"With an ever increasing number of aircraft types in the air, landing gear aftermarket MRO services have evolved to include exchange, lease or loan, and even a combination of all three. George Marsh reports on how this approach has been designed to keep vital maintenance times at a minimum..."
- MRO Management
"Manufactureers balance stepped-up engines and maintenance needs..."
- Aviation Week
BMP Development Committee will be holding its first teleconference on November 9 at 11:00am ET /0800 PT/1600 GMT/1700 CET. The group's focus will be to review and recommend to the Board any revisions to AFRA's BMP - the Best Management Practice for Management of Used Aircraft Parts and Assemblies and for
Recycling of Aircraft Materials. Interested in participating? Please email
AFRA staff to be added to the email list.
We will be forming a
Communications Committee, dedicated to steering AFRA's various communications efforts, such as redesigning the Association website, contributing content to industry publications, and selecting speakers for our upcoming Annual Meeting. Please email
AFRA staff to participate!
Save the Date!
November 18-19, 2015
Tallinn, Estonia
November 24, 2015
Dublin, Ireland
February10-11, 2016
Fort Lauderdale, FL
June 26-28, 2016
Las Vegas, NV
Growing Our Social Media Footprint
Please let us know about your company's Facebook, LinkedIn and/or Twitter profile. Follow AFRA and share our news that you think might be interesting for your followers - we will of course do the same with your messages!
Board Update
From Amy J. Bann
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings! I hope all are doing well during the busy fall season with business activities and events.
Your Board and management team have been quite busy this past month. We had a successful strategic planning session and Board meeting handling current work items and setting the course going forward. I am pleased to report that the transition period with our management company, Kellen, is now complete. They have done a stellar job setting up staffing and support systems for AFRA. We have a full management team in place as well as smooth back-office functions, including accounting, communications, committee administration, and more. Thanks, team!
You will be receiving a report-out from the Board about the strategic planning outcomes. In short, we focused on priorities such as how to grow the AFRA brand through broader recognition of the logo and accreditation. Additionally, we talked about growth and partnerships. We talked about the day-to-day mechanics of committee work and audit programming. And we agreed to refresh the logo and website in early 2016 for a fresh, modern look.
AFRA has been getting a lot of attention recently in the aviation field. We are seen as a 'hot topic' and an 'emerging issue.' For an aircraft, that final retirement is a key part of its product life cycle, and is increasingly being scrutinized. AFRA has demonstrated that voluntary best practices work. When industry takes proactive action, we are able to shape the regulatory environment from the ground up. Airlines, governments, and other possible partners are reaching out to AFRA to explore how we might work together. We are pleased that AFRA is seen as the go-to industry voice on these issues and having conversations with interested parties. As we grow both in size and scope, we will pulse you for input on where to prioritize, and where to focus our resources. ICAO, the United Nations agency governing aviation, is interested in partnering on best practices, and we are carefully evaluating the opportunity to ensure we are setting ourselves up for success.
Please feel free to reach out to me, other Board members, or the management team any time with questions or ideas. This is your organization and we are here to support you.
AFRA Staff Attends MRO Europe
On October 13 - 15, in London, UK, Aviation Week held its annual MRO Europe conference at the EXCel center, which proved a powerful forum to discover and learn about the critical issues impacting the MRO industry today. MRO Europe provided an outlet to network with close colleagues, customers, peers, competitors, and also develop new relationships. In addition, AFRA Staff members Reed Hitchcock and David Bernstein had the opportunity to engage with prospective MRO organizations as well as meet with the 19 AFRA member organizations that were present.
AFRA Staff Attends ISTAT Europe
On October 04 - 05, in Prague, Czech Republic, AFRA staff attended the annual International Society of Transport Air Trading (ISTAT) Europe conference which was held at the Prague Hilton. ISTAT Europe was an outlet that brought together the major players involved in the trading industry of aircraft. The conference touched on the latest factors impacting the market and provided an opportunity to network with member companies as well as industry stakeholders. It was great seeing many of you there!
Featured Company Update: JMV Aviation
AFRA will now be highlighting one of its member companies each month in this newsletter, to be chosen at random from our membership listing. Look out for your company's chance to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.
Why did you join AFRA?
We joined AFRA as founding members because we were able to rapidly recognize the value that end of service aircraft holds, our own slogan being "End of service doesn't mean end of life." End of service aircraft delivery still holds major value for companies engaged in aviation recycling, such as JMV and for aircraft operators, as well as for the wider environment. Gregoire Lebigot, JMV's CEO, decided to participate in the foundation of AFRA because he was well aware that the higher the standards are within the industry, the better it is for both the community and aviation. This continues to be an important part of how we conduct our business, insuring that the best recycling practices are in place.
When did you first join AFRA? We are founding members, therefore we joined AFRA since 2005.
What has changed within your company since joining AFRA?
Since joining AFRA, we have always been looking for new ways to become more efficient and be more environmentally friendly.
What benefits have you received from being a part of the Association? Being a part of AFRA has been a testament to our customers as to the quality of services that we provide and to the fact that we aim to be both efficient and provide maximum value from airplane parts in a way which keeps the customers happy.
Congratulations to Our Newest Accredited Company