AESA issued a joint-statement opposing SALT-D

News and updates from AESA 
Oct ober 31, 2017
In this issue:
  • AESA joined with four national education groups and issued a joint response to Congressional action related to the proposed elimination of state and local tax deductions in President Trump's proposed tax reform. Read the full statement below.
And more:
  • Wednesday, November 1 is the last date to receive the Early Bird discount for the Annual Conference! Read about our dynamic Keynote line-up! 
  • A new Affinity Group for New CEOs is forming! Join in. 

AESA Joined Other National Education Groups and Issued a Statement on the Proposed Elimination of SALT-D.

Full statement below:

"We believe any comprehensive tax reform must preserve the state and local tax (SALT) deduction as a matter of national priority. The SALT revenue is invested in local communities to fund vital needs including infrastructure, public safety, homeownership and public schools, which educate almost 90 percent of students in our country. Representing public education leaders entrusted with the important responsibility for educating students, we are deeply committed to ensuring students get the best possible education and support. Eliminating the SALT deduction endangers public education and our students' future.

"State and local tax deductions ensure a stable local tax base that public schools rely on to educate students and provide needed services, such as health care and related needs. The current proposal to eliminate the SALT deduction as part of broader tax reform would cripple this ability and damage state and local economies " .  
"Policymakers can support tax reform and preserve this deduction. For the sake of our nation's students and their future, we urge Congress to preserve and protect the SALT deduction."

In alphabetical order, representatives from the national organizations included: 
  • AASA, The School Superintendents Association
    Daniel A. Domenech, Executive Director
  • Association of Educational Service Agencies
    Joan Wade, Executive Director
  • Association of School Business Officials, International
    John Musso, Executive Director
  • National Rural Education Association
    Allen Pratt, Executive Director  

The keynote line-up is,  well, . . . 

Dr. Eric Jensen

Thursday's General Session

Leadership with Poverty in Mind, with

Dr. Eric Jensen

Dr. Jensen uses fresh brain research to show you how poverty can compromise the brain in ways you never imagined. 

PLUS! New this year attendees can go further into this topic during Dr. Jensen's
Deep Dive, Thursday from 10:45-11:45 a.m. 
Friday's General Session with Gary Howard, Benjie Howard, and Wade Antonio Coldwell

Leading for Systemic Equity: The Fierce Urgency of Now

Gary Howard

Gary Howard highlights the differences between "managing diversity" and "leading for equity" and challenges us to re-think our approach to teaching, professional development, and school reform.

Benjie Howard and Wade Antonio Coldwell will add inspiration and borrow from their nation-wide tour of schools, Borderless. Theirs is a folk and hip-hop multi-media vision that explores stewardship of our communities through healing our relationships across differences.

PLUS! A DEEP DIVE  for extending learning  with Gary Howard, Benjie Howard and Wade Antonio Coldwall, will be Friday, December 1 from 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Benjie Howard & 
Wade Antonio Coldwell

Dr. Gislaine Ngounou

Saturday's General Session

Building Critical Consciousness for Social Justice Leadership

Bridging the Self & the Organizational Journey

Dr. Ngounou is the Chief Program Officer at Phi Delta Kappa international. She will explore how system leaders can tackle the complex work of building critical consciousness and discourse within the environments in which they serve, in order to make lasting change. 
Dr. Jon Saphier
Thought leadership 
headlines the conference.

The 2017 conference also offers DEEP DIVES, with educational experts. These extended learning times are a new feature of the conference.

Learn with Dr. Saphier on Thursday, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
High Expectations Teaching 

Dr. Saphier is an author and co-author of eight books, including The Skillful Teacher, which has sold over a half million copies and is the bible of teaching in hundreds of districts around the country. His latest book is High Expectations Teaching: How We Persuade Students to Believe and Act on "Smart Is Something You Can Get," published by Corwin.

Read more about Dr. Spahier's session and all three  DEEP DIVES here.
This conference is built for our members: Education sessions, networking, federal advocacy updates, more. Join us! (Early bird registration ends November 1!)
Affinity Group Forming: "NEW" CEOs Affinity Group

Are you new to the Executive Director role? Then, t his Affinity Group is for you!  The first meeting is November 8. Please Let us know if you intend to attend!

To join, contact Ron Fielder, facilitator, at or Joan Wade, AESA Executive Director, at for more information or to register for the first meeting.

New ESA CEOs will join others in a professional learning community from across the country to learn more about the ins and outs of how to run an ESA!   All participants will be active in the creation of joint learning agendas and  have access to former and current AESA leaders and resources. 
Our first video conference will be Wednesday, November 8, Noon, CDT.  
What is happening in ESAs nationwide?
Find out in the Perspectives!

Would you like to know more about the great work happening in other ESA's around the country?  Check out the 2017 articles In the Perspectives Journal!  You will find many interesting articles on best practice from your colleagues! Perspectives is published monthly - we encourage you to watch for it!

Do you have research, effective practices or innovations to share? 

Please contact Dr. Scott Menzel, Perspectives Editor.

Thank you!
AESA-Business Partner Connection
Please Help Us Welcome our Newest 
Business Partner: USI Insurance
USI Insurance Services Named Insurance Partner for AESA

Using the USI ONE Advantage® platform, representatives from USI's Seattle office will help interested AESA members better manage their property & casualty and risk strategies through a multitude of technical resources available. 

USI's property & casualty solutions include utilizing their proprietary OMNI data engine to benchmark members' current insurance programs and auditing them. USI's representatives will share key findings make recommendations on ways to reduce costs, while providing better coverage. 

Association of Educational Service Agencies  |