Charles Kettering  once said that every time we tear a leaf off a calendar, we present a new place for new ideas and progress. I write this newsletter at the start of a new year, hoping our business owners, non-profits leaders and others have taken, or will take stock to assess where they are, and where they want to be in 2018.

At AEDC we already know we want to continue successful initiatives like Lemonade Day that support our future entrepreneurs and add value to the community. We also want to explore new ways of doing things, like our experimental workforce weekend, designed to better match potential employees with employers that can help them thrive and meet their maximum potential.

We will also continue keeping our partners and the community informed with our newsletter and an exciting new format for the economic development forum, which is designed to better engage and inform the wider community about exciting economic development efforts.

And you? What are your goals for 2018?

Ross Welch