With a few weeks before summer, many of our members hire students for summer help. Employers must provide adequate supervision, orientation and training for summer students to perform their summer jobs safely.

The minimum age of employment is 16 years old. However, there are exceptions for 14 and 15 year olds. For further clarification on minimum age and workplace restrictions, I invite you to review the information in this link: Minimum Age & Workplace Restrictions

MSA offers a suite of free resources to prepare your summer students.

  • Introduction to Workplace Safety
  • Eye, Hand and Back Safety

To access online courses: MSA Online Courses


Orientation Requirements Webinar

To access Webinar: Webinars

FREE Breakfast Meeting in Regina

MSA is hosting a free Breakfast meeting for its members in Regina on June 5th.

Ila Klassen, Director of Safety Operations, Saskatchewan Occupational Health & Safety Divison will be our presenter on current legislative matters and trends that affect our industry.

The seating is very limited for this free event. Reserve Your Seat!

Overhead Crane Safety Webinar

Cranes are vital tools that can enhance operational efficiency, safety, and capability in handling heavy materials.

They can also be very dangerous when not operated or maintained properly. Misuse, lack of proper training, and failure to adhere to safety regulations can lead to severe accidents and fatalities.

Join us on June 20, 2024, at 11:00 AM, to learn about the essential safety protocols and compliance requirements that protect crane operators and bystanders. Gain insights into risk management, routine inspections, and effective communication strategies to ensure safe and efficient crane operations.

Register today for this free webinar to ensure your seat:

Crane Webinar Registration

Congratulations Safe Worker of the Year

Recently two members from MSA were recognized by WorkSafe Saskatchewan in the Safe Worker of the year category.

Congratulations to both Nathan Duncan, of Finning Canada and Brad Jones of Key Kia for being recognized for your safety achievements.

If you know of a worker that you would like to nominate for the 2025 Safe Employee of the year award click here: 2025 Safe Worker Nomination

June Training Dates

Register now and receive essential industry safety training before summer! We have upcoming live virtual training on:

June 6, 2024 - OHC Level 1

June 27, 2024 - OHC Level 2

This provincially recognized training prepares Occupational Health Committee members, Supervisors and Managers for their required safety roles in the workplace.

To learn more or to register click below: Live Virtual Training Registration

Classroom Options: MSA Classroom Training Calendar

In-House Training at members site: In-House-Training

MSA Online Clothing Store

MSA members can now order MSA branded clothing and high visibility safety garments here: MSA Online Clothing

The link to the store will remain open for online orders until June 27th.

At that time clothing items will be ordered and logoed then distributed in the summer.

Upcoming Travel and Collaboration Opportunities

MSA Safety Consultants will be in the Moose Jaw and Humboldt areas soon. If your business is interested in having an MSA Safety Consultant come out at no additional charge to provide consulting onsite safety services, contact us at: or at 306-721-0688.

If you have any further safety, information that you feel should be communicated to our industry and membership, please email:

Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to complete a short survey to help us improve our services. Access the survey here.

Thank you for your continued support and collaboration.



Ryan J. Bast, CRSP

Executive Director

673 Henderson Drive

Regina, SK
