Meet our newest Editorial Board member, find out about a trip to Portugal, more!
News and updates from AESA, September 5, 2017
In this issue:

Thank you to two "retiring" Perspectives Board members, Bill Keane and Wayne Bell. We welcome Chris Moddelmog as a new Perspectives Editorial Board member.  

Plus, find out how AESA business partner, myOn, is helping students in Texas stay tuned into reading with free electronic materials as part of the Texas Strong effort. 

It is time to register for the Educator Call to Action Conference!

Fall is here, school is starting - great time to join an Affinity Group!  

Like to travel? Check out the exciting 11-day tour of Portugal!  This trip is being organized by the AESA Alumni!
There is still time!

Three reasons to attend the Educator Call to Action Conference:
1. Learn about pending legislation;
2. Network and become a part of the national conversation;
3. Have your voice heard on Capitol Hill.

myOn helping Texas children to Read On!

AESA's business partner, myOn is helping those affected by Hurricane Harvey to READ ON! 
AESA Member News:

Changes on Perspectives Editorial Board

Portugal Trip Planned by Members for Members!

Chris Moddelmog, Executive Director of Smoky Hill Education Service Center in Salina, Kansas, will join the Perspectives board.

The Perspectives  magazine publishes one article per month that features research, innovation or an ESA case studies. 

To achieve this, AESA relies on a volunteer editor and editorial board.

Many thanks to two retiring editorial board members, Bill Keane and Wayne Bell and welcome to a new member, Chris Moddelmog! 
AESA Alumni invite all AESA members to travel abroad!

This is an exciting 11-day tour of Portugal! 
Details are in the link below.  When contacting Adventures Abroad or to register, please use the trip code of AEPO

If you have any questions, please contact Ron Fielder, Alumni Director at .  
More information:

Association of Educational Service Agencies  |