Dear Members,

We are going through an extraordinary time when ‘business as usual’ is not an option.

The COVID-19 outbreak is clearly impacting our personal and professional lives and those that we love.

Many of us are mandated with maintaining our services and our production lines fully operational – while caring for our families and communities in far from usual circumstances. Regardless of your location or industry, the truth is that we are all living through a stressful and, in too many cases, traumatic period. In the midst of this crisis, I am more convinced than ever that chemists have the resilience and the resourcefulness to get through this and thrive.

As we are embracing this 'new normal', we are challenging and being challenged by old assumptions and adopting more efficient and empathetic ways of operating. This is where, and how we are going to find new opportunities that drive systemic and structural changes for the better in our industries - and in fact, our world. 

I know you are all pitching in, via innovative and creative ways to make a positive impact. I am heartened by the many stories, big and small, of how people are doing everything in their power to address urgent needs and find solutions that work. If you would like to share with our ACPO colleagues members any such stories, yours or that of another chemist, please send it to me at We will share it with the larger ACPO community as such examples are not only inspirational but amazing learning points for us all, as well. 
As you are all expecting, the AGM this year will have a virtual format – please save the date, June 6, 2020. More details will be communicated shortly by our Association Secretary – Mr. Nick Battram.

We are initiating a short survey, you should find it in your inbox in the next two weeks, trying to get your input on the short and medium term direction for ACPO, followed by a few questions about the Covid-19 impact.

The AGM will also feature a panel discussion on the topic of COVID-19 impact on chemical professionals. If you would like to nominate a panelist, who would represent your industry positively, please send us the contact information at Our intention is to select panelists that can offer unique perspectives on the topic at hand.  

I wish you, your loved ones, and fellow colleagues safe passage through this difficult period.

Stay safe!

Lili Cretu
President ACPO
Councilor District 12