Registration Closes on January 21st
We'd love to have you join us for the SEML cohort! Come grow your SEL & Mindfulness connections within our ACROSS NH OST SEML community. Spread the word with colleagues, staff, and other OST connections with whom you think this cohort may be of interest. We so look forward to getting to know you and your program, and to sharing in learning and growing together. 
 Click here for a detailed flyer.
*Poetry image purchased from the author at
Dear ACROSS NH SEL in OST Community,
As winter begins, my reflections on this past fall have me thinking of: our first ever Quarterly SEL & SEML Community of Practice comprised of SEL and SEML cohort alums, the start of our SEL in Afterschool Cohort for the second year, and the announcement of our SEML cohort coming for the second year in January all come to mind. It strikes me how distant the beginning of 2021 seems to be from here in December looking back. I think back to Winter and Spring of 2021 and the many faces, program names, locations across NH (pun intended), children and youth served, and work that happens daily come to the surface. We’ve accomplished much together in such a short, and let’s face it, difficult time. The many contributions you make continually toward ACROSS NH’s SEL objective, “to create a culture of self-aware individuals who are connected to one another and are positive contributors to our community,” are a remarkable encouragement. 
When I turn my focus to a theme for this month’s letter, I find myself overwhelmed with what would best meet the needs of our community at this time. From week to week, I hear of the many barriers and challenges being faced with the continuation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the staffing shortage, and overabundance of other unique concerns from program to program. What could possibly serve our community? With this in mind, this month’s letter focuses on the construct of self-compassion. In the following Clips, Snip, and In-A-Snap, a spotlight is placed on this construct for us, the adults, working with and on behalf of children and youth in OST every day, and the work of Dr. Kristin Neff, a leading voice for self-compassion. When faced with so much, it’s ever more vital to care for ourselves with the same passion and dedication with which we care for those in our charge.
In this winter season,
May you be well,
May you have rest,
May you give love,
May you receive love,
May you have peace,
With Warm Wishes to All, 

Abigail J. Blodgett
SEL Project Coordinator, ACROSS NH
Kristin Neff, PhD, is among the leading voices for explaining and teaching others about what Self-Compassion is, what it isn’t, and presenting opportunities to experience and cultivate this strength. All resources in this month’s letter come from her work. 
The first clip is Neff's "2-Minute Tips: How to Practice Self-Compassion."
The second clip is from the Greater Good Science Center.
Neff describes, “The Three Components of Self-Compassion.”
In this third clip, Neff offers further clarification on what Self-Compassion really means by addressing some of the common misconceptions or misunderstandings.
“Compassion wants health and well-being for ourselves.”
Watch “Overcoming Objections to Self-Compassion” With Dr. Kristin Neff.
Dr. Kristin Neff’s website,, shares an explanation of what self-compassion is, isn’t, and the three elements of self-compassion:
Dr. Kristin Neff’s website,, provides free access to 18 short to moderate length guided self-compassion connected practices and eight self-compassion exercises. When you have a moment for self-care, consider trying one of the many free exercises here designed to support the cultivation of the strength of self-compassion. I’d love to hear from you all as to which practice or exercise resonated most with you! Email me at
Guided Resource Walk Through Trainings
If you have questions about these trainings, or you would like to request a guide introduction training for your program, please email or call (603) 206-6848.
This guide seeks to support afterschool programs with the development of policies that seek to include all children and youth. Research shows many positive outcomes from participation in afterschool programs that intentionally address growth in personal and social skills.
Social and Emotional Learning takes place in all contexts that children and youth participate: their homes, schools, out-of-school time environments, and communities. The field of afterschool’s commitment to Social and Emotional Learning can make a profound difference in the lives of the young people served, and in the adults who guide them.
If you would like to request a printed copy of one of these guides,
please email Quantities are limited.
Abigail J. Blodgett, NH ASMP & ECMP
Social and Emotional Learning Project Coordinator
ACROSS NH, a project of SERESC
165 South River Road, Unit F
Bedford, NH 03110
Art by Mercy, 12 years old
ACROSS NH is a project of the Southeastern Regional Education Service Center (SERESC) and is funded by the Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration. Our goal is to provide statewide technical assistance and professional development opportunities to afterschool providers to support their work in creating high quality, innovative programs for schoolage children.