April 2024

Brought to you by Time Timer

The 50 Percent Rule

The next time you look at a problem or a weakness you feel is hindering you, pause and ask yourself: Is this above or below the 50% line? As an ADHD coach, this concept is at the top of my mind when coaching every client. The majority of my clients come to me for coaching because they are paying attention to things they do that are below average. They believe they can improve their weaknesses and move forward.

It is true they can move forward but, generally, with minimum impact. For example, if you consistently perform at the 10th percentile in any given skill, you may be able to increase your performance to the 20th percentile. But even though you’ve doubled your performance, you’re still just at the 20th percentile. That’s a far cry from excellence. This simple concept has fascinated me for years as it proves useful in measuring something at or below average.

If this resonates with you, please check out my blog post, “The 50 Percent Rule.”

Understanding this concept may help you become aware of your unique strengths and start to move forward by improving what you already do well. Learn more

here: https://digcoaching.com/50-percent-rule/


Brought to you by ImpactParents

If I had a dollar for every time I heard this phrase from my ADHD teen, “Don't worry, I've got it!” Of course, sometimes it means exactly that: your kid is confident and competent. But sometimes, it's just a way to deflect the situation, to get you out of their hair. So, how do you know when they've really “got it” when your ADHD teen says, "I've got it!"? Or when to step in to help, despite assurances that they don't need it?

Get answers and learn more from ImpactParemts: "What To Do When Your ADHD Teen Says “Don’t Worry, I’ve Got It!”

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Latest Podcasts
Brought to you by CHADD

ADHD: The Power of Community

Got ADHD? Do you yearn to be understood? Do you need a safe place to go—just to process, connect, and to be with your tribe? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews René Brooks (https://blackgirllostkeys.com). The two discuss the power of community, the challenge of finding community, and give tips and insights around ways to build a support network that can be transformative. If you're in search of your tribe, this is a show you won't want to miss. http://tobtr.com/1230499

ADHD and Thinking: Important Insights

Got ADHD? The title says deficit of attention. But it's actually an executive functioning impairment. Impairments are such things that need accommodation. When you think about executive functions, much of the challenge of ADHD comes down to thinking. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper discusses ADHD as a thinking impairment. Sometimes we are victims to our language. All too often, we generalize. Jeff tries to break down different aspects of thinking so that we can begin to understand what thinking is, how ADHD is more of a thinking impairment, and the mindset necessary to move forward. http://tobtr.com/12319621

ADHD and Addiction: What You Need to Know

ADHD is not so much a deficit of attention, but more of a challenge of self-regulation. This is why ADHD and addictive behaviors are highly correlated. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Todd L. Love, PsyD (https://doctoddlove.com) about the basics in understanding ADHD and addiction. They discuss chemical addictions, behavioral dependencies, “just saying no,” and harm reduction. If you have ADHD, you likely have some type of addictive behavior, which needs to be managed. If this speaks to you, this is a show you won't want to miss. http://tobtr.com/12312776

ADHD 101: Information, Thoughts, and Insights on Meds

Thinking about getting a diagnosis for ADHD? Concerned about medications? Want to understand meds better. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper gives an overview of meds, non-meds, and ADHD meds. He talks about nuances and what to expect, and side effects, as well as general information and education around the topic. So, if you are considering getting a diagnosis, you’ll know what to expect. Don’t miss this episode. http://tobtr.com/12305111 

ADHD 101: Get a Diagnosis or Not?

Think you might have ADHD? Curious about the reasons you should get a diagnosis? What's involved? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper shares an overview in the context of an ADHD diagnosis, the reason to get a diagnosis, its advantages, the need for comprehensive diagnosis, the nature of the diagnosis, and what to know. If you want a contextual understanding to educate you about asking the right questions, this is a show you won't want to miss. http://tobtr.com/12305097

ADHD 101: Understanding ADHD and Getting Help

What is ADHD? Is it a behavioral impairment? Is it poor parenting... or is it an executive function impairment? How do you manage it? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper

talks about the nature of ADHD, understanding what it is, and some of its challenges. He also talks about the challenges of getting good information and finding things that work. If you want to get a better understanding of the questions to ask, this is a show you won't want to miss.  http://tobtr.com/12305105 

Latest Videos

Brought to you by ADDCA Coach Training

ADHD And Control: People and Emotions

Got ADHD? Do you struggle with emotional regulation? Do you have the self-awareness to realize that many times you're struggling with your emotions when you're not getting your way, or when you can't get somebody to do what you want them to do, or when you're trying to control other people's intent but they don't want to be confused with the facts? In this video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper talks about this phenomenon from a self-awareness perspective. He also discusses what you can do about it. It doesn't mean that'll be easy, but it will at least give you some direction, best practices, and suggestions for how to move forward. The idea is that your life could be a lot easier if you can begin to manage your emotions. By letting them run out of control, it deteriorates your life and your relationships with those around you. Watch this video for insights. https://youtu.be/OU46yLzQlzA

Click the image below to view the video.

ADHD: The Folly of Oversimplification

Got ADHD? Are you drowning in a sea of tips, tricks, and strategies? Could it be you're trying to find something that is simpler than what the solution really is? In this video, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper shares his perspective and gives examples of how we often oversimplify things to the point in time where it's not addressing the problem. If you struggle with ADHD and you're drowning in a sea of tips, tricks, and strategies, this is a video you won't want to miss to understand the underlying issue, so you can begin to pay attention to what works.  https://youtu.be/l8SN_vZ4UPo 

Click the image below to view the video.

ADHD: The Folly of Oversimplification

ADHD and Overwhelmed: What’s the Issue? 

Got ADHD? Are you overwhelmed? Overwhelm is certainly an emotional reaction, but what's the underlying cause and how do you solve for the problem? In this video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper defines overwhelm, talks about what it is, and the obvious mindset to problem-solve for this impairment. Stating that you're overwhelmed and throwing your hands up in the air certainly doesn't resolve the problem, but getting help thinking through it might. If you struggle, watch this video. You'll find it insightful.  https://youtu.be/9xBzA33t8Ds

Click the image below to view the video.

ADHD and Overwhelmed: What's the Issue?

ADHD: Are You as Frustrated as I Am?

Got ADHD? Do you get frustrated interacting with the world? In this video, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper shares his personal experience to validate yours. No, you're not going crazy. It’s the rest of the world trying to drive you crazy. Don't let it work. If you get frustrated with everyday life, this is a video you won't want to miss. https://youtu.be/FcMxWABvWnk

Click the image below to view the video.

ADHD: Are You as Frustrated as I Am?

ADHD and Managing Your Clothes

Got ADHD? Are your clothes all over the place? Do you struggle to put them away? In this video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper shares a few simple tips that can help many put their clothes away and make packing easier. If this is a challenge for you, watch this video. https://youtu.be/8nJ08AuRzRw

Click the image below to view the video.

ADHD and Managing Your Clothes

ADHD and Behavioral Therapy: Here's the Thing

Got ADHD? Are you trying to establish habits and routines? Are you being taught executive functioning skills to obtain an outcome? You try hard, but you still struggle? In this video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper talks about managing behavior and managing impairments. Often, behavior can be changed. Impairments can't. So, what happens when you try to adjust behavior when there's an underlying impairment? If your behavioral training is not working, you don’t want to miss this video.  https://youtu.be/f77eIibYbLs

Click the image below to view the video.

ADHD and Behavioral Therapy: Here's the Thing
Other Stuff
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