ACPA 2022 AGM Summary
2022 AGM Recap
Thank you to all who were able to attend and participate in our 3rd virtual Annual General Meeting. We are pleased to introduce our 2022/23 Board of Directors and Committees to lead us into a new year and proud to announce our Award and Scholarship recipients of 2022 below.

If you were unable to join us online on April 27th, the 2022 AGM Minutes and Presentation are now available in the Members Only section of the website under 'Annual General Meeting > 2022 AGM' for your convenience.
Meet Your President: Shane Harnish
Since moving to Alberta in 2006, I have been actively involved with the ACPA. From 2008 to 2014, I served on the Board of Directors, and was part of the hiring process for our first Executive Director. In 2021, I have returned to the Board and now in 2022, I am excited to serve the organization as your President.

As a chemist, I graduated in 1997 with a Master’s in Chemistry with a focus on Theoretical/Physical Chemistry. Since then I have been active in various chemical disciplines including analytical chemistry, environmental, water/wastewater and oil and gas. I have worked in various areas throughout Canada including Nova Scotia, the Northwest Territories and Alberta.

In addition to my career in chemistry, I have been actively involved with Quality Management Systems (including ISO 9001, 17025, and 14001) and promoting chemistry in academics (including as Chairperson of the Chemistry Technologist Advisory Panel NAIT).

I bring a wealth of leadership and governance experience to the Board, having served in the role of Treasurer, Vice-Chair and Chair for various other Boards including the Edmonton Emergency Relief Services Society (EERSS) and the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA).

I look forward to serving you and meeting with you in the months ahead.

Shane Harnish
Welcome to our New Board Members
Patrick Kalita, President-Elect
Peter Kusalik, Director
Jian Fu Deng, Director
Lenn Liwanag, Director

Thank you to outgoing Board members Gisoo Heydari, Mike Gao, Sarah Dougherty, Jodi Wong, and Steve Jakeway. 
Executive Director Resignation
Dear ACPA members,

After a decade as your (part-time) executive director, I will be stepping down in July so I can devote my full energies to my business, Wilson Analytical Services, with my business partner, Ken Schmidt. I intend to retain my ACPA membership and to continue to be an active member of the association. I hope to continue to see many of you at future AGM’s and other ACPA events.

I want to thank all the wonderful volunteers, committee members, members of the Board and particularly the Presidents that became good friends over the years. It has been such an honour to work with all of you and to serve as your executive director. Thank you also to the dedicated staff at ManageWise who have made my job so much easier by always being there to help with the heavy lifting. I really appreciate each of you. I also want to say a heart felt thank you to the 25 special people who contributed to the purchase of my gold chemist ring. I will wear it with pride and with warm memories of my time as your representative.

Finally, I ask that you support Linda Sahli, your new executive director, as she guides us to the next level as an organization. She is particularly well qualified to help us deal with the challenges we will face with our new legislation and it’s ramifications.

All the best,

Kathy Janzen
Introducing Our New Executive Director: Linda Sahli
Linda Sahli is an Edmonton based lawyer, experienced in governance and professional regulation. Linda has diverse career experience in regulatory and political environments, spanning across municipal and provincial governments, in roles such as trustee, policy analyst, legislative drafter, governance advisor and strategic planning. Linda also held the title of City Clerk for the City of Edmonton, where she was the chief legislative and governance officer, elections returning officer, as well as head of information access & privacy, independent tribunals and census. Most recently, Linda was appointed as the Association of Counselling Therapy of Alberta’s first CEO and registrar.
“I am looking forward to getting to know the chemical profession better, and to working with the ACPA Board to uphold public trust in the practice of chemistry.”

Linda Sahli
ACPA 2022 Award & Scholarship Recipients
2022 ACPA Frank W. Bachelor Award Recipient: Kathy Janzen
(above, left to right) Sean Stewart, Past President, Kathy Janzen, Executive Director, and Shane Harnish, Presiden
The ACPA is pleased to have issued the 2022 Frank W. Bachelor Award for Service to the Chemical Profession to ACPA member and Executive Director, Kathy Janzen. This award is the highest honour for a Professional Chemist in Alberta.
Kathy became a member of the ACPA in 1993 and joined the Board of Directors in 2007. In 2010, Kathy Janzen became the first female President of the ACPA, serving in that capacity for two years. In 2012, Kathy completed her term on the Board of Directors and was hired as the first official Executive Director of the ACPA. Over the last decade, Kathy contributed to significant growth of the ACPA as an organization, including the establishment of the Professional Ethics for Chemists and the ACPA Jurisprudence courses. She was also a founding member of the Federation of Canada’s Professional Chemists, where she served as council chair from 2017-2020.

Congratulations, once again, to Kathy Janzen for receiving the 2022 Frank W. Bachelor Award for Service to the Chemical Profession.
2022 ACPA Undergraduate Scholarship in Chemistry Recipient: Yoojin Choi
Yoojin is completing her BSc in Chemistry Specialization program at the University of Alberta. As an immigrant, she has a deep appreciation of having a supportive community. This has influenced her to advocate for creating an inclusive community for chemistry undergraduate students. During COVID-19, she has worked to provide services and connections to many students through involvement in the Chemistry Students Association. She also volunteered as one of the research panel and open house panels for the Chemistry department.

Currently, she's working as an intern at Guardian Chemicals. She has seen how chemistry can improve the current day-to-day products that people use. She also has grown a deeper appreciation of how the industry is slowly shifting toward greener and safer product usage. She wishes to further influence the work, industry, and market in the future and she plans to study more to achieve her goal.
Youth Science Fair Award Recipients
Calgary Youth Science Fair Award Recipients
2022 ACPA Alberta Chemist Award Recipient

Project: Testing Aprepitant as a Possible Therapeutic in Two Pediatric Cancer Cell Lines japonica
Students: Ella Dunsmore
School: Webber Academy
2022 ACPA Rick Dillen Memorial Award Recipient

Project: Designing A Lateral Flow Immunoassay To Create An Early Detection Method for Ovarian Cancer
Student: Diya Patel
School: Annie Gale School
Lethbridge Regional Science Fair Award Recipient
2022 ACPA Alberta Chemist Award Recipient

Project: Sugar vs Acid Enamel Eradicators  
Students: Abbott Thompson
School: Magrath Junior/Senior High School
Edmonton Regional Science Fair:
2022 ACPA Alberta Chemist Award Recipients
Award Winner

Project: Energy In the Stars
Student: Aaron Dias
School: Aurora Academic Charter School
Honourable Mention

Project: Tea-rrific!
Student: Walker Joblinski
School: Aurora Academic Charter School
Edmonton Regional Science Fair:
2022 ACPA Rick Dillen Memorial Award Recipients
Award Winner

Project: Our Road to the Future
Student: Aswath Govind
School: Stratford School
Honourable Mention

Project:  Solar Energy and Electrolysis of Water for Hydrogen Production
Student: Abdullah Patel
School: Edmonton Islamic Academy
Member Matters
Professor Allen Apblett has been recognized for his invention of PhosRox, a novel sorbent capable of simultaneously capturing ammonia, phosphate, and nitrate from wastewater and other contaminated waters and then being applied as a time-release fertilizer.

Allen is a Canadian citizen who did his PhD at the University of Calgary. He has been a proud member of the ACPA for a number of years. He is a full Chemistry Professor at Oklahoma State University and owner of XploSafe.
This new virtual Ethics course will retain much of the material and the interactive elements that our members valued in the previous one-day course. The course will provide an introduction to the ethical framework that guides professional chemists in the conduct of their duties. The course still focuses on solving practical issues that arise in professional practice.
Registration Deadline:
September 21, 2022

NOTE: This course is a mandatory requirement for ACPA membership.
Volunteer Opportunities Available!
The Marketing Committee, Practice Review Committee, and Technical Seminar Committee are currently seeking members.

To learn more about our Committees, click here to visit our website. To volunteer, please email
The ACPA is pleased to offer its members a new prescription safety eyewear benefit program. The Eyesafe program was created by the Alberta Association of Optometrists more than 50 years ago with a goal of eliminating needless on the job eye injuries. There are many reasons people don’t wear their safety eyewear, but the ACPA targeted those that could be remedied with a comprehensive prescription safety eyewear program and chose Eyesafe. 
To access the program, request a job ticket from the Eyesafe administrator at ACPA by emailing
Join us for an ACPA social and to celebrate Kathy Janzen!
Date: June 14, 2022 
Time: 5:30 pm 
Location: Jamesons Pub
3790 Brentwood Rd NW, Calgary
Let's get together! After over a decade of dedication to the ACPA and the chemical profession, Kathy Janzen is retiring as the Executive Director of the ACPA.

Join us to celebrate Kathy and the chemistry profession!

An Edmonton social will also be taking place in July, so stay tuned!

Please RSVP so we can gauge attendee numbers.
To receive the discount code, visit the Member Only Benefits page by signing into your online ACPA membership account.
More than 100,000 scientists, educators and students in 30 countries have attended the Laboratory Safety Institute's courses. What makes an effective lab safety program? How can we teach and practice science effectively without compromising the health and safety of faculty and students? Sessions are filled with more than 40 years of eye-opening safety "fail" stories you won't forget. The Laboratory Safety Institute's "real-world" approach means you won't just learn regulations—you'll walk away with an industry-tested, actionable list of simple, inexpensive things you can do right now to reduce the likelihood of lab accidents and protect lives.
If you are a member of ACPA, log in to start learning or pick up where you left off. Free and discounted courses are available. If you are not a member, join now and gain access to member discounts along with a long list of other member benefits and opportunities!
The Chemist's Ring is available for sale to any ACPA Professional Chemist who is a member in good standing. Completion of the Professional Ethics for Chemists and the Jurisprudence courses is a requirement to remain a member in good standing.

Note: Limited quantities of all sizes of titanium rings are currently in stock.
Available Sizes: 2 -13
(size 10 and 14 sold out)
Industry News
The University of Calgary has received more than $22 million from the Government of Alberta for research projects in engineering, health, and science. The funding comes via the Research Capacity Program, providing support for cutting-edge infrastructure and technology development for 11 projects.
Job postings are now FREE to post for both members and non-members! To share your employment opportunity, log in or create an account today.

Job postings are listed on the Job Board page on the ACPA website. Please check this web page regularly for new postings that may have tight application deadlines.
As a trusted partner, the TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Program is dedicated to helping Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta members get access to preferred insurance rates on car, home, condo and tenant coverage.

For more information or to get a quote visit or call 1-866-293-9730.
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