In many ways, especially the ways that matter, AEDC is a well-oiled machine. We have solid staff and solid programs and are known for the good work we do. When things are going well, we can rest on our laurels or we can look for ways to serve our community even better. On February 5 th,  AEDC    welcomed James Schaeffer, our newest loan officer, to the AEDC team.  James has already brought in a spark of energy and contributes a well rounded combination of skills that will support both business development and the administrative sides of lending and other departments.  If you stop into AEDC or get a chance to see James out in the community, please tell him hi. He’ll be the tall guy towering over me…

In other news…. AEDC is becoming known for more than just commercial loans –because we know it takes a healthy community to foster a healthy economy.

This month we are pleased to announce our support of the Discovery Museum, which serves some of our most important (and youngest) community members and heartily welcome Fawn Sheer to our board of directors.  With Fawn’s wealth of experience creatively supporting community projects, we plan to unabashedly use her expertise to add more tools to our AEDC economic development toolbox.   

We are also happy to promote the Area 1 Agency on Aging new homeshare program, because safe and adequate housing is a cornerstone of every healthy community. I encourage you to learn more and support this important program however you can.