H4356, An Act promoting housing opportunity and mobility through eviction sealing, the HOMES Act, is now awaiting a vote in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Please contact your state representative TODAY and ask them to urge leadership to bring this bill to the floor for a vote.

Eviction sealing reduces barriers tenants face when looking for housing. Read our testimony in support of the bill. The bill's current version requires tenants who win their cases or get their cases dismissed to petition the court to seal their eviction record. This requirement not only creates an undue burden on tenants,it undercuts the bill’s purpose to eliminate eviction records as a barrier to housing. A case-by-case petition process also creates an unnecessary administrative burden for the court.

Please contact your state representative today using the sample script below and ask them to

  1. Urge leadership to bring the bill to the floor for a vote
  2. Support an amendment so records are automatically sealed for cases that are dismissed, cases tenants win, and no-fault eviction cases

Each of us needs to contact our state representative now via email or phone in support of this bill. Find your representative here.


Suggested script:

Dear Rep. __________:

“Please urge leadership to bring the HOMES Act H4356, including an amendment to automatically seal cases that are dismissed, cases that a tenant wins, and no-fault eviction cases, to the floor for a vote.

The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts believes eviction sealing is essential to ensuring stable housing for all residents of the Commonwealth. We urge you to take swift action toward the passage of this bill. Thank you.” 

Feel free to personalize your email by explaining why this bill is important. Remember to include your name and complete street address within your email.

Questions? Email specialists@lwvma.org.

League of Women Voters of Massachusetts
lwvma@lwvma.org | 857-452-1715| lwvma.org
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