding population of older adults, including the growing proportion burdened by complex physical and psychosocial barriers. We must educate and collaborate inside and outside the classroom. As a researcher-clinician focused on primary care settings, AGHE 2017 reignited my passion for interprofessional education and my commitment to integrating interdisciplinary care into geriatric practices."
Macy Fields
Bethune-Cookman University
After attending the conference, I became more aware of the wide range of disciplines that encompass the field of geriatrics. I learned how to inform, express and persuade effectively in a variety of forms, including writing, speech, and visual media to address different scenarios. I believe that I have gained more knowledge and understanding with how to best interact with others using sensitivity and kindness. This learning experience will prepare me in the community and beyond. We have to respect and appreciate the differences of the people around us to ultimately enhance communities on a local and national level."
Çağrı Elmas
Akdeniz University (Turkey)
"Thanks to the James McKenney Student Travel Award, I had opportunity to participate in AGHE's Annual Meeting for the first time and to hear from researchers from various countries around the world. AGHE's meeting provided information about current international studies and international gerontology programs. I think meeting directly with representatives of several universities in the US is very hard for students studying in foreign countries. Owing to AGHE's Meeting, I had the chance to meet with several gerontology program representatives and colleges. AGHE's meeting provides excellent opportunities for students like me to connect with gerontology doctoral programs in the US."
Tamara Chin
University of New England
"My most significant experience at AGHE was participating in the Student Committee meeting. The discussions we had about the future of gerontology and inviting all professions to the table made me very hopeful for the future. The energy and excitement in the room was palpable, and the passion of the other participants was extremely inspiring. Attending AGHE, and the student committee meeting in particular, renewed my inspiration to commit to a career in caring for older adults. I look forward to working with all of the young professionals I met in that room in the near future!"
Joseph Castor
Western Oregon University
"The AGHE Conference 2017 in Miami, Florida was one of the best experiences in my college experience. I am a senior gerontology undergrad student at Western Oregon University and by attending the conference I was able to connect and network with other gerontologists...By attending the conference, I was able to implement what I had learned in class and apply it to real life with all the different workshops and presentations that were offered. I also had the opportunity to talk and get to know different leading gerontologists and professors at a personal level where they interacted with me like one of their colleagues...I feel that attending AGHE was a great stepping stone for me in pursuing my professional life after my undergrad and recommend it to others who are unsure of where to go next in their education."
Call for Abstracts
As the leading national forum for discussing ideas and issues in gerontological and geriatrics education, the AGHE 2018 Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference offers educators, clinicians, administrators, researchers, and students to share their experiences, expertise, and advances in teaching and learning about aging and older adults.
The conference theme is
"The Global Business of Aging." We welcome educators, policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and entrepreneurs to engage in meaningful dialogues to impart innovative ideas and strategies for facilitating positive change in higher education.
Take part in advancing the conversation by
submitting your abstract no later than 5:00 PM EST on June 1, 2017. Be sure to review the
call for abstracts
before submitting.
email with any technical questions about the submission process, and visit
our website for additional instructions and updates.
Students as Teachers and Models in Interprofessional Geriatrics Education
Director, Virginia Center on Aging; Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
Assistant Director, Virginia Geriatric Education Center; Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
Students are modeling good interprofessional/ interdisciplinary geriatrics clinical care. Healthcare academics are taking note during observational rotations that the academics undertake as part of a faculty development program. Students and faculty are learning from each other. It's happening at the Richmond Health and Wellness Program (RHWP), a community partnership between Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and a housing corporation at five Section 8 rental-assistance complexes for older adults and adults with disabilities in the city of Richmond, a Health Professional Shortage Area.
Students from nursing, pharmacy, and social work examine an RHWP community member under the guidance of a pharmacy faculty member
The RHWP was established in the fall of 2012 with a purpose of improving the health of residents in Richmond, while also training students to care for older adults. RHWP has students from the VCU Schools of Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine, Social Work, and Allied Health, and the Department of Psychology. These students are mentored and coached by faculty from each school to deliver appropriate, evidence based recommendations. The clinic does not replace existing providers. Instead, the clinic serves as a care coordination model to improve the health of residents and improve communication between their providers.
The RHWP began with a health clinic located at Dominion Place, a privately-owned apartment building with Project-Based Section 8 Rental Assistance for older adults and adults with disabilities, located near the VCU campus. Dominion Place and VCU partnered to establish the RHWP clinic as a result of the combination of proximity, mutual needs and benefits, and the commitment of community-focused leaders.
VCU's Richmond campus and Dominion Place are directly adjacent, creating a natural opportunity for university-community partnership. Pamela Parsons, PhD, a VCU professor, geriatric nurse practitioner, and RHWP director, recognized that locating a free health wellness clinic at a senior apartment building had great potential to improve health care access for low-income older adults and provide valuable practical experience for VCU students.
Keep Reading...
Geriatric Education is a regular column contributed by AGHE's Geriatric Education Committee.
Teaching & Learning Resources
THE AGE OF LOVE, a New Documentary, Highlights Emotional Growth and Intimacy in Later Life
Rarely, in our society or popular media, are elders portrayed as emotionally intricate individuals. Directly addressing this need, filmmaker Steven Loring presented his new film, The Age of Love, at the 2017 AGHE Annual Meeting in Miami. The vérité documentary offers a playful yet profound exploration of the time-tested, yet still-hopeful hearts of a group of 70- to 90-year-olds who attend a first-of-its-kind Senior Speed Dating event in Rochester, NY.
Widower, divorcée or never-married, lifting weights or on portable oxygen, Loring follows a wide range of typically overlooked elders that have one thing in common - feeling alone, invisible and ready to open their hearts and lives to someone new. By exploring these older, still-passionate
voices - relatable to any age group - the film offers a unique classroom tool that dispels ageist stereotypes, reveals how core emotional needs endure and presents a new story of growth and possibility in later life.
Following up on over 400 community screenings from Moscow to Calgary to Auckland, The Age of Love will become available this spring for Educational Licensing. And, for AGHE members unable to attend the Miami preview, the film will be available to evaluate online
during weekends in May. To receive your password-protected screener link, simply fill out the web form (and watch the trailer) at
The Age of Love Movie.
Loring set out to make the film after his dad's sudden death left his 70-year-old mother asking, "Who's ever going to touch me again?" Later that spring, his never-married 78-year-old uncle began an intense love affair with an 80-year-old woman. Says Loring, "I searched the media, particularly films and TV, and found almost no one looking at the true hearts and hopes of our booming 'fourth generation'. I wanted to widen the conversation about emotional growth for those 70 to 100 and beyond. So the project became a personal journey for me."
In the blog ChangingAging, Kavan Peterson writes, "[The Age of Love] humanizes aging in an unprecedented way. It flies in the face of our culture's rampant ageism...and lets viewers genuinely experience the truth that love and companionship transcend age."
In addition to the film and a 35-page Discussion Guide, Loring has also created a free Senior Speed Dating Kit, which he's provided to 164 community partners in hopes of bringing real, on-the-ground change to elders' lives. In January, the first 'Age of Love' wedding resulted from a speed dating event in Virginia.
After her classroom screening, Dr. April Temple, Associate Professor of Health Sciences at James Madison University wrote, "From an educational standpoint, I appreciate how the film sparked an engaging classroom discussion about love, intimacy, and sexuality in older age, broadening my students' perspectives and challenging preconceived notions and attitudes towards intimacy in later life. The students were able to relate to similar needs, desires, concerns, and insecurities we all have toward love and relationships at any age. This film makes important contributions on the topics of intimacy and relationships and would be a valuable resource in any gerontology course."
The director is eager to answer questions as well as speak about the project for classes and symposia. He can be reached at
Academic Program Development Committee
21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Being an Age-Friendly Institution: Perspectives from Global Partners
Director, RoseMary B. Fuss Center for Research on Aging and Intergenerational Studies
Professor of Psychology, Lasell College
From July 23-27, 2017, over 6,000 professionals in gerontology and geriatrics will gather to attend the IAGG World Congress in San Francisco, CA. As part of its Age-Friendly University (AFU) efforts, please join AGHE members and seminal global partners to hear about the groundbreaking AFU initiative launched by Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Dublin City University (DCU) President Brian MacCraith with an
international, interdisciplinary team. Learn about the
development of the 10 Age-Friendly University Principles endorsed recently by AGHE and institutions from the UK to Australia to South Korea, and beyond.
To start things off,
Christine O'Kelly, DCU's Age Friendly University Network Coordinator, will describe the DCU journey and vision that lead to articulating the six pillars (i.e., Research and Innovation; Teaching and Learning; Lifelong Learning; Intergenerational Learning; Encore Careers and Enterprise; Civic Engagement) underlying the ten AFU Principles.
Michelle Porter, Director of the Centre on Aging at the University of Manitoba, the first AFU institution in Canada, will share an overview of its 30+ year history of conducting and disseminating research on aging, as well as training students in research and aging - and how the AFU initiative has brought the impetus to take a more concerted approach to enhance all of its activities, including its reach across campus and to the broader community.
Director Joann Montepare and Faculty Fellow Kim Farah from the RoseMary B. Fuss Center for Research on Aging and Intergenerational Studies will follow with a description of age-friendly efforts at Lasell College in Newton, Massachusetts, USA. Lasell has the distinction of being the first age-friendly "intergenerational" campus in Massachusetts. In particular, they will talk about Lasell College's intergenerational teaching and learning collaboration with Lasell Village, a university-based life planning community situated on the Lasell campus, and how the AFU framework has allowed the institution to identify new ways to enable older adults to participate in campus-wide activities that promote positive and healthy aging.
All speakers will comment further on the value and benefits of the AFU framework and how it can be used to promote greater age-diversity and inclusion across disciplines and departments and a breaking down of age-segregation in the classroom. Serving as the discussant, AGHE President Nina Silverstein will talk about how AGHE is working to broaden and build the AFU initiative within its membership - and how your institution can join this pioneering global effort.
Symposium: Being an Age-Friendly Institution of Higher Education: Perspectives From Global Partners; Date: July 24, 2017, Time: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Doctoral Candidate, Doctoral Program in Gerontology
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
The K-12 Gerontology Education Committee was once again busy at the 43rd Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida! This year, the Committee presented "Standing the Test of Time," recognizing the enduring positive portrayals of older adults in selected classic children's first literature. In this session, members of the K-12 Committee, including Edward Ansello, Elizabeth Bergman, Elizabeth Elmore, Kelly Niles-Yokum, and Mary Newman (who participated from afar), shared favorite stories, referencing classic picture books and easy readers that continue to impart fundamental educational gerontology principles, especially the profound heterogeneity of older adults.This educational session was fun and participatory! We were also joined by an audience member, Dr. Ryo Takahashi from Sendai University in Japan, who read a Japanese children's story. The lively audience discussed their favorite stories, with respect to their experience as children or as parents or grandparents, and mused about the potential longevity of recently published works of children's literature, too!
Dr. Kelly Niles-Yokum of Dr. Ryo Takahashi of
the University of La Verne Sendai University
K-12 Korner is a regular column contributed by AGHE's K-12 Gerontology Education Committee.
Professor, Alfred University
Colleagues, thanks to your generosity we are off to a rousing start of the second phase of the "Grow-the-Tree" drive to contribute to the
Tree of Knowledge (ToK). In our first phase, we exceeded expectations and shattered prior records by collecting $14,733.40 with a kindly boost from an anonymous donor who provided a matching donation of $5,000. This year our goal is to collect $10,000 to $15,000.
In the second phase of the campaign, we are asking for generous donors to join the President's Circle. To do so, they need to commit to contributing $500 for three years for a total of $1500. So far, four people have joined the President's Circle. Our goal is to have five people in the President's Circle this year. We are excited to have four individuals already!
This backing of AGHE is important. As the premier organization of gerontological and geriatric education, AGHE's mission is to advance and provide leadership to faculty and students worldwide. AGHE not only educates individuals about the meaning of growing older, it advocates on behalf of older adults who are increasingly facing difficult challenges in a world that is tilted against them in terms of ethnic and gender discrimination and ageism.
To meet these challenges, AGHE requires your financial support. It is also essential that we have a strong thriving organization to continue to improve the quality of life of older generations. AGHE offers several philanthropic vehicles including the
ToK, the
Endowment Fund, and
Planned Giving. All contributions, whatever the amount, are appreciated.
To show our appreciation for your donation, we will prominently display your name, if you wish, on the ToK signage at our 2018 meeting in Atlanta. We will also thank you publicly on our website and in AGHE's 2018 Program.
Thus far, we have received $3,710 for the ToK, plus $1,577 from the Silent Auction in Miami. We thank you for your support and hope to see you at the World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics at San Francisco in July.
Grow the Tree,
Bob Maiden
Intergenerational Learning, Research, & Community Engagement
We Have a New Name and Mission! Meet the Intergenerational Learning, Research & Community Engagement Committee
Intergenerational Learning, Research, & Community Engagement Committee
Co-chairs Laura Donorfio, Roma Hanks (via speaker phone), and Lyn Holley, announced to the AGHE membership at the Pecha Kucha Networking Lunch that the Intergenerational Learning and Research Committee (ILR) has changed their name to the Intergenerational Learning, Research and Community Engagement Committee (ILRCE). This name change signifies the importance of including community engagement which has become increasingly more common with the increased intergenerational programs offered via service learning initiatives. Since intergenerational programming first hit the educational scene in the United States in the 1970's, mainly between primary/secondary schools and older adults, it has become increasingly common with more generational links among college students,
older adults, and lifelong learning programs.
This is best exemplified in the Netherlands at Windesheim University, which recently implemented a new Intergenerational Innovations minor. Tamara Mulders, committee member from Windesheim University explained at the AGHE Committee meeting that their minor prepares intergenerational specialists who can create intergenerational awareness, dialogues, and innovations. Their program has a strong focus on personal and professional skills and has a direct link to the community by recognizing intergenerational questions and dilemmas and how to address them.
In addition to ILRCE's new name, the committee also has a new mission statement that highlights community and student support. The new mission of ILRCE is "to investigate, expand, and promote opportunities for participating in intergenerational learning, research, and community engagement. Recognizing that understanding intergenerational relationships is a core concept in gerontological education, the ILRCE also serves as a support network for the community, education, and students in Gerontology."
Originally this committee was a sub-committee under the Academic Program Development Committee (APDC) and thanks to the hard work of past chair Sally Newman, and co-founders Roma Hanks and Paul Roodin, the committee became a standing committee in March of 2013. Please consider joining our committee during this exciting time. Direct all inquiries to Co-Chair Laura Donorfio.