Age-Friendly North Jersey Newsletter

Volume 3, Issue 6:

September-October, 2023

Photo credit Thomas E Franklin photo of about 30 people in three rows sitting and standing inside in a multi-purpose room. All are sporting gray t-shirts that say "Age-Friendly North Jersey" with a logo.

A Note From Our Editor

Headshot photo of a nonbinary person with short dark hair and glasses.

Dear Age-Friendly Leaders,

It has been my privilege and honor to co-coordinate our Age-Friendly North Jersey activities over the past two years. I have learned so much from each of you. I will be leaving my position at Rutgers as of October 13. I wish everyone the best in their age-friendly and other endeavors.

Stay tuned for more information about upcoming communications; our alliance will continue building in strength and numbers.



P.S. Please scroll down to read the rest of this newsletter issue for resources, upcoming events, and our blog post.

Let's Check Out New Developments:


Ageism Awareness is Key to Age-Friendly Mission

Saturday, October 7, is Ageism Awareness Day, and our alliance will be joining the American Society on Aging and advocates around the country in calling attention to the depth and breadth of ageism's toll on our laws and policies, our healthcare and social services, our business and employment practices, and our every day lives.

Read more.

Logo for Ageism Awareness Day, October 7, 2023

Let's Celebrate!

Congratulations to the team of age-friendly community leaders in Bergen County for hosting a successful and well-attended conference on September 22: "Discover Your Town's Age-Friendly Future." Learn more.

Congratulations to communities and organizations on their recent awards:

Colleagues at the Elizabeth Housing Authority, Groundwork Elizabeth, and a multi-disciplinary team at Rutgers University have received a federal grant for an intergenerational program: "Smart Kids and Cool Seniors." Read more.

New Jersey Advocates for Aging Well has received a grant from The Grotta Fund for Older Adults to support their efforts to mentor communities new to age-friendly work and spur collaborations among community efforts.

The Township of Livingston has received a 2-year grant from The Grotta Fund for Older Adults to support their age-friendly work and foster inclusiveness and respect within the community.

Generations for Garfield has received a grant from The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation to expand their age-friendly network into neighboring communities.

In June, Geriatric Services, Inc. and the Age-Friendly Teaneck team received a grant from The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation to expand their coalition-building work.

The Hub for Aging Collaboration at Rutgers Social Work received a grant from The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation to support research, teaching, and engagement on social change for aging.

Let's Meet

Regional Plan Association is hosting two in-person workshops: October 3 and 13.

The topic is tools and techniques for campaigning for ADUs and other age-friendly infrastructure improvements.

Fill out this survey to receive more information.

October 12: Age-Friendly North Jersey alliance meeting on Zoom.

This meeting will include a research presentation from the Rutgers team on sustainability and impact.

Register here.

For an overview of upcoming programs relevant to Age-Friendly North Jersey, please see this flyer.

Let's Learn Together

  • Need a refresh on your social programming? EngAGED has published a sample calendar with many ideas. View here.

  • The American Society on Aging has a toolkit of resources related to Ageism Awareness Day--which is October 7. View here.

  • Justice in Aging has released a fact sheet about New Jersey's new Medicaid income limits for older adults and people with disability. Read here.

  • Justice in Aging has also published a resource about Medicaid unwinding issues. Read Here.

  • The Connecticut Age Well Collaborative has released a resource guide on aging, dementia, and disability inclusivity for municipalities. Read here.

  • September is Senior Centers month. NCOA has put together a series of resources on the benefits of senior centers. View here.
Check out our Padlet to view more articles, discussion posts, upcoming events, job opportunities, and other curated resources.

Let's Keep in Touch

Speech bubbles in varying shapes and colors.
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An alliance of leaders strengthening
communities for all ages
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Logo that says "The Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation" in blue.
logo for the Grotta Fund for Older Adults