Dear FUSW members and friends,

The past week has been challenging for us all—and intensely busy. The flood has upended all of our plans, hopes and calculations, and the Board and Congregation are doing our best to regroup, assess the damage and move forward. 

Here is an update on important events and actions that have taken place:

  • Board Trustee Pedro Maymi has stepped down for reasons unrelated to the flood, and Nancy Ulrich has graciously stepped into the post (a two-year term).

  • An Emergency Task Force (ETF) has been formed and will be co-chaired by Denise Woodin and Kevin Weber. The other members of the ETF are: Rev. Arlin Roy, Diane Guernsey, Art Lowenstein, Betsy Kates, Susan Greenberg, Rob Politzer, Kevin Weber, Jane Lawrence, Lenore Lupie and Becky Williams.

  • The ETF held its first meeting this past Wednesday, 9/8. The ETF will oversee:

  • Building cleanup — Work is directed by Rob Politzer, with Kevin Weber as liaison, and in collaboration with the Building Committee and with Barvinok, who share our space. All of the carpeting and drywall up to 4 feet are being removed, and the ruined supplies, furniture and equipment are being discarded. Sadly, the Yamaha piano has been damaged beyond repair. We are very grateful to Rob Politzer and the many people who are helping with this dirty work.

  • Emergency funding — Denise Woodin, Susan Greenberg, Jane Lawrence 

  • Short-term rentals/space sharing — Denise Woodin, Susan Greenberg, Lenore Lupie, Becky Williams

  • Long-term space solutions — Arlin Roy, the ETF, the Finance Committee, the FUSW Congregation
  • NOTE: Regarding our long-term space, the Board and ETF are considering all options, including moving out of our facility permanently. When we have gathered the needed information, we will call a town hall meeting to present our findings and recommendations to the congregation, so that everyone can take part in making a decision, in accordance with our UU principle of democratic governance.

  • The Board is aware that FUSW members want to stay informed on our progress in all of these areas. Rina has added a button on the FUSW website, which members can click for weekly updates.

  • We have set up a GoFundMe page and have received more than $6,000 in contributions already from members, friends and the community.

  • IMPORTANT: Our service this Sunday, Sept. 12, will be held both in-person and online. Please click this link for more information and to sign up to attend in person.
My sincere thanks for everything that you have done, and will do, to support FUSW during this extremely challenging time.

Yours in community,

Diane Guernsey
Board President and the FUSW Board 

First Unitarian Society of Westchester | fusw,org