January Economic Development News
From Our Executive Director 
Wow, this year is starting off with a bang. As you look through this months’ newsletter, you’ll see that this winter AEDC and many of our partners are taking no time in fostering economic and community development.

The county of Humboldt recently hired a new director of Economic Development and is initiating efforts related to the recently adopted and approved CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy).

AEDC is preparing to put US Bank’s generous grant award to good use in creating and sharing our story and is launching yet another Lemonade Day Season, where our youngest entrepreneurs often get their first taste of business ownership.

We can all also benefit from the recently completed “Roadmap to Shared Prosperity”, which identifies and promotes so many issues critical to the state’s, and our community’s, economic strength, health and wellness.

Join us in making this winter a productive one- talk to AEDC about business loans that can start your year off with a bang as well.

Lemonade Day Reception
AEDC invites the community to celebrate the kick-off of the 2019 Lemonade Day season!

Featuring presentations from community leaders and lemonade served by Lemonade Day participants, including

  • Rex Bohn (County Supervisor)
  • Karen Brooks (Decade of Difference)
  • Mandy Marquez (US Bank-Premier Lemonade Day Sponsor)
  • Debbie Nazarian (National Cities Director for Lemonade Day)

Lemonade will also be offered by
  • October and Everett from Lemon Acres
  • Charles Jones from Heavenly Lemonade
  • Merrick Wilton from Munch's Lemonade
Tuesday, January 29
4 to 6 PM
Sequoia Conference Center 
901 Myrtle Ave, Eureka

  • Please Click HERE to RSVP

AEDC Receives $10,000

AEDC is proud to announce that we have received $10,000 from US Bank. “We are so thankful for US Bank’s continued support of AEDC,” noted Ross Welch, executive director. “We look forward to using these funds to create a series of marketing materials, including videos, that tell our story.”  

Photo, L-R:
Melissa Collins – Deposit Relationship Manager
Ben Larson – Business Relationship Manager
Susan Seaman – AEDC Program Manager
Ross Welch – AEDC Executive Director
Mandy Marquez – Relationship Manager Team Lead
Savannah Ferguson – Business Customer Service Support
Welcome Economic Development Director, Scott Adair !

The county of Humboldt Economic Development Department recently welcomed Scott Adair, CSM as its new director. Adair is a veteran commercial real estate and economic development professional and recently graduated from Oklahoma University's prestigious EDI (Economic Development Institute) program.

Scott recently took the time to answer a few questions for AEDC. To learn more about Scott, click HERE

The California We Need
California Economic Summit Launches the 2019 Roadmap to Shared Prosperity

The challenge is clear. Rising income inequality, a growing sense of economic insecurity, and a dramatic decline in upward mobility are at the heart of the crisis facing California today: While millions of people in this state are prospering, millions more do not have a clear path to the California Dream.

The California Economic Summit recently released its 2019 Roadmap to Shared Prosperity reflecting the input of more than 500 participants at the 2018 Summit in Santa Rosa. The Roadmap combines the best thinking and strategies from across the state to make the Dream a reality for more:

·         An updated strategy to Elevate CA that invests in early childhood education and builds a smarter safety net to help millions of Californians move out of poverty

·          The Summit's One Million Challenges — targeted initiatives to expand the state’s skilled workforce, lower housing costs, create more livable wage jobs, and invest in sustainable water infrastructure

·          Cross-cutting initiatives for encouraging rural economic development, promoting resiliency, and helping more communities tap the potential of new federally-designated Opportunity Zones

·         The “ CA Dream Index,” a new scorecard to track progress on all of these fronts

The 2019 California Economic Summit takes place in Fresno on November 7-8, marking the eighth annual gathering of private, public and civic leaders from across California’s diverse regions. The Summit’s bipartisan network of business, equity, environmental and civic organizations is unique in championing solutions that meet the triple bottom line – simultaneously growing the economy, improving environmental quality and increasing opportunity for all

To read the complete Roadmap and join the effort, visit www.CAEconomy.org.

You are invited to a special February Prosperity Network meeting, which will include the unveiling of some exciting new economic development initiatives as well as a discussion about the future of the Prosperity Network.

Please plan to attend - and continue to play a part in the Humboldt County's Economic Prosperity

Lunch will be provided

Feb 15, 2019
12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Humboldt Area Foundation - Emmerson Room
363 Indianola Road, Bayside

Questions? Contact Lynette Mullen @ lynette.mullen@gmail.com

Register HERE

Seating is limited, so please register early

The County
is Hiring !

The County of Humboldt’s Economic Development Department is seeking to hire for Extra Help. This position will focus on supplementing current Workforce efforts, and experience with WI+9

For more information, contact Scott Adair , County of Humboldt
Director of Economic Development @  sadair@co.humboldt.ca.us

Administrative Analyst I – Extra Help
Full time
  • County of Humboldt Economic Development
  •  Class Code 0623
  •  Salary $20.18 - $25.89 Hourly

  Duration of employment is  project  specific and tied to continuous receipt of Workforce funding
Duties for this role may include, but are not limited to:
  • RMDZ
  • o   Community Campaign
  • o   Update Business Partners
  • o   Update Feedstock and Tonnage
  •  Form-making ability to include in the Youth Program Manual;
  •  Analytical Policy and Procedure Work
  •  Cal JOBS and ETPL Work (SQL coding skills a plus)
  •  Assist with Program Monitoring
  •  Assist with Fiscal Monitoring

SBA 504 Current  Rate:  4.88%

  • Low down payment for borrowers
  • Competitive fixed interest rate
  • Long Term loan
  • From $50,000 to $5 million for commercial real estate, construction and equipment acquisition.

Many commercial loans available on the market require a sizeable percentage down before the loan will be granted, and this can be an obstacle for many business owners looking to improve their facilities. The SBA 504 Loan offers a solution for that -- you can borrow up to 90% of your financing needs at a fixed rate, so only a minimum of 10% down is required.
The remainder is split between the SBA loan (40%) and a bank loan (50%), and the Arcata Economic Development Corporation will work with your bank to submit your loan application. Loan amounts range from $50,000 to $5 million, and some restrictions apply. 

For more information, call Kelli Sterling, Loan Manager: 707-798-6132 ext. 212 or email kellis@aedc1.org.
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Arcata Economic Development Corporation

Fax: (707) 798-6130
Tel: (707) 798-6132
707 K Street, Eureka, CA 95501

Newsletter produced by
Lynette Mullen, Projects Delivered