November 2022, Volume 28, Issue 4

President's Message

2022 President's Plenary, Distinguished Lecture, Meet the Expert, and

Teaching Day

Carlos A. Zarate, Jr., M.D.

ACNP President

This year's President's Plenary, The Opioid System at the Intersection of Addiction, Pain, and Depression: Opportunities for Novel Therapeutics, will be presented on Sunday, December 4th at 8:00 AM Mountain Time.

This year's Distinguished Lecturer, Neuroscience of Anesthesia, will be presented on Monday, December 5th at 1:00 PM Mountain Time.

This year's Meet the Expert, Bringing Precision to Psychiatric Treatment Development: Learnings and Opportunities for Realizing Biomarker-Guided Clinical Care, will be presented on Tuesday, December 6th at 8:30 AM Mountain Time.

This year's Teaching Day, Computational Models Link Cellular Mechanisms of Neuromodulation to Large-Scale Neural Dynamics, will be presented on Wednesday, December 7th at 12:00 PM Mountain Time.

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Director's Notes

What is Your "Why"?

Sarah Timm, CAE, CMP-HC

ACNP Executive Director

I recently read Simon Sinek’s book, Start with Why. The concept that resonated most with me from the book was the fact that your internal and external customers (employees and clients) buy and become loyal not based on what you do or how you do it, but on WHY you do what you do. What resonated so much to me is that our Why in the ACNP Executive Office is the reason we started Parthenon Management Group fourteen years ago. PMG’s Why is to further the mission (or the Why) of each of the organizations we serve. Each organization’s Why is PMG’s Why to push forward. It is what drives each of our team members and inspires us to work as hard as we do.

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2022 Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews Panel

Synaptic Plasticity as a Therapeutic Target to Modulate Circuits in Psychiatric Disorders

Marina E. Wolf, Ph.D.

NPP Reviews Co-Chair

Anissa Abi-Dargham, M.D.

NPP Reviews Co-Chair

The ACNP panel session for Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews will be held on Monday, December 5 at 8:30AM Mountain Time.


Plasticity is a fundamental feature of the brain across the lifespan, and plays an important role in both the emergence and treatment of brain disorders. But what forms can disease-related plasticity take and what methods can we use to assess such plasticity and implement plasticity-based therapeutic approaches?


This Symposium is based on the upcoming issue of Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews, which tackles these questions through articles on novel mechanisms and substrates for plasticity-informed interventions; preclinical studies of how synapses and circuits are altered in disease models; and the daunting challenge of measuring plasticity in the human brain and eliciting plasticity as part of a therapeutic approach. We hope that our volume and the selected presentations will promote further interest and sharpen the focus on plasticity as the most fundamental tool for psychiatric therapies, and the need to bridge the disparity between our understanding of synaptic complexity from preclinical studies with the paucity of studies in humans.  

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ACNP 2022 Annual Meeting Information

We are excited to welcome members and invited guests at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa in Phoenix, Arizona or virtually on the ACNP Virtual Meeting Platform!

Read more information on the Annual Meeting
Read the Annual Meeting Policy Reminders
Click here to read the COVID Code of Conduct
Click here to read the Health and Safety Information

As a reminder, there will be no onsite registration.

Click here to read the Annual Meeting Frequently Asked Questions!

Click here to learn more about the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa

and all the amenities it has to offer!

2023 Nominating Committee

We are pleased to announce the following individuals have been selected to the 2023 Nominating Committee:

Anissa Abi-Dargham, M.D., Chair

Carlos Blanco, M.D., Ph.D.

Judith Ford, Ph.D.

Dost Ongur, M.D., Ph.D.

Jair Soares, M.D., Ph.D.

Sophia Vinogradov, M.D.

The 2022 committee chair, Victoria Arango, Ph.D. will serve as ex officio to the committee.

ACNP URM Near Peer Mentorship Program

The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology is pleased to announce the second annual program for the Underrepresented Minority (URM) Near-Peer Mentorship Program is underway! The ACNP URM Near-Peer Mentorship Program is designed to provide mentorship support from ACNP member mentors to under-represented minority scientists who plan to enter or are early career scientists in research fields in neuropsychopharmacology. This is a multi-year program to include remote, long-distance virtual mentoring, training workshops, and an annual in-person half-day mentorship program just prior to the 2023 ACNP Annual Meeting, with booster programming after year one. The program will be managed in partnership with training experts from the Center for the Improvement for Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER). The goal of the program is to optimize mentoring relationships by providing mentors and mentees with an intellectual framework for effective mentoring relationships, an opportunity to experiment with various methods, and a forum in which to solve mentor/mentee dilemmas with the help of their peers. 

Click here to see the Mentee/Mentor Pairs

Please view the below URM Near Peer Cohort Shorts from the 2022 Cohort which includes resource materials provided by CIMER to help improve research mentoring relationships and provide highlights of our current URM Mentors and Mentees. Stay tuned for future Near Peer Cohort Shorts to learn more!

URM Near Peer Cohort Short - March 2022

URM Near Peer Cohort Short - May 2022

URM Near Peer Cohort Short - August 2022

URM Near Peer Cohort Short - October 2022

Career Development Committee Spotlight

Career Development Committee Member Juan Gallego, M.D., M.S. interviews Jordan Marrocco, Ph.D.

Click here to read the interview

In an effort to promote the Career and Diversity Resource pages of the ACNP Website, the Career Development Committee is developing a series of interviews with diverse members of the College to ask them how ACNP has influenced their careers. The Career Development Committee has chosen to interview a Past Travel Awardee.

NPP Updates

The NPP Senior Editor team is delighted to invite ACNP Annual Meeting attendees to our "Meet the Editors" session, to be held on Monday, December 5th from 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM in the Ballroom Foyer (immediately following the Distinguished Lecture). The purpose of this informal meeting is to get to know the editors, learn about the journal's review processes from choosing the initial reviewers to the final decision, and discuss potential submissions.

We can also provide insight on how to become involved in various aspects of journal function, including those that offer opportunities to learn about the business of publishing. All are welcome, but we particularly encourage early-career scientists to take part in this session.

Current 2022 NPP Senior Editor Team:

Bill Carlezon, Ph.D.

Tony George, M.D.

John Neumaier, M.D., Ph.D.

Anissa Abi-Dargham, M.D.

Susanne Ahmari, M.D., Ph.D.

Arthur Brody, M.D.

Kathryn Cunningham, Ph.D.

Stan Floresco, Ph.D.

Markus Heilig, M.D.

Sheena Josselyn, Ph.D.

Keri Martinowich, Ph.D.

Francis McMahon, M.D.

Lisa Monteggia, Ph.D.

K. Luan Phan, M.D.

Yavin Shaham, Ph.D.

Check out the latest NPP Podcasts!

Sex-dependent risk factors for PTSD: a prospective structural MRI study

November 1, 2022

Sex differences in appetitive and reactive aggression

September 6, 2022

Click here to listen to the podcasts

Animal Research Committee

The Animal Research Committee has placed together selected educational resource papers on the responsible care and use of animals in research for ACNP members! The articles are broken down into topic areas and if they are relevant for mice, rats or both. Stay tuned in 2023 for additional articles!

This webpage is for ACNP members only and you must be logged in to the ACNP website to view. Click here to view on the ACNP website!

The ACNP Animal Research Committee will also be presenting the results of the recent survey to better understand the views and opinions about animal research across the broader ACNP membership during the poster sessions on Monday, December 5th, Tuesday, December 6th, and Wednesday, December 7th. Stop by the Animal Research Committee Poster to learn more!

2022 New Associate Members

The College would like to highlight the new 2022 Associate Member Class!

Meet our new Associate Members
ACNP/AMP BRAD Fellowship

2022/2023 ACNP/AMP BRAD Fellow!

Lana Ruvolo Grasser, Ph.D.

The 2022-2023 fellowship is in full swing! We are currently wrapping up our first article for The Conversation on ethics in animal research, and we are looking for ACNP members to co-author future pieces on the Three Rs of animal research. If you are interested in writing for the general public about how you have put the concepts of refinement, reduction, or replacement into practice through your research, please contact our fellow, Dr. Lana Ruvolo Grasser, at


Don’t forget to stop by the BRAD table this year at the ACNP Annual Meeting to learn more about BRAD and grab some swag! We will also have a poster describing what we do, our reach, past and current fellowship projects, and how you can get involved.

Want to be the next ACNP/AMP BRAD Fellow?

The BRAD Fellowship seeks to raise awareness about the essential role of animal research in neuropsychopharmacology and other related fields. The Fellowship is open to early career scientists in the field of neuroscience, psychology or pharmacology. Applicants must support humane, essential animal research and have a passion for scientific communication and advocacy. Only legal residents in the U.S. may apply. The deadline to submit an application is June 1, 2023.

For full details about the Fellowship, visit the AMP Website and ACNP/AMP BRAD flyer.

‘Support a Scientist’ Update and Volunteers 

Support a Scientist is an ACNP/AMP BRAD video series project providing a platform for scientists to talk about their research with a wider audience. The project aims are to provide a “face” to science, establish importance of a specific area of research, highlight the role of animal research in the study, and offer insights on how science is conducted.

BRAD is looking for more scientists to highlight, and encourage you to nominate an animal researcher you know (including postdoctoral fellows) using this sign-up link

or by reaching out to

Guidance is provided to scientists on how to shape their message for the public, and more information about the program is available upon request.

Congressional Neuroscience Caucus Briefing

Potential of Psychedelics in the Treatment of Psychiatric Diseases: A Long, Strange Trip Toward Future Therapy

On September 21, 2022, the American Brain Coalition (ABC) and ACNP in cooperation with Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) hosted a virtual Congressional Briefing, Potential of Psychedelics in the Treatment of Psychiatric Diseases: A Long, Strange Trip Toward Future Therapy.

The briefing examined the role psychedelic drugs are playing in addressing psychiatric illness, including substance use disorders. The briefing also discussed barriers to research with psychedelic compounds. Opening remarks were provided by Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), the moderator was Mark Rasenick, Ph.D., Vice Chair, American Brain Coalition, and speakers included Nora Volkow, M.D., National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Marcus Capone, founder and chair of VETS Inc., and Rachel Yehuda, Ph.D., Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Click here to view the recording of the briefing.

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  • December 4-7, 2022: ACNP 61st Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona
  • January 12, 2023: ACNP Annual Meeting Evaluation / CME Certificate
  • Early May 2023: Submissions of overall proposals by chairs (Panels, Mini-Panels, and Study Groups Deadline

Council Minutes

Did you know that all of the Council Minutes are placed on the ACNP Website in the Member's Only section?

Please click here and log-in to read the Council Minutes from 2022 and previous Council Minutes to stay informed on Council discussions and decisions. 

Employment and Grant Opportunities

To see a list of new employment and grant opportunities in the field of neuropsychopharmacology, please click below:

Employment Opportunities
Grant Opportunities

To see a list of upcoming meetings in the field of neuropsychopharmacology, click here.

ACNP Staff Spotlight

Top Ten Things You Likely Did Not Know About Ciana Centurion, Member Services Manager

  1. I am the oldest of four.
  2. I am a first-generation Cuban American.
  3. My first language was Spanish even though both my parents spoke fluent English.
  4. I modeled in magazine spreads as a baby.
  5. I graduated from Vanderbilt University with a double major in Philosophy and Political Science.
  6. I have been on multiple cross-country road trips.
  7. I went bobsledding in Jamaica.
  8. I swam with stingrays in the Cayman Islands.
  9. I have glass blown a ruffle bowl.
  10. My favorite music groups are both from Sweden – ABBA and Swedish House Mafia.

For a full listing of the ACNP Staff in the Executive Office, click here.

The American College of Psychiatrists Winter Awards

The American College of Psychiatrists honors leaders in mental healthcare by recognizing those individuals responsible for advancing psychiatry through their service, research, clinical work, and educational activities. The following awards are presented during the Annual Meeting; after reviewing the descriptions, we encourage you to visit the College Website for more information about the Awards, including nomination guidelines and listings of past recipients.  

Deadline for 2024: January, 5, 2023

The Award for Leadership in Child, Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatry recognizes an individual who has made sustained and substantial contributions to child, adolescent and young adult mental health as evidenced by leadership in scholarly contributions, clinical service, education, and/or advocacy efforts. In addition to receiving a grant and a certificate, the awardee delivers a featured lecture at the Annual Meeting.

The Award for Research in Geriatric Psychiatry is given to an individual who has contributed to advances in geropsychiatry. In addition to receiving a grant and a certificate, the awardee delivers a featured lecture at the Annual Meeting. 

The Stanley Dean Award for Research in Schizophrenia honors an individual or a group that has made a major contribution to the understanding and treatment of schizophrenic disorders. In addition to receiving a grant and a certificate, the awardee delivers a featured lecture at the Annual Meeting. 

The Award for Research in Mood Disorders is given to an individual who has advanced the understanding and treatment of mood disorders. In addition to receiving a grant and a certificate, the awardee delivers a featured lecture at the Annual Meeting.


To learn more about these honors, or to nominate a colleague, please visit The College website:

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