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February 2023

Governor Pritzker's State of the State and Budget Address

Earlier today, Governor Pritzker delivered his first state of the state and budget address of his second term. The Governor's budget proposal is the first step in a process where lawmakers and leadership of the state agencies will work together to formulate the fiscal year 2024 budget. The new budget would go into effect on July 1, 2023. Read the full transcripts from the Governor's address, here.

Gov Pritzker Budget in Brief

Governor Pritzker’s proposed GRF spending for next (2024) fiscal year is $49.642 billion, a $349 million decrease. 

Governor Identified Key Investment Priorities for FY 24:

✓Early Childhood Education (Birth to Age 5) ✓K-12 Education

✓Higher Education

✓Social Service Programs

✓Public Safety and Violence Prevention 

✓Economic Development and Infrastructure 

✓Environmental and Cultural Resources

Department of Human Services

FY24 Proposed Budget: $13.435 billion All Funds, $6.344 billion General Funds

✓ Provides over $2 billion for services for people with developmental disabilities (DD) in support of the Ligas consent decree.

  • The FY24 budget proposes a nearly $200 million increase to support these services, including:
  • $63.1 million to implement an accelerated timeline of changes following the Guidehouse rate recommendations beginning January 1, 2024, including a $1.50 per hour increase for Direct Service Providers (DSP) and regionalization of rates for Day Services.
  • $56.7 million to annualize the cost of FY23 Guidehouse rate increases
  • $26 million is included for continued compliance with the Ligas Consent Decree including $12 million to annualize FY23nplacements and $14 million for 700 new placements
  • $19.3 million to increase staffing by 330 at state DD facilities
  • $27.6 million to adjust for the SSI increase of 8.9% for Home and Community Based Waiver

✓ Includes Home Illinois, the Governor’s initiative to address homelessness additional funds for shelter diversion, emergency and transitional housing and scattered site supportive housing.

✓ $50 million increase to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, including funds to increase the monthly grant payment from 30% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL) to 40%.

✓ Funds the Children’s Behavioral Health Transformation with $10 million for Comprehensive Community Based Youth Services (CCBYS) expansion and $1.5 million for a care intake portal.

✓ Funds the Home Services Program with an additional $30.8 million to address growing caseloads and $10 million to support the Paid Leave For All Workers Act within the program.

✓ Supports mental health through a $32.5 million increase for forensic inpatient and outpatient services and support of the Williams and Colbert consent decrees.

Other relevant funding:

Illinois Department of Public Health

  • $3 million for the Equity and Representation in Health Care Workforce loan repayment and scholarship programs
  • $2 million to confront the social and environmental factors that contribute to health and racial inequality
  • $2 million for mental health training for front-line workers in the pediatric field

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

  • Directs funding over several years to preserve and grow the healthcare workforce, focusing on Medicaid providers and providers in rural areas and other underserved areas of the state - $450 million

Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs

  • Partnered with DHS to develop a program to assess the mental health needs of Illinois veterans and implement strategies to create a positive impact on the veteran community

Department of Juvenile Justice

FY24 Proposed Budget: $137.9 million All Funds, including $124.9 million General Funds 

  • Supports additional funding of $2.4 million for community providers to offer youths more services
  • Includes $3.6 million for IYC-Lincoln to become fully operational in 2024

ACMHAI Member Featured in Local News Article

‘Sad, scary, frustrating:’ Gaps exist in southwestern Illinois mental health care

Belleville News Democrat

February 14, 2023 - Cindy Gregorian was suddenly thrust into the mental health system in southwestern Illinois when her sister got sick. The Belleville native said it felt like walking into a pitch black room and feeling around to understand where to begin. She made calls, sent emails and drove to offices as far as 350 miles from her home in Kansas City to get answers about what help was available. “It’s just been kind of a nightmare,” Gregorian said. “… I feel like I’m smart enough — not that I’m extremely smart, but I’m smart enough — that I should be able to work the system better.”

Click here to read the full article or copy and paste:

ACMHAI Honors Rep. Jay Hoffman

The Association of Community Mental Health Authorities of Illinois presented Representative Jay Hoffman with the 2022 Legislator of the Year Award. The award was presented to Representative Hoffman by ACMHAI member Dana Rosenzweig, Executive Director, and Board Member John Kernan of the St. Clair County Mental Health Board at his district office in Belleville. Read press release


The ACMHAI April Membership Meetings will be held on April 13 and 14, 2023. The meetings will be held at the Wyndam City Centre Hotel located at 700 E. Adams Street, Springfield, IL. More information on the best practice speakers and registration details coming soon.

The ACMHAI group room rate is $129.00/night for a King or 2 Queen size room. Members should book their hotel room directly with the hotel. More information or to book your hotel room online, click here.

Welcome to new ACMHAI Members!

We are pleased to announce the recent addition of two new ACMHAI members:

  • Community Foundation of Grundy County
  • Proviso Township Mental Health Commission

Updated 708/553/377 Map

ACMHAI is pleased to present the latest map reflecting the new mental health boards that were approved during November 2022 elections. To view the map, click here.

ACMHAI Committee Meetings

  • Legislative Committee: February 21 at 9:00 am (note: leg com meetings are now on 3rd Tuesday of every month during session)
  • Membership Committee: February 28 at 10:00 am
  • I/DD Committee: March 14 at 10:00 am
  • Children's Behavioral Health: March 23 at 10:00 am
  • Medicaid Committee: TBD

CoP Crisis Response Monthly Discussion Group

  • Monday, March 20th at 12:00 pm
Visit our Events Calendar

Professional Development Webinars

Don't miss our March 21 Webinar on Peer Parent Support with Regina Crider, Founder of Youth and Family Alliance. Click here to download the flyer.

Register Today!


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